LTC 107-2019 FY 2018/19 Budget Development Meeting Dates MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# 107-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members o the City C/mmission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager I DATE: February 26, 2019 SUBJECT: FY 2019/20 Budget Development eeting Dates The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to outline the upcoming meeting dates related to the development of the FY 2019/20 Operating and Capital Budgets. The FY 2019/20 budget discussion will commence with a Commission Budget Workshop on May 17th, where the Administration will provide and overview of the upcoming budget process and a preview of discussion items which will be further discussed during the summer. Each year, the Administration provides budget briefings at a series of Finance and Citywide Projects Committee (FCWPC) meetings commencing in the summer. Please note that the full City Commission is invited to each of these budget briefings. Attendance is highly recommended. This year's briefings will be held on June 14th, July 19th, July 26th and July 31st (if needed). The FCWPC provides recommendations, which inform the final proposed budgets and millage rates. The proposed maximum millage rates will be adopted at the special City Commission meeting on July 31st at 11 am. The first Public Hearing to adopt the proposed millage rates and budgets will be held on September 11th, and the second Public Hearing to adopt the final adopted millage rates and budgets will be held on September 25th. The table below further outlines these dates for ease of reference. Meeting Date Commission Budget Workshop Friday, May 17,2019 FCWPC Budget Briefing Friday,June 14,2019 FCWPC Budget Briefing Friday,July 19,2019 FCWPC Budget Briefing Friday,July 26,2019 FCWPC Budget Briefing(if needed) Wednesday,July 31,2019 Special City Commission Meeting Adopt Maximum Millage Rates Wednesday,July 31, 2019 City Commission Meeting Adopt Proposed Millage Rates and Budgets Wednesday,September 11,2019 City Commission Meeting Adopt Final Millage Rates and Budgets Wednesday,September 25,2019 4 If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. JLM/JOS