LTC 069-2019 Mystery Rider Program Results for FY 2018/19 Quarter 1 MIAMIBEACH
TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of t City Co fission
FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
DATE: January 31, 2019
SUBJECT: Mystery Rider Program Results for F 2018/19 Quarter 1
The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to communicate the results of the Mystery Rider
Program from FY 2018/19 Quarter 1 (October 1 to December 31, 2018).
Key Q1 Metrics:
• Citywide Overall Rating: 1.25
• Reliability Rating Compared to Prior Fiscal Year Quarter: 33% Improvement
• Citywide Percent Assessments Meeting Target Customer Service: 95.8%
The collection of data began in FY 2015 via paper for Alton-West Loop (discontinued on
November 18, 2017) and North Beach Loop; however, was automated at the beginning of
FY 2016. The automation has allowed us to merge the data and provide program results.
We are working with the Transportation Department to identify areas for improvement, and
have monitored through FY 2018, with a quarterly Letter to Commission beginning in FY
The Mystery Rider Program is an objective measurement of performance ranging from 1.0
(Very Well Maintained) to 6.0 (Not Maintained) and includes assessments for bus/trolley
stop amenities, reliability, cleanliness and interior/exterior appearance, customer service,
safety, and maintenance (See attached).
The results of the assessments are used to monitor the impacts of recently implemented
initiatives to target areas for future improvements, and assure the quality of services.
Quarterly sample sizes are set to ensure no greater than + 5.0 percentage point sampling
error given the 95% confidence level.
Summary of the Mystery Rider Results (Trolley only) FY 2018/19 Quarter 1
Overall, the City Mystery Rider Program in FY 2018/19 Quarter 1 was a 1.25, with 95.6% of
assessments scoring a 2.0 or better. This represents 31% and 26% improvement
respectively when compared to the same quarter in the prior FY. Staff continues to use real-
time alerts for low scoring areas which enables for improved response times in connection to
all criteria.
Areas of Focus
• Stop Amenities — Stop amenities is a lower scoring area at 1.58 and 91.6% of stops
meeting the target; however, this is a 39% and 31% improvement compared to the
same quarter in the prior FY. FY18 average for this criteria was a 2.23. Currently
there are 300 bus stops in the City with only 95 bus/trolley shelters. Staff anticipates
finalizing new bus shelter design efforts within Q2 of this FY. Four (4) bus shelter
design styles are being developed to provide flexibility for installation at bus/trolley
stops based on right-of-way constraints and ridership. Once the design is completed
the staff will procure new contracts for installation, operation and maintenance of
new bus shelters. In the meanwhile, the Transportation Department is working
closely with Clear Channel on replacement of deteriorated benches and repair or
replacement of damaged elements of the existing bus shelters. Transportation
Department continues to evaluate current stops without a shelter to determine if a
trash receptacle or bench can be installed or if existing amenities need replacement.
Transportation and Sanitation continue to discuss best approach to address limited
service levels for stops located in residential and commercial non-entertainment
areas. Data review is underway to identify hot spots. Sanitation will adjust manual
cleaning routes to include trolley stop service within existing service areas. Areas
outside service routes will be reviewed for other options.
• Reliability - Results show that trolley reliability scores improved compared to the
previous quarter, scoring 1.54 with 87.4% meeting the target of 2.0. This is a 13%
improvement from the prior quarter, and a 33% improvement from the same quarter
in the prior FY. On January 16, 2019, the City Commission approved Amendment
No. 7 to the trolley agreement. From the reliability standpoint, this amendment
establishes new on-time performance goal for all trolley routes. Additionally, to
improve reliability of the service, this amendment approves addition of one more
high-floor trolley vehicle, which will only be used as a spare vehicle when needed
(i.e. to replace a trolley that is taken out of service for maintenance/repair reasons),
thus not increasing the number of vehicles in operation and the City's annual
operations and maintenance cost of the City's trolley service.
Positive and Stable Areas
• Customer Service — Results indicate an average score of 1.25 with 95.8% meeting
the target of 2.0. This is a 20% and 17% improvement respectively from the same
quarter in the prior FY. The Transportation Department continues to work with the
trolley contractor to support the delivery of excellent customer service that align to
the City's Service Excellence Standards and staff from Organizational Development
will provide additional customer service training to help reinforce prior training
objectives and "Ambassador Style" customer service requirements. Beginning in Q4,
staff has implemented an English proficiency standard to ensure trolley operators are
responsive to customer inquiries. Results indicate 94% of assessments reflect
driver proficiency in English. Transportation is working with the contractor to
address this issue.
