NO. LTC# 055-2019
TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members the City ( •mmission
FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
DATE: January 30, 2019
The Parking Department received revenue from different sources outlined in the categories listed
below. In addition, only selected recurring expenses associated with the parking garages are reported
November November Monthly November November
I.On/Off Metered Spaces* 2017 2018 Variance 2017 YTD 2018 YTD YTD Variance
On/Off Metered Spaces $ 2,246,803 $ 2,072,574 $ (174,229) $ 4,281,397 $ 4,228,990 $ (52,407)
Total Metered Spaces $ 2,246,803 $ 2,072,574 $ (174,229) $ 4,281,397 $ 4,228,990 $ (52,407)
*These amounts include revenue from Parkmobile Transactions
Meter Revenue: Meter revenue is composed of both single space and multi space meters on the
streets and in lots as well as multi space meters located inside the City Hall and 42nd Street Garages.
Meter revenue variances are driven by many variables which include, but are not limited to, road and
sidewalk construction, closed streets and site of events held in the City. Also, the proliferations of
Transportation Network Entities (TNE) such as Uber and Lyft have impacted parking demand citywide.
Unfortunately, TNE impact is difficult, if not impossible to quantify due to it being proprietary data.
When compared to prior year, there was a decrease in meter revenue due to timing differences in the
recording of surface lot lease payments.
November November Monthly November November
II.Enforcement** 2017 2018 Variance 2017 YTD 2018 YTD YTD Variance
M-D Parking Violation $ 251,072 _ $ 198,692 $ (52,380) $ 466,828 $ 414,877 $ (51,951)
Towing 45,360 _ 41,350 (4,010) 72,365 91,140 18,775
Right-of-Way Violation - 12,000 12,000 - 27,770 27,770
Total Enforcment $ 296,432 $ 252,042 $ (44,390) $ 539,193 $ 533,787 $ (5,406)
**These amounts include revenue for the month that had not yet posted.
Enforcement: The City receives a share of ticket citations for parking violations that occur in Miami
Beach and are collected by Miami-Dade County.
January 30, 2019
Letter to Commission
Parking Status Report-November, 2018
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November November Monthly November November
III.Off Street Facilities 2017 2018 Variance 2017 YTD 2018 YTD YTD Variance
17th Street Garage $ 440,552 $ 435,883 $ (4,669) $ 709,274 $ 1,020,128 $ 310,854
Pennsylvania Garage 104,891 60,157 (44,734) 185,211 164,538 (20,673)
Sunset Harbour Garage 80,345 87,134 6,789 145,047 178,442 33,395
City Hall Garage 29,538 44,459 14,921 60,423 105,513 45,090
7th Street Garage 202,436 182,987 (19,449) 377,158 381,178 4,020
12th Street Garage 71,866 64,998 (6,868) 118,019 118,346 326
13th Street Garage 161,094 149,865 (11,229) 297,001 298,748 1,747
42nd Street Garage 101,118 68,626 (32,493) 164,866 132,383 (32,483)
16th Street Garage 322,713 261,912 (60,801) 593,907 537,971 (55,936)
Total Garages $ 1,514,553 $ 1,356,021 $ (158,533) $ 2,650,907 $ 2,937,246 $ 286,339
November November Monthly November November
B.Joint Development* 2017 2018 Variance 2017 YTD 2018 YTD YTD Variance
5th and Alton Garage $ 39,186 $ 48,565 $ 9,379 $ 72,682 $ 98,980 $ 26,298
Total Joint Development $ 39,186 $ 48,565 $ 9,379 $ 72,682 $ 98,980 $ 26,298
*46%of total revenue which represents the City's pro-rata share pursuant to the Development Agreement
Garages: Revenues are composed of transient, monthly, and flat rate special event rates. Garage
revenue variances are driven by many variables which include, but are not limited to, special events,
weather, tourism, and maintenance. When compared to the prior year, there was a decrease in
parking garage revenues due to timing differences in the payment of monthly permits at the
Pennsylvania Avenue, 42nd street and 16th street Anchor garages.
