Ad 1191 ES (Published October 20, 2016)10641520 OE OCTWRE 11115 E LIIIJEVOHEFAI.J.COM elNueriIlereld Locales 7A F1 OFFICIAL SAMPLE BALLOT BOLETA OFICfAL DE MUESTRA ECHANTIYON BILTEN VDT OFISYEL SPECIAL ELECTIONS MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 8, 2015 ELECCIONESEBPECIALES MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA B DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2014 ELEKSYON ESPESYAL MIAMI BEACH. FLORID 8 NOVANM 2015 TO VOTE, COMPLETELY FILL IN THE OVAL 1111 NEXT TO YOUR CHOICE. • Uso only a black or blue pun. • If you make a Inistaka, don't honilalo ter ask for a now balled. If you era %e or rfrakn Illhor Irlarks, your wile may not count. PARA VOTAR, RELLENE COMPLETAMENTE EL O VALO OD UBICADO JUNTO A SU SELECCION. • Ulilico nolo un bollgralo du lima nugra a azul. • Si CI1r11H10 un error, no dud* on Rt1110ltar Una nuawa hr Ia Si untod burro n hacu rrlraas marcas, on pooiblo quo no so cuont0 su VOIO. PM VOTE, RANPLI OVAL LA OKQNPLE IP AKOTE. CHWA W FE A. • Itilizo sAlrnan plirn nwo oswabtu. • Si w IA yon ert4, paozilo iriannle yon nrrUylr hlllon *C4. Si w oiasu [)ma 11i okonn 1(11 mak, Vile 11u lot 1,a kflnlo. lot9 City Code Session 2-159[ Establish Addklonal Exception m Prohibition on Lobbying by Cliy Board Members City Lode :Motion 2 -419 prohibits 0ity hoard mrmhnrs and Moir assnrir.es from IoblMng City rorrwnncl and roaencios. Should rhis s,,crion he amr,ndod to include an exCandon allowing land ors. board [Board of Ashu:slmerr20 ea . I leview hound. Fi tooro Pr doer v1Uw, loo out Portal u' Ai chilecly; told Planning Booed) members who pre strobile Io or 1undsonms wchilocty to lobby City perewnr1*1 raid wend. on 'pond develwrner4 app" £Mons, except for ep0ICa0Ons Wore the bored on 1N1Idi 11104 serve?' Seoddn 2-459 del Cddlpo do 111 Ciudad: Esleblocar ens •KOOpo16n adlelone' 1 le preeelblden de el Ml deo Dor naambros do lad dims de le Ciudad La. SecCidre 2 150 del 00dig0 de le Ciudad prohibe a IOU miernbro0 de Ias hintaa de I Ciudad y A sus col ebuadores la nrpcdce del cobi'deo oon et personal y lea Ogenoiaa de 10 Owl.. 2,0ebera enmerdore es*a se£ddn do modo de krcllJlr Ilea excepd0n quo permits a los miembros de lab 'pintas sabre el use d0 los terronos (Junta d0 MadPl£ac16n, Jura de Dialuad6n de. NI sends Junta de Conslrya.ldn HIM rl£a, Panel de ArgpAO(AOSy Junta de Ranifi,2Cienl, y grim span anryitnoto6 o 0r[Wi1nc1ga rat Miraaa, la 20800oa dr I cabildon con 01 pereo1W1 y 116 agnngi as do la Ciudad on cu2nto a solirit, dos. de rrbenitac'on d0 lfrrence, can ex4Oalcl0n de 'as soB21rydespresenr0dus UWMM IO junta err IO We Was prealwl Berri ciao Seksyon 2-459 Ked Vi1 to: Esabil Eksepsyon Adisyonel rran Entidlkayon you Margin KOnsiy V11 le Fe Loral Snkyan 2-450 4084 811 1a rnledi pan manor ken ,1y V8 Le ak eaayr yea fn Iah1 kat pnaen0I ek slats VII 110. C dice so pall ye amande asksayon aa-a you 11 ankle yon rkanp4yon i,1 p#mM manor kan*Ny pod 14119, nn 091 1S01.,8y Ali tam wr, Sgnsey I terisyciti ewer, Sun ay 1're2O,o *yoo Ifor Sr, IW 21 Achitek, 240 Konsey Hsuilikubyorrl ki 0e 8chil4k Oop, 2cheek Olden you Yo le IOUs kOt nab n81040 Clans Vi1Woes! 1011kGyon tune/minim Oren, eksepte you spllkasyon doyen konsey 20x.2 y apt SW 0? i J YE JIOIPA6 246 C J I14021OJ100N 240 Lobbyists' emuel disclosure of eryandltu res./comp ousel Ion City Code Sedan 2-905 requires that lobbyists file annual statements holing al bobbyfng expenditures and compensation recelyed Ear the preceding calendar year regarding each Issue the labbyisl was argagrar150.04rby, such 8La*nrmra In ran 4101 mrnn 111hnrn mum