• Vehicle Appearance/Cleanliness - Scores in this area improved to 1.01 or 27%
when compared to the previous quarter and improved by 50% when compared the
same quarter in the prior FY. The score indicates 99.9% of assessments are meeting
the target. Staff continues to require submittal of weekly vehicle cleaning log by the
operator. Staff will continue to monitor this factor, and work closely with the service
provider to ensure ongoing high performance.
• Safety and Maintenance - Safety improved to 1.05, a 15% improvement from the
same quarter in the prior FY. Maintenance scores also improved to 1.10 when
compared to the prior quarter. This reflects 99.2% and 99.3% respectively meeting
the target. Transportation Department staff continues to work closely with the service
provider to ensure trolley drivers are following all traffic rules and regulations.
Mystery Rider Program Score For NI City of Miami Beach Trolley Routes Citywide
Overall Miami Beach Transit Inder Score for FY15116
AI Trolley Routes byFactor(Target-l.5) 01 02 03 04 FY Average
Overall 214 ' 209 ' 214 ' 1.99 2.10
Stop Amenities 3.33 299 - 3.13 261 3.07
Reliability 2.22 2.53 2.34 2.25 2.30
AppearancelCleardiness 2.18 2.06 2.05 1.98 2.09
Customer Service 186 154 2.36 2.04 1,92
Safety ®® 1.64 1.55
Maintenance 2.16 209 1.53 1.87
FY16117 FY17118 FY18119
Overall Miami Beach Transit Index Scorefor %Change %Change %Changetrom
All Trolley Routes by Factor(Target41.5) 01 02 03 Q4 FY Average 01 02 Q3 04 FY Average Q1 (romprargb from ppriiorFY base year Qtr
Overall 2.06 181 1.76 1.87 1.82 1.82 1.66 1.01 IrII 1.64 ' - '
Stop Amenities 2.66 246 • 2.67 2.75 2.66 2.59 2.50 210 180 •2.23 1.58 ' -12% ' -39% ' -53%
Reliability 2,11 1.98 1.96 2.13 192 2.29 1.66 167 1771.54 1.54 ' -13% " -33% ' -31%
AppearancelCleardiness 2.26 2.09 1.91 1,99 2.01 2.04 1.56 r'1d5 _r 1;8 1.59 -27% -50% ' -54%
Customer Service 2.14 186 1.52 1.76 • 172 156 1.63 • 1.34 1.21 1% ' -20% ' -33%
Safety 162 1'05 11 1.27 1.30 123 134 1.12 1.1'.1 I.11 1 I,i., -5% ' -15% ' -6%
Maintenance 1.59 1.28 1.28 _ a _ 133 140 139 I .iii _.- 1.21 1 1.10 -3% ' 21% ' -49%
Overall Miami Beach Mystry Rider Percent FY15116
Trolley Meeting Target of2.ObyFactor 01 02 Q3 Q4 FY Average
Overall 64.0% 69.9% 68.2% 75.8% 69.5%
Stop Amenities 39.5% 54.9% 51,1% 64.0% ' 52.4%
Reliability 68.4% 62.2% 66.2% 669% ' 65.9%
AppearancelClaanliness 64.4% 66.3% 71.4% 78.0% ' 70.0%
Customer Service 73.0% 64,9% 78.7% ' 77.2%
Safety •.1,..., 87.0%
Maintenance 87.3% 85,6%
Overall Miami Beach Mystry Rider Percent FY16117 1011118 FY18119
Trolley Meeting Target of 2.0 by Factor %Change %Charge %Change from
