Declaration for Candidacy r . DECLARATION RECEIVED FOR CANDIDATES COVERED BY THE :MANDATORY PROVISION OF THE ETmCAJ.cAMPATGNPRACTIC.ESORDINANCE 03 FES '9 AM 11: 26 The mandatory practices of Ethical Campaign Practices Ordinance automaticalll~~ff{ K 'S 0 F FIe E ' candidates and their respective campaign stafts tor th~ Miami-Vade County Commission or Mayor; candidates and their respective campaign staffs for the Mi~i-Dade County and Rescue Service Diatngt BoArd; OQ11didatefl and their respective campaign staffs tOr Miami-Dade Community Councils and candidates and their respective campaign staffs for any elective municipal elective office in Miami-Dade County. Furthermore, any candidate for public office in Miami-Dade County as described in the preceding sentence may at any time declare that he or she agrees to abide by the Statement of Fair Campaign Practices. I, ~ ~ . ~ ,~tJ ~)'C>1 > a candidate for the office of & -~ 1<."0 , I1grc~ lu auhle by tb.-:: voluntary fair campaign practices as provided in Section 2-11.1.1 (0)(1), of the Code of Miami-Dade County and recognize as . . compulsory the jurisdiction of the Ethics Conunission. I further agree that the Ethics Commigsion will have the authority to c1ecicle whether T have violated the statement of fair campaign practices and, if a violation is found. the Ethics Commission has the authority to impose the appropriate penalty, if any. ~ II I I I I 3. I will condemn any appeal to prejudice based on racet creed. national origin, religiop.. gender. physical qisability or sexual orientation. 4. I shall not without just cause attack or question my opponent's patriotism. I II I I , I I The Statement of Fair Campaign Practices is enumerated below: 1. I shall not make my fo.oe, religion, national origin, gendor, physical disability or sexual orientation an issue in my campaign. 2. 1 shall not make my opponents' race, religion. national origin, gend~r. physical disability or sexual orientation an issue in my campaign. s. I shall not publish. display or circulate any anonymous campaign literature or political l'Ic1vertisement. I 6. I shall not tolerate my supporters engaging in these activitit:S which I condemn nor shall I accept their continued support lfthey engage in such activities. I will not permit any member of my campaign organization to engage in these activities and will immediately and publicly repudiate the support of any other inC1jviOlllll or group, which resorts to the methods and tactics I condemn. I 7. I shall run a positive campaign emphasizing my q~ifications for office and position on issues of public concern. I I I C-I,nrJr,...nr'" TD'7T COD7/~T/T~ I . - II . II . 8. I Wi111Ullit my attack5 on an opponent to legitimate challenges to that person's record, qualifications, and positions. 9, I will neither use nor permil the use of malicious untrUths or innuendoes about an opponetlt's personal life. nor win I make or condone wfounded accusations discrediting that person's credibility. 10. I will take peT!ilnnal re!;,ponsibility for appro~ or diSi"'"OVlring the substance of attacks on my opponent that may come from third parties supporting my candidacy. 11. I will not use or permit the use of campaign material that falsifies, distorts. or misrepresents facts. Once the declaration is signed it is deemed irrevocable for the duration of the campaign. ~ ~./;,<i .~3 ~~~ pLEASE Fll.E A COpy OF THIS 'FORM wmI THE MIAMI-DADE COMMISSION ON ETBlCS ANO PTffiT.Ie: TRUST AND THE MIAMI-DADE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS. Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics 19 West Flagler Street Suite 220 Miami. FL 33130 Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections 111 N.'V. 1" Street 19m Floor Miami, FT. 33128 L9/e:9 39'Qd ::nH13 NO NOISSIWWro 404 ELZB6L999E lB:Zt E99Z/Et/t9