DS-DE9 ,.. reCHECK APPROPRIATE BOX APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TR~SURE~~ Ofigi~l Tr~umr ~AN~.O~S~A~ON OF CAMPNGN DEPOS~ 3 3 ;~ ~ (P~E ~PE) Name of ~ndi~te 1. ~dress (include ~ ~i~ ~x or str~, c~, ~e, ~p ~e) Telephone (optional) 2. Pady (Pa~isan ¢andid~es only) 3. ~ce (add diuril, cimu~ or group num~) ( 305 ) 532-0034 ~A ~aTo; o~ Ht~t Seach I have appointed the foiling pe~n to ~ as my ~ ~m~ign Tr~surer ~ Dep~y Tr~urer 4. Name of Treasurer or Dep~ Tr~surer 5. Mailing Addr~s (If ~t office ~x or d~er add*~r~ address) 6. Teleph~e 2525 Elemt~go ~lece, H1emi ~each, ~lo~lda 33~0 305-532-580~ 33~40 Ihave. d~ign.~ the foll~ing named ~nk as my I ~1 Prima. Dep~o. ~ S~nda. Dep~o~ 11. Name of ~nk 12. Str~ Address B~K OF ~RICA 407 LINCOLN RO~ 13. City 14. ~un~ 15. S~e 16. Zip ~e ~aml ~e=ch ~am~DAde E[o=~da 33140 /~ / I ~LL NOTI~ YOU OF ANY ~DITIONS OR CHANGES TO THESE APPOINTMENTS. ( D~e V v Campaign Treasumffs Acceptance of Appointment l, Yaffa Dermer , do hereby a~ept th~p~m~ ~ ~m~ignTr~urer~ ~ Dep~Tr~surer forthe~m~ign~ ~d ~e~e~ who is seeing nomination or el~n as a ~Non~lsan) ~ndid~ ~o~ o~ ~am~ ~each - ~ a duly r~i~ered ~er in County, Florida, I am qualifi~ to ~t this ap~in~ent. / , D.e /S,~.u].~ ~m.i,n Tr.surer or ~p~ Tr.surer DS-DE g (Rev. 11195)