LTC 182-2019 City of Miami Beach Community Rating System (CRS) Improvement to Class 5MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THF \lTV MANAGER NO. LTC# 182-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager 11!----. DATE: 04/01/2019 SUBJECT: City of Miami Beach Community Rat g System (CRS) Improvement to Class 5 I am very pleased to share the formal congratulatory letter from FEMA verifying that Miami Beach's Community Rating System (CRS) Score has officially improved to Class 5. This designation makes Miami Beach one of only two cities in Miami-Dade County to achieve this score, which will increase flood insurance premiums savings from 20% to 25% citywide effective May 1, 2019. The new estimated savings are expected to increase from $6.6 million to $8.3 million annually. This will help offset any increasing federal rates. Miami Beach participates in the Community Rating System of the National Flood Insurance Program and has pursued an aggressive goal to improve its ranking from a Class 6 to a Class 5. Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary program under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) allowing communities to earn flood. insuran9e discounts. Under FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), cities can earn points for conducting activities promoting flood insurance and reducing flood risk. The CRS rating improvement is direct result of policy leadership from the City Commission and staff coordinating and collaborating over the last three years. This was truly a team effort among: Building, CMO-Resilience team, Emergency Management, Environmental and Sustainability, Planning, and Public Works. I want to thank and recognize Deputy CRO Amy Knowles and Floodplain Manager Mohsen Jarahpour, for leading this effort and producing great work products in often quick timelines I look forward to sharing this exciting news with residents and business and continuing our commitment to reducing flood risk and rising above. JLM/SMT Attachments April 1, 2019 Mr. Jim L. Morales City Mana:get of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Ddve Miami Beach, FL 33139 Deat• Mt'. Mqtales:. U.S. Dcplll'lment of' Homeland Secm·lty soo G su·eet, sw Washington, DC 20472 FEMA Congratulations! The Department ofHomeland Secudty, Fedeml Emergency Matlagement Agency (FEMA), has determined that the City of Miami Beach will h1crease to a Class 5 in the National Flood Insurance Prograil1 (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS). The floodplain management activities implemented by · yotu· community qualifies it fot' a 25 percent discount in the pt·emium cost of flood insutance fotNFIP policries issued or renewed in Special Flood Hazat•d Areas on ot after May 1, 2019. This incl'ease is based 011 a fleld verification of your three-year cycle CRS application. · Please note Preferred Risk Policies, applicable in Zones B, c~ and X,. on your community's NFll) Flood Insurance Rate Map al'e ttot eligible for the CRS discount. Standar4 t·ated flood insurance policies in Zones B, C, X, D, AR, at1d A99 are limited to a CRS discount often percent in Class 1-6 comtnunlties and five percent h1 Class 7-9 communities. The rates for these zones alt·eady reflect signlfica.nt p1'emi tltn t'eductions. If there are no NFIP noncompliance actions, the CRS rating for your community will automatically be renewed annually and a notification lettet• will not be sent to· your comtmmity. This J'enewal will occur as long as yout· co.tfnminity continues to implement the CRS activities you certify annually. If no additional modifications or new CRS a.cdvities at·e added, the next verification visit for yom· co1mnm1ity will be in accordance with its established three-yea!' cycle. In the interitn, FEMA will pet•iodically set1d the NFIPICRS Update Newsletter and other notices to youf' CRS Coot·dinatol' to keep yotu' c.ommunUy informed. 1 cotnmend you oil yout: con11mtnity actions and your detet'lfiihation to lead your community td be more disaster resistant. This commitment enhances public safety, property protection, and. protects the natural functions of flooclplains, and' reduces flood insutance pre1nimus. If you have any questions o1·need additional information, please croutacrt the FEMA Region IV Office, CRS Coordinator~ Roy McClure, by telephone at (770}220~88.35. Sincerely, ~~ David I. Matu·stad Deputy Associate Admi11istratorfor Insurance and Mitigation Federal Insllt'ance and Mitigation Administration Enclosure cc: Mohsen Jarahpour, CRS Coordinator COMMUNITY RATING SYSTEM City of Miami Beach, FL NFIP Number: 120651 Date of Verification Visit: July 20, 2017 VERIFICATION REPORT Verified Class 5 Cycle This Verification Report is provided to explain the recommendations of Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO) to DHS/FEMA concerning credits under the Community Rating System (CRS) for the above named community. A total of 2508 credit points are verified which results in a recommendation that the community improve from a CRS Class 6 to a CRS Class 5. The community has met the Class 5 prerequisite with a Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) Classification of 2/2. The following is a summary of our findings with the total CRS credit points for each activity listed in parenthesis: Activity 310 -Elevation Certificates: The Building Department maintains elevation certificates for new and substantially improved buildings. Copies of elevation certificates are made available upon request. (38 points) Activity 320-Map Information Service: Credit is provided for furnishing inquirers with basic flood zone information from the community's latest Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). Credit is also provided for the community furnishing additional FIRM information, information about problems not shown on the FIRM, flood depth data, special flood related hazards, historical flood information, and natural floodplain functions. The service is publicized annually and records are maintained. (90 points) Activity 330-Outreach Projects: Credit is provided for informational material that include the State of Florida guides, general outreach projects that include newsletters, hurricane guide, and fact sheets, and priority audience messages that include a letter to the repetitