DS-DE 9 STATE OF FLORIDA A~,~I~t~"OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND bESIGN.~,II~IN:QF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY (PLEASE TYPE) IName of Candidate  /ECK APPROPRIATE BOX Original Appointment [~ Deputy Treasurer [] Reappomtment of Treasurer [-'] Secondai'y Dep~i~o'~;r~ Address (include post office box or street, city,~'~,~te;~z~p Telephone (optional) 2. Party (Partisan c~andidates only) I 3. Office (add district, circuit or group nuhlber) I have appointed the following person to act as my ~"'~ampaign Treasurer U Deputy Treasurer 4. Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer 5. Mailing Address (If post office box or drawer add street address) I have designated the following named bank as my 6. Telephone 9. State I 10. Zip Code Primary Depository I J Secondary Depository 11. Name of Bank 13. City 17. Signature of Candidate~P'~'~'~'~ ~l/~ '~,~1 Date "/ Campaign Treasurer's Acceptance of Appointment (Please Print or Type) [ Ca~paign Treasurer [~ Deputy Treasurer for the campaign of who is seeking nomination or election as a ,,Z.?~'. (Pa~ty) ~ ~/,5'~,C~,,'~',,~'~=,,~ -- ~',~',,~ ~'(~'~.~As a d¥1y registered voter in , do hereby accept the appointment as candidale to the office of County. Flodda, I am qualified to accept this appointment. UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S ACCEPTANCE OF APPOINTMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED ARE TRUE. Date SignatUre of Campaign Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer DS-DE 9 (Rev. 11/01)