LTC 062-2019 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of February 11 - 15, 2019 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. 062-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City ommission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk / DATE: February 4, 2019 SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of February 11 - 15, 2019 Attached please find meetings noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of February 11 - 15, 2019 published on February 3, 2019. See Insertions on page (2) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.qov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. REG/cd Attachment We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live,work and play in our vibrant,tropical,historic community MEETING NOTICES February 11 - 15, 2019 MONDAY, February 11 3:30 p.m. Transportation,Parking, Parking Dept.2nd Floor Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Executive Conference Room Committee 1755 Meridian Avenue 5:00 p.m. Ad Hoc Anti-Bullying LGBTQ Visitor's Center Task Force 1130 Washington Avenue • 6:00 p.m. Power Walk&Talk 13"Street&Ocean Drive with Vice-Mayor Gongora& the Ocean Dr.Association 6:00 p.m. Hispanic Affairs Committee City Manager's Small Conf. Room,4"Floor,City Hall 6:00 p.m. Health Advisory Committee City Manager's Large Conf. Room,4"Floor,City Hall TUESDAY, February 12 7:30 a.m, Miami Beach Senior High School Media Center School PTSA 2231 Prairie Avenue 9:00 a.m. Marine and Waterfront City Manager's Large Conf. Protection Authority Room,4"Floor,City Hall 9:00 a,m. Historic Preservation Commission Chamber Board' 3`d Floor,City Hall 10:00 a,m, Miami Beach Employees' MBERP Pension Office Retirement Pension Board 1'FL.Breezeway,City Hall 1:00 p.m. LGBTQ Advisory Committee City Manager's Large Conf. Room,'4"Floor,City Hall 4:00 p.m. Human Rights Committee City Manager's Small Conf. Room,4"Floor,City Hall 4:30 p.m. Committee on the Homeless Housing&Comm.Services Conf.Room,555 17"Street ADDED 5:00 p.m. General Obligation Bond City Manager's Large Conf. Oversight Committee Room,4"Floor,City Hall 6:00 p.m. Palm View Historic First Floor Conference Room Neighborhood Meeting 10 FL.Breezeway,City Hall WEDNESDAY, February 13 8:30 a.m, City Commission/RDA/ Commission Chamber Presentations&Awards' 3`d Floor,City Hall 9:00 a.m. Biscayne Elementary Principal's Conference Rm. School PTSA 800 770 Street 9:30 a,m. Nautilus Middle School School Media Center PTSA 4301 N.Michigan Avenue THURSDAY, February 14 LOCATION CHANGE 9:30 a.m. Lincoln Road BID MB Community Church Executive Committee Hice Hall,1620 Drexel Av. 4:00 p.m. Mayor's 41'Street 400 Arthur Godfrey Road • Committee Iberia Bank,2nd Floor Conference Room FRIDAY, February 15 No Meetings Scheduled For any and/or all of the above meetings,one or more members of the Miami Beach City Commission, end or City board/committee members may be in attendance and participate In discussions. Aired!we on MBTV:AT&T 1Tver0P 99 Mawr Broadband 77 nineal 90&107 1 Commission Committee Aired Live on MBN No.0003997239-01 MIAMIBEACH V.ere comm..b mooch,excel..pulls senior and se/dy to all,lo Irv.,work end Play in our vipre.,hapkel0 Mgarx:el commun.. Members of Ce pLOk may present ardb/visual(AV)mat..remting to Agenda Items al telensed meeting Mod In Ile Commission C armb.r M ukluir{rho CI9'A',eq...nr,pwleee 0001 matertals are Sub. d to the Department of Marketlrg and Communications by 8.30 A.M.one(1)b lues day pbr to de meeirg.Advance submittal d a present..will allow the Communeetiom Depamnem to pen Int ted used the appropriate AV equipment.AV materia.may be submitted ve email at hand delves.in a Jump drive.CO a DVD to.Attention Department of Marketing and Communications,1701 Mal en Avenue,FIM Floor.Mlaml Beam,Fl 33139 Presematbrn,videos or finks mug include a label mtkg the name or gaup,contact person,daytime .lepton number adder.description/teled ted da praeion and Agenda hem 1110 as nd "e Agea Item nen. Acceptable formats tor lesronic Su...are pd.pp,ppuc pps,ppgt Pent,.ave and mot.(Nae"at pd is the preferredwi t for PowerPakk presematiom.l City Hall is loomed at 1700 Convention Center Drive,and the Mem Beach Convention Center Is ionated at 1901 Convention Center Or..Any meeting may be opened and continued,a..der such circumstances,additions leges name voll not he provided To request inis mated.in to format,sgn language Interpreter Dive-drous ay t.required).information on access for persons with 090611040, and/0r any aInterpretermmodatbn to renew any dogma.or panbiyate In any Cirysportaed proceedings call 305 604 2489 and seen 1 for Engl.,then option 6.TTY users may call vla 711(Florida pe0y Service).A meeting not noticed In the Weekly Meeting Nonce ad and determined to be an emergency meeteg will M posted on Me bulksl,boards throughout City Hell and 0111 be available on Irv,Cl/s y8tp//wan m1amlll8arnn nnv/drvclerk/dernitn n4.42.4 776 webs a.nt to Section 286 0105,Flastat ted City hereby a.m.the public that if a person derides to appeal any dec de by ore agency.o,commission with respect to any matter C01111.1. at such meeting or Marirg,M or she will neeta record of de proceedings.and that for audr purpose.M or she may need to ensure tMt a se0atim record 01 be proceedings Is made,wnicn record includes due eaimmy a.evidence upon,h1 n the app.010...I