LTC 035-2019 List of Projects Covered by the Cone of Silence Ordinance MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov LTC # 035-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION To: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of he City C mission From: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Date: January 17, 2019 Subject: List of Projects Covered by the Con of Silence Ordinance In an effort to disseminate information to elected officials and City staff relative to projects that are covered by the requirements of the City's Cone of Silence Ordinance, following is a list of all current solicitations (i.e., Invitation for Bids ("Bids"), Request for Proposals (RFPs), and Request for Qualifications (RFQs), that, to date, are covered by the ordinance. Please note that the Cone of Silence is in effect from the date the solicitation is advertised, as indicated below, through date of award by the City Commission. Solicitation Date Number Advertised Document Title Department and Issued ITN-2017-015-JC 7/27/2017 Managed Print Services Information Technology Design, Build, Operate and Maintain Water, Wastewater and Stormwater RFP-2018-233-KB 6/12/2018 Supervisory Control and Data Public Works Acquisition (SCADA) & Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) ITB-2018-300-ZD 8/3/2018 Cameras and License Plate Reader Police (LPR)- Prequalification ITB -2018-232-ZD 8/13/2018 Waterproofing - Traffic Coating Property Services for Parking Garage Decks Management RFP-2018-316-WG 9/14/2018 Beachwide Food Trailer Program TCED Automated Meter Reading/Advanced RFP-2019-021-ND 10/18/2018 Metering Infrastructure (AMR/AMI) Public Works System RFQ-2019-016-KB 10/19/2018 Surveying and Mapping Services Public Works RFQ 2019-047-WG 11/14/2018 Gymnastics Program Instructional Parks and Services Recreation 1/17/2019 Development of the Collins Park Artist Housing and RFP 2019-099-KB (Tentative) Workforce Housing Project Community Services Architectural and Engineering Design Capital RFQ 2019-085-KB 1/17/2019 Services for Sabrina Cohen Improvement (Tentative) Foundation Adaptive Recreation Projects Center P a 12 Solicitation Date Number Advertised Document Title Department and Issued RFQ-2019-084-ND 1/18/2019 Economic Development Consultant TCED (Tentative) Services 1/18/2019 Development of the Barclay Workforce Housing and RFP 2019-098-KB Community (Tentative) Housing Project Services 1/18/2019 Development of a Mixed-Use Project Tourism, Culture RFP 2019-100-KB (Tentative) with Cultural Component and Economic Develo•ment Please note that ITBs, RFPs, ITNs, and RFQs are being issued on a daily basis. Therefore, it is recommended that you or your staff view the list of projects under the Cone of Silence on a regular basis. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. JLM/MT/ DME/KB/ND F:\PURC\ ALL\REPORTS\Monthly Reports\FY2019\Cone of Silence\Cone of Silence-January 17 2019.docx