DS-DE9 r- STATE OF FLORIDA APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF'CAM'~AfGN DEPOSITORY Eq~~ DII;)AJ'.E.S", (s'eC'tidn1 o6)~oi1i(1 );: F ;S~ , . ~ .~- C 1 ~'"'\ ::- . (PLEASE TYPE)' 1,,_ CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX fZl Original Appointmen~- o Deputy Treasurer o Reappointment of Tr~asursr o Secondary Depository,..... -,.' 'I \-7"1 1. Address (include post office box or street, city, state,ozip cod~) ....., - (_$...1 J8ot'ef-- PO J3cx: -40:5'843 _JI E r:t 3~~ (;' 2. Party (Partisan candidates only) 3. Office (add district, circuit or group numbel) 1"1/ A- l ~ .IN'f3eclC'."I:wL,, Name of Candidate I have appointed the following person to act as my W Campaign Treasurer D Deputy Treasu'er 4. Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer i51l( _lLart-//U/7 d30Kt 5. Mal 'ng Address (if post office box or drawer add street address) ? (),fla fo3f5+3 7. City ../i(j-4jlf' t taC~ ./-1 t3 .;;:t 3 3 / -'/ () 8. County ""Ita,tlt' !)xl d< 6. Telephone Q(i;V<;:;1"3-:372 C 9. State 7t 10. Zip Code 33i L/ G I have designated the following named bank as my o Primary Depository o Secondary Depe1sit )ry 11. Name of Bank 1l H 1.--c1'l Ca 'U. U;.5 fJa'~ 12. Street Addr~ i 23--4 ~it 1 we tz~ A~t:. 13. City ../ 14. County vtl tJ,Q ~tJ~ : q:O dL- . .1 jUz-eU,Lf ciil / I WILL NOTIFY YOU OF ANY ADDITIO S OR CHANGES TO THESE APPOINTMENTS. 17. Sign<;!~ure of Candida~ (-- , , ' ,'---- ---r X ..J.. -.;...... . .....: -r-<:\, ,'1 i u "/'\' : - - '- ---- \......./ 15. State r:rt 16. Zip Ceode 6'3 j-:3 ~ ~ Date ,') -"1 '" .', ,'""- - f'''' "- - ,~..>-- I, ~-sC--~<Z , Campaign Treasurer's Acceptance of Appointment ~t~C1.r€i:/,tt~tfbofl b . do hereby accept the appoin1mE nt as "- (please Print or Type) Q'Campaign Treasurer 0 Deputy Treasurer for the campaign of who is seeking nomination or election as a ,AliA ilLo"'''~ ....-1 l..\UI \.J ~'eSk[ ....i\{Qr'f-tlolt~ i!x l.it L '- -' candidate to the I)ffi ;e of (Party) As a duly registered voter in \~.oj'I" jiJ.,(,I,;' "j 1I(.~ ...\.It:; WU .,L '- County, Florida, I am qualified to accept this appointment. ~ ;.-- X ..... ~'-' '.- Signature'Of Campa~gn Treasurer or Deputy TreasL reI -- ~' ::.~--- Date OS-DE 9 (Rev. 11/95) -, ".- .-''\ -- " I r n '.. : ,..~._~ -~ : \ j L-: "p' .'~ ,.', r""" r 1'1 ~; ~ 11.'1 a. ~ 0 ~'i:-} ;.:' ::' .(, -4 ,"::.i ..;- J STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE ..,.'... : :.:~~Ir= (Section 106.023, F.S.) ,.'1 ".c.,,:, ,; L.I I ut.. (PLEASE TYPE) I, L" tSI~i _ti Qrft 'tAt.:f' /3oilt L "-- '---' candidate for the office of __Cl.-u L{C r c.J .' -' have received, read and understand the requirements of Chapter 10Ei, Florida Statutes. X 11--:!,; <:'"/1)1 /~c , .~ ,/ T! /'r ,', ..,/:r/('" , , . ' I,~~.>" _, <'--Signature clCandidate A~? ~:: ,~-: I I I I I ,. -~ _, Date Each candidate must file a statement with the qualifying officer within 10 days after he files his Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository. Willful failure to file this form is a first degree misdemeanor and a civil violation of the Campaign Financin~:J Act which may result in a fine of up to $1,000, (ss. 106.19(1)(c), 106.265(1), Florida Statutes). '_If OS-DE 84 (Rev. 11/95)