(Target 90%) Q1 02 03 04 FY Average 01 02 03 04 FY Average 01 irompriorgtr tromprior FY base year QV
Overall 69.6% 74.2% 77.4% 75.0% ' 74.1% 76.1% 836% 88.5% 1;i' 85.0% . 4% ' 26% 49%
Stop Amenities 55.9% 620% 64.1% 64.3% ' 61.6% 70.0% , 72.6% 79.1% 84.2% 77.7% 9% ' 31% 132%
Reliability 702% 71.8% 762% 709% ' 72.3% 68.9% 74.4% 82.6% 78.2% 77.1% 87.4% 12% ' 27% C 28%
Appearance6Cleardiness 65.8% 70.3% 746% 72.0% ' 70.7% 68.4% 88.4% 87.6% 3% 46% ' 55%
Customer Service 76.9% 1 79.7% 873% 76.2% ' 80.0% i 82.2% 87.1% -1% ' 17% C 31%
Safety 96.2% 97.3% 96.% - 15:St 151/6 0% C
3% C
Maintenance 4 9121 96.9% 98.0% 95.6% 960% 947% - 1 t'. 1 0% ' 3% C
_1e0.5 79 999 and talon
1.5120 800.89 95
21$0 -110.0.100
Mystery Rider Score For CM B Trolleys&MDC South Beach Local by Factor.Agency&Time of Day(Target.1.5)
Score For CMB Trolleys 881 DC South Beach Local FY15116
by Factor,Agency&Time of Day(Target al.5) 01 02 03 04 -FY Average
Slop Amenities
CMB-limed Day
(8amdpn) 3.27 3.06 326 2.47 304
(4orn-12am) 3.36 2.87 2.93 282 308
MDC-lime of Dee
(8am4pn) 400 322 346 3.21 3.55
J4pm-12am) 3.82 3.39 3.76 374 364
CMB-lime dDey
(8am-4pn) (
2 ' 1 2.34 2.34
(4pm-12am) 29 ' 25. 2.14 2.27 '
MDC-Tme at Day
(8andpn) 1.84 233.. . 217 2.12 2.08
(lpm-12an) 2.13 1.92 1.51 1.77
CMB-Time al Day
(8amdpmI p220MIR 213 193 210
(4pm-12am) • 217 1.93 2.04 208
(8am-4pm) 2.41 210 1.76 200 213
(4pm-12an) 2.33 2.41 2.09 214 226
Cttabnar 8.1v1011
CMB-rime dDey
(Samdpen) 1.68 ® 228 1.97 180
(4pm-12am) 2.09 1.68 250 210 ' 2.09
MDC-lime ofDay
(8andpn) ® 1.68 1.80 1.55
(40m-12am) '85 1.94 234 1.95 r 202
CMB-Time dDey
(4pm-4pm) 1.70 1.53 _
(4qn-12am) 1.70 1.59
MDC-Time of Day
(8am-4pn) 1.50 1.52
(dpm-12am) 1.91 1.98 1.60
Ha intonana
CMB-Timed Day
(Samdpn) 218 218 1.86
(4pn-12an) 2.13 190 1.50 1.65 1.87
MDC-Tare dDey
(8amdpn) 252 209 1.89
(4pm-12am) 242 2.04 169 186
FY16117 FY17118 FY18119
Score For CMB Trolleys&MDC South Beach Local %Chan %Change %Charge
by Factor,Agency B Tine of Day(Target=1.5) 31 02 03 54 FY Average SI 32 1 03 04 FY Average 01 lmmpdorgtr from prior FY frau base year
Stop Am e n lo e 8
CMB-Tme dDay
(8a-Ipn) 270 2.29 2.36 2.43 249 2.50 2.42 2.25 206 232 -17% 32% -48%
(4pn-12am) 2.64 234 241 251 244 229 235 2.05 I 180 , 216 -18% -35% -56%
MDC-Tme dDay
(8am-0pm) 3.08 3.25 3.23 3.26 3.21 3.25
f48m-12am) 302 3.23 366 3.46 333 3.75
CMB-rune d Day 1
(8andpn) 205 249 2.08 2.09 2.13 258 1.72 1.63 1.86 1.99 -27% -48% -39°6
(1pn-12am) 2.28 227 219 2.69 2.37 296 1.93 1.68 1.83 -25% -53% -39%
(8am-4pe) 2.51 2.51 214 1.98 224 1.77
(4pm-12am) 221 202 1.96 1.89 2.00 165
CMB-lime of Day
(8ardp4n) 229 223 1.77 2.05 204 253 1.72 1.85 1.81 1..
