LTC 120-2019 Mayor's Panel on Ocean Drive - Safety, Security and Infrastructure Subcommittee Motions MIAMI BEACH
TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members the City mmission
FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
DATE: March 7, 2019
SUBJECT: Mayor's Panel on Ocean D ive — Safety, Security and Infrastructure
Subcommittee Motions
The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide you with the motions made
during the March 6, 2019 subcommittee meeting.
Members in Attendance: Chair Jonathan Freidin, Commissioner Mark Samuelian, John
Deutzman, Frank Ferrara, Jeff Feldman, Jo Manning, Gerald Schwartz, Gregory Branch
Members Absent: Ricardo Dopico
MOTION 2/6/2019: Recommending to the Mayor and City Attorney's Office to
reconsider making it a local municipal criminal offense to operate a business in the City
of Miami Beach without a city license (BTR).
Motion made by: Member Deutzman
Seconded by: Member Manning
Motion passed unanimously
• Revised 3/6/2019: The Subcommittee supports the recommendation to proceed
to first reading, an ordinance for the municipal arrest of illegal vendors
conducting business on the public right of way.
Motion made by: Commissioner Samuelian
Seconded by: Member Ferrara
Motion passed unanimously
MOTION: Recommending the Administration and Commission to address signage on
the sidewalk that reference misleading offers.
Motion made by: Member Deutzman, amended by Commissioner Samuelian
Seconded by: Member Feldman
Motion passed unanimously
MOTION: Requesting the Administration to provide recommendations on addressing
consumer fraud. Along with, opportunities to reduce said occurrences and speak to the
Attorney General's Office for guidance and support.
Motion made by: Member John Deutzman, amended by Commissioner Samuelian and
Chair Freidin
Seconded by: Feldman
Motion passed unanimously
MOTION: Requesting the Police Department to engage with II Villaggio, other condos
and businesses, that PD determines, would provide an optimal placement for additional
Motion made by: Chair Freidin
Seconded by: Commissioner Samuelian
Motion passed unanimously
MOTION: Requesting the appropriate City Department to explore camera signage that
can act as a deterrence. To include a review of comparable cities and their signage.
Motion made by: Chair Freidin, amended by Commissioner Samuelian
Seconded by: Commissioner Samuelian
Motion passed unanimously
MOTION: Supporting the exploration of plan development for (a) an enhanced
pedestrian experience along Ocean Drive; (b) implementing the permanent southbound
only movement of traffic and a "flexible" street when full or partial closures are needed;
(c) incorporating bollards or other visual boundaries; (d) removal of eastern parking and
possible creation of centralized valet; (e) the expansion of the western sidewalk; and (f)
the possible reduction of the width of the eastern sidewalk, while maintaining and
preserving the greenspace within Lummus Park. Additionally, to support the
Commission providing funding for impact and design studies for said development.
Motion made by: Member Feldman, amended by Chair Freidin and Commissioner
Seconded by: Member Deutzman
7-1 In favor, Member Schwartz opposed