Robert Parcher's letter May 7, 1999 Ms. Leslie Martinez-Botet P.O. Box 403843 Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Dear Ms. Botet: Pursuant to our conversation on Tuesday, May 4th, I am following up on your first five (5) questions: 1) Does each page of the petition need to be notorized? The answer is No. 2) Are petitions in Spanish accceptable? No. {It is the recommendation of this office that if you wish to have Spanish language, it should be included with the English language petition). 3) Who pays the 10 cents required by Miami-Dade County Election to verify voters signatures? The City of Miami Beach is not obligated to pay the 10 cents. This is between the candidates and Miami-Dade County Elections. 4) Can a candidate collect petition signatures and submit his/her petition to the City Clerk's office prior to qualifying? The candidate can collect signatures prior to qualifying, however according to Miami Beach City Charter, Section 6.03 "....unless such person shall file with the City Clerk (petition) no later than the second day for qualifying....". 5) Can a candidate qualify by paying the qualifying fee and submitting petitions? The answer is No. If you have additional questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, ~f~ Robert Parcher, City Clerk REP:ses 05/12/99 1.2:.2.J. "a' ......... CMB LEGAL DEPT !4J 001 , .. ~ ALTERNATIVE METHOD PETITION (Sign Only ifSall1c Patty AlfllJalion;JN Candid:1le) (Seclion 99.()C,J5. f-'orida SI4l1UI~sl I ~.l R5 _ It j,; unl:1\11l'ul for ilny pc"",n In knowingly sign iI pelilion (lr pelilion" 1"r a p:u1kular j:<sue (lr c::Indidale Iflure Ihan one lime. Any per.:on violaling .he: provisions of (hi>. "'-"Clion sh;tll. upon l'\\nviclion. be guilty of a misdcmc:1I1(lr of lhe lir.<l tlc:;fC'.!:. puniwhle: :!Ii provi.Jc=d in s. 775.082. s. 77:i.OS3. elr S. 775.084. I. lhe undcrsig!1<.'<l. a re~islcrc:d l!:1..'ClUr in (1'1ea.o;c Print Name as it AppeJln; on Voccr I.D. ~rd) said Sl:Ile::and <:oUnty. petilion 10 have: fhe: nanlC of pUlccd on the Primal)' E1CC1ion Ballot as a c:andid31c of the Pnrty for.he of lice af .. (1lICludc Group or DiSlriCl Numberl J Zip Code '1 I I RC-"idcnce Addres.s Signalun: of V~r L 1,- City County Stile J_ I J OR I / / Dale: Signed' DNa Signee's Vow Regi~nlljoD No. / Dalc of 8inh / IS THIS A CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR VOTER REGISTRATION? DS-DE 16 (1IJ9S1 DYES ALTERNATIVE METHOD PETITION (Sisn Only if Same Puty Affiliation llS C3ndid31e) (Section 99.095. Florida SllltUa:s) 104..185 -It i~ unlawful for any pason to knowingly 'i,p a pr::titiOD or pelition.~ for a pani~ulllr i$$UC or GlU1didatc mon: than one rime.. Any ~ viol.dn~ the provisions of this sa:tion shall. upon convicti011, be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. punishable as ~ in So 775-082. s.. 77.5.083. or s. 775.014, ~ I, the undersigne.d. a registered elector in (Please Prin[ lIIame a.~ it Appc:aD on Voter 1.1>. Cud) said stale: and county. petition to Mve: lhc name of placed on the Prim;uy EJection Ballol as a c:lndidal<: o( the: Party f 0/' the office of (Include Croup 0/' DiStrict Number) [ ~encc: Addn:ss I I I Signacul'C of Voter City County SClte I I Zip Code / /J lOR I Signee's \Ucr Rcgistr;lUon No. D8lCofBit1h / Date Sigoed DYES. 0 NO / IS THIS A CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR VOTER REGISTRATION? OS-OE 16 (11J9S)