-25% -65% -55%
(4pm-12am) 226 239 205 1.83 210 202 1.72 1.58 1.71 -17% -50% -51%
MDC-lime army
(8am-4prn) 1.96 212 203 1.99 202 216
f4(xn-12am) 211 2.15 225 221 219 2.50
CMB-Time dDey
(8emdpm) 205 222 213 1.84 1.92 1.79 == 1 1.62 M= -13% -48% 30%
(4pm-12am) 236 223 1.76 1.99 202 168 2.11 151 181 1.55 20% -8% -26%
MDC-Time d Da
(8amdpr) '
(4pm-12ae) 1.76 1.60 1.51 1.54
Safety _
CMB-rmredDe '
(eamdpn) 166 -7% -28% 42%
(4pn-12an) 1.60 20% 2% 17%
MDC-Time of De ---
(4pn-12an) 1.89
Maiterroro. ___
CMB-Time of Da
(Semdpn) 1.58 5% 4% d8%
(lp01-12am) 1.64 -4% -8% d8%
MDC-Tme of Day
(8ao-4pn) 1.52 1.76 1.54 1.91
(1pm-12am) 1.65 1.71 180 1.70 1.72 1.90
Next Quarter Assessments
City part-time staff is conducting assessments every quarter. Additionally, residents are
always welcome to participate. If you or any member of your staff is interested in
participating in the City's Mystery Rider Program, please contact Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld with
Organization Development Performance Initiatives at extension 6923.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.
c: Kathie G. Brook, Assistant City Manager
Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager
Jose R. Gonzalez, Transportation Director
Dr. Leslie D. Rosenfeld, Chief Learning and Development Officer
KGB/ 0 1
Criteria for each area are listed below:
Stop Amenities
Bus/Trolley stop in acceptable condition
• Signage firm in the ground (not lose or fallen)
• No litter around stop, bench or shelter
• Visually clear with no signs of graffiti or stickers
• No gum, sticky material or stain on stop, bench or shelter
• Location free of unpleasant odors
• Stop well illuminated at night or located in a visible area
Bus Trolley stop had the following features
• Bench
• Concrete pad
• Bus shelter
• Signage
• Trash receptacle
Signage provided sufficient information about the bus/trolley route
• Name of the route
• Hours of operation
• Stop ID number
• Map of the route
• Website listed (for additional information)
• Telephone listed (for additional information)
Headway between vehicles (CLT (November 17, 2017) and SBT (January 22, 2018))
• 0-20 minutes
• 21-25 minutes
• 26-31 minutes
• 32-27 minutes
• 38-45 minutes
• More than 45 minutes or did not arrive
Headway between vehicles (NBT, MBT)
• 0-15 minutes
• 16-18 minutes
• 19-22 minutes
• 23-25 minutes
• 26-28 minutes
• More than 49 minutes or did not arrive
Vehicle and Driver Appearance /Vehicle Cleanliness Interior and Exterior
Exterior appearance of the vehicle
• Paint/colors looked noticeable/crisp
• No dust on body of vehicle
• Applicable branding observed
• No body defects on vehicle
• LED signs (digital destination signs) functional and providing accurate
• Text on vehicle readable
Driver's appearance acceptable
• Uniform
• Name tag or badge
• Hair/beard trimmed and neat
• Shirt tucked in
• Odor unnoticeable/acceptable
• Closed toe shoes
Interior of vehicle clean condition
• No litter on floor or seats
• No dust or deterioration visible on window interiors
• No pests observed
• No unpleasant odor(trash, urine, defecation)
• No graffiti
• Garbage disposal available
Customer Service
• Greeted with a smile
• Responded to customer in a courteous manner
• Assistance provided upon request or not assistance requested
• Driver announced major intersections or automated stop announcers
• Bus not left unattended (except to assist disabled passengers)
• Driver did not argue with passengers
• No abrupt stops more than one time
• Waited for passengers to be secured behind yellow line before
• Obeyed traffic laws
• Not eating or drinking while driving
• Not using a cell phone while driving
• No personal belongings obstructing the visual of roadway or the
operation of the vehicle controls
Vehicle Maintenance
• Acceptable inside temperature
• Functional seat
• Functional interior lighting
• No mechanical issues notices
• No visibly loose or broken interior items
• No visibly loose of broken exterior item