Fro F..I, espenrih,rns or crrryrrrasstim. Sha1F Ibis Coda fraction 1241 amm,*Lxl In pa-vtktr Mal anneal stalrvmres nro,d rue bn 11110'1 by r,hhyists it 11wre bane been red mole experelitutos rend wrrprn wiser driru ore eel. tiIxt reared? Diva Igoe ion enroll de gestosfmmpensecidn de los cebiideros La 2ocoion 2-405 dial C 0di go do 1 &Ciudad edge quo Ios Csbi1 deros rr0000102 10s osidd4s an Dohs de [Odo2loo gaups y mom ponsacl0 n po r corncepta de rab0dao. radbid24, d uram0 1148108 c8end area anterior, dotal' undo coda usurp+ &ordo40 par e' cutr1dero. cuyee e:twlusdeten presenlu,ue oungue 00 haga hvbido uuulos o pwryeresdidre. &Debora mmwreicv se ester se0nWn dal C)Jrlirx, rte errxir*7e smear rate kmurbkleer, no ten pan qua presemar loo estados annulus sl no hen [unklodlchos f,Lasl000 ccnpansac1n darenla el porlpda aa0Ia adp7 Dellpasyon anye' dspenslpoman lablyl1 yo •eksyon 2- 10 5 1200 811 la eOPJle p0u IOay12 yo scum et deklarasyon 10420' k' bay Its tent depart%yO r8 ak polio yo resewla nen to 'oral 808 One elmanak II tell pass -a you Chat[ Mayon yo as enplWaye IpbMs 'a pall' Pe mu II, rkaklaraayrrn aa-arams weenie naeryn al par pen ankmn reopens nl pwrem tense. fake as pre ynarrnnrts sakrayon KaNd AA. pole gnwm pew 1009/1s ass pa lxuwwn renrrnat rfeklarasynn anypl yn F.1 poi gon d- a r,1d1 rumen In-nsa pandas prrryYul rapheY? -. - fF5,o91106 240 . --) 1,':'ialt fhri 4 217 `NOTE THAT the Miami Beach City Commission withdrew the Straw Ballot Question regarding alcohol regulations for Ocean Drive between 54 — 150 Streets. Although the yueslitln will animal- nn the ballot, a Ma [.asp txi thn Ip1Hxlirin will not count. •NOTE QUE Iii Jr0 ram 110 211r,JIOiISO 11ti Mfarot arier:h rollrrl 18 p)rr1puHS10 11H 1Y]rl1JHU papuler Rip vflf {)r /urldfC:0 coo r02p0C10 a rrllljyr1Jl rhos 0110ror h *hifpkti nirmbe'llicfr% pars Qrllari Driver 821re) !as 0all886 5 y 15. Armoury 110 prnpluusfe apla404110014 en 1a 01Jf11la, od vuubo 0fnl!ld° soling A8la cut's!1r'j0 no arriving. 1 Adrlsory, Non•binding Straw SWUM Question Alcohol regaled ions for Ocean Drive between sal -10th Sheers ;? nerild Mr Mayor and City f.nmmif -eion adopt an Ordin anon stopping ma 'Al.' and nonnenpxi on of 01002011c bovorves at 7:[141 a.m., Merciful of 1:410 am., for alcoholic 2MMag0 n0tab'ithmerrll looted on OCOan Drive between rah and 1 bth Streets t'mepr for indodr portions of al coharr Lever .s:le estobIishroer404 t2l oft WriOnEriv en0200ed and Ioorded Untruly within hotels? P101100 to de sanders popular sin ra10r lurfdlco Reglementos so bre beraidas elooh pikes pare Ocean Urine entre Ies ca1Ies 5 y 15 4)1020rter e' Al made y lo t:oini:i0n de lo Ciu4Jod Mocks urte ordenpntp Sue deterrgu'overdo y e' ...Irmo she bdbidae olcohd1icas Alas 2100 G. re, on ape de I22 5201? o re., en 101 oslpblemimientos donde 10 vend en y Coflsumen betides al£ohd9£as ubi£ados en O£ern Drive, entre las callers 0 y 15, con e2Cepddn de las Peas de los Ostetd 0£Imlentos en las quo se yendon y 0Dnsumen bobldas alcohdlICas pug est401 complete y relaImnnto annadan y ulJredas drntr0 do pan barrios? Konen Gondol, Sen Angalnaery pen Mende Kansiy Rigleman sou allr4l pair Ocean Drive ark syem Street Elk 15yim Street Fsko Mej ra-a-a ak kom'Ryon V "a dwo ad actin yon (Morons ki Fi Filann rani ak 110naoma1ybn bam6On al 20 "k 0 2:00 rani moon, 012240 5:00 nen moon, con . #+IiNnan bwapon a&ol'k V 6204 00020 {hrva? yo 8m 040* epee'. irk 15y#rri Street, eksePAe pdsyon ki orindarr ebb 1R110.11 2vuson p4k4Gk ki lOnen kyn4'e4radn ca. siby0 045r0min anndpn label gory f.—.) YEO/OIPAI 2b0 r=-1 RO/N0 /020 251 AU 1191