5th and Alton Garage: The 5th and Alton Garage is a joint development (parking garage) with
the "Developer" (Edens) containing 1,080 parking spaces. The Developer and City own 54% and
46% of the parking spaces, respectively, and profit/loss is also shared in the same manner. The
City's revenue portion (46%) for the month of November is $48,565 resulting in total net gain of
$14,525. Pursuant to the Development Agreement, the City receives its proportionate share of profit or
must subsidize any loss. The City and Developer continue to jointly pursue initiatives to promote the
use of the garage. These initiatives include but are not limited to "after hours" flat rate parking; valet
parking storage; monthly parking; and strategically placed electronic signage directing users to the
facility. Future considerations include promotional rates for "after hours and park and ride options to
the entertainment districts.
November November Monthly November November
IV.Permit Sales 2017 2018 Variance 2017 YTD 2018 YTD YTD Variance
Municipal Monthly Permits $ 22,325 $ 10,191 $ (12,134) $ 47,357 $ 30,582 $ (16,775)
Valet&Sapce Rentals 306,930 265,205 (41,725) 601,060 573,142 (27,918)
Residential&Visitor Permits 276,064 68,483 (207,581) 346,853 137,559 (209,294)
Hotel Hang Tags 4,000 2,000 (2,000) 4,000 4,000 -
Total Permit Sales $ 609,318 $ 345,878 $ (263,440) $ 999,270 $ 745,283 $ (253,987)
Permit Sales:The sale of residential and visitor's virtual permits was introduced in fiscal year 2015,
allowing residents to purchase residential permits and visitor permits for their guests online. As part of
this program, in 2015, the Administration transitioned from set annual or semi-annual periods for
residential permit renewal by zone to renewal periods according to birth month (similar to vehicle
January 30, 2019
Letter to Commission
Parking Status Report-November, 2018
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registration renewals). This spread the purchase permit sales over all months versus a set month.
Additionally, before the transition to the new system, residents pre-purchased visitor hang tags from
our customer service center to be used at a later date. The new virtual permit system allows residents
to purchase a virtual visitor permit real time when needed. This eliminated the need to purchase
multiple (paper) permits and it too spread the purchase of the virtual visitor permits over all months
versus a set month. The virtual visitor permits are enforced using LPR technology. When compared to
the prior year, there was a decrease in permit sales due to a timing difference in the recording of
deferred revenues from year end.
November November Monthly November November
V.Preferred Lot 2017 2018 Variance 2017 YTD 2018 YTD YTD Variance
Preferred Lot $ - $ 64,250 $ 64,250 $ 50,000 _ $ 128,500 $ 78,500
Total Prefered Lot $ - $ 64,250 $ 64,250 $ 50,000 $ 128,500 $ 78,500
Preferred Lot:This lot is located in the front of the Convention Center, and variances are contingent
on convention center special events. This lot closed at the end of December 2015 to support the
Convention Center renovation project and eventual transition to a public meeting space. The increase
in revenue was due to contractual terms with the annual activation for Design Miami.
November November Monthly November November
VI.Miscellaneous _ 2017 2018 Variance 2017 YTD 2018 YTD YTD Variance
Miscellanous $ 46,628 $ 106,281 $ 59,652 $ 82,403 $ 157,468 $ 75,065
Total Miscellaneous $ 46,628 $ 106,281 $ 59,652 $ 82,403 $ 157,468 $ 75,065
Miscellaneous: This category consists of other accounts including a revenue share from Citibike,
advertising revenue, interest, etc. When compared to the prior year, there was an increase in
miscellaneous parking revenue due the expiration of Citibike profit sharing exemptions and fines
collected from Construction Parking Management Plan (CPMP) violations.
November November Monthly November November
VII.Pay by Phone 2017 1 2018 Variance 2017 YTD 2018 YTD YTD Variance
Transaction Fees
(Collected on behalf of
Parkmobile) $ 55,324 $ 66,312 $ 10,988 $ 109,930 $ 133,432 $ 23,502
Total Pay by Phone $ 55,324 $ 66,312 $ 10,988 $ 109,930 $ 133,432 $ 23,502
Parkmobile: The City Commission awarded Parkmobile to provide mobile payment application
service. Mobile payment application services provides enhanced functionality over the in-vehicle
parking meter. Miami Beach residents will continue to enjoy the resident discounted rate of$1 .00 per
hour in the South Beach and Middle East Beach areas; from $4.00 for on-street parking and $2.00
for off-street parking in South Beach, and $3.00 for on-street parking and $2.00 for off-street parking
in East Middle Beach. Moreover, Parkmobile will assess no transaction fees to Miami Beach residents
for pay by phone service. Parkmobile began services on May 12, 2014. The revenue shown above
represents the transaction fees collected by the City for non-resident transactions and remitted to
Parkmobile in the following month. The increase is directly linked to increased usage of the mobile
pay ent application service.
City of Miami Beach Parking Utilization Trend
Zone 8 Name Nov-17 Nov-18 Monthly Varince% November FY November FY YTD YTD
Variance 2018 YTD 2019 YTD Vaiance Variance%
South GI 7th Street 166,621 128,796 (37,825) -23% 327,444 254,577 (72,867) -22%
South G2 12th Street 50,581 46,511 (4,070) -8% 94,168 86,349 (7,819) -8%
South G3 13th Street 130,495 144,258 13,763 11% 255,769 275,822 20,053 8%
South G4 16th Street(Anchor) 211,362 198,145 (13,217) -6% 433,527 390,156 (43,371) -10%
South G5 17th Street 237,214 283,994 46,780 20% 418,431 637,273 218,842 52%
Middle G6 42nd Street 43,433 84,118 40,685 94% 81,754 161,444 79,690 97%
South G7 City Hall 12,258 13,750 1,492 12% 28,650 42,707 14,057 49%
South G8 5th&Alton* 12,388 10,452 (1,936) -16% 24,826 22,741 (2,085) -8%
South G9 Pennsylvania Avenue 36,581 21,754 (14,827) -41% 81,687 60,934 (20,753) -25%
South G10 Sunset Harbor 50,854 46,903 (3,951) -8% 99,844 91,488 (8,356) -8%
TOTAL GARAGES HOURS" 951,788 978,681 26,893 3% 1,846,100 2,023,491 177,391 10%
*The 5th&Alton Garage provides free parking for the first 2 hours of occupancy
**Parking garage rate increase went into effect in May 2018
Zone 8 Name Nov-17 Nov-18 Monthly Varince% November FY November FY YTD YTD
Variance 2018 YTD 2019 YTD Valance Variance
South P1 South Pointe 21,890 23,988 2,098 10% 42,442 48,680 6,238 15%
South P32 P-Lot' - - - 0% - - - 0%
Middle P71 46th&Collins 39,495 37,907 (1,588) -4% 77,968 73,474 (4,494) -6%
TOTAL LOT HOURS 61,385 61,895 510 1% 120,410 122,154 1,744 1%
*The P-Lot closed following Art Basel 2015 do to the renovation of the Miami Beach Convention Center
TOTAL ATTENDED PARKING HOURS 1,013,173 1,040,576 27,404 3% 1,966,509 2,145,645 179,135 9%
Nov-17 Nov-18 Monthly Varince% November FY November FY YTD YTD
Zane Variance 2018 YTD 2019 YTD Vaiance Variance%
South 202,567 174,548 (28,018) -14% 397,204 354,743 (42,461) -11%
Middle 87,639 89,736 2,098 2% 167,493 179,152 11,659 7%
North 63,197 62,369 (828) -1% 121,778 124,876 3,097 3%
TOTAL OFF-STREET HOURS 353,402 326,654 (26,748) -8% 686,475 658,771 (27,704) -4%
Nov-17 Nov-18 Monthly Varince% November FY November FY YTD YTD
zoneVariance 2018 YTD 2019 YTD Vaiance Variance%
South 300,664 298,691 (1,972) -1% 592,987 609,855 16,867 3%
Middle 52,021 58,036 6,015 12% 101,852 115,208 13,355 13%
North 40,400 43,109 2,710 7% 76,092 89,221 13,129 17%
TOTAL ON-STREET HOURS 393,084 399,836 6,752 2% 770,932 814,283 43,351 6%
Zone Nov-17 Nov-18 Monthly Varince% November FY November FY YTD YTD
Variance 2018 YTD 2019 YTD Vaiance Variance
Middle G6 42nd Street 169 102 (67) -40% 300 183 (117) -39%
South G7 City Hall 1,490 1,614 124 8% 3,104 5,125 2,021 65%
TOTAL GARAGE HOURS 1,660 1,717 57 3% 3,404 5,308 1,904 56%
TOTAL METERED PARKING HOURS 748,146 728,206 (19,939) -3% 1,460,811 1,478,362 17,551 1%
TOTAL ATTENDED&METERED HOURS 1,761,318 1,768,782 7,464 0% 3,427,320 3,624,006 196,686 6%
C:\Users\FINADikC\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\BB93CQR5\November-18 Monthly Parking Utilization Trend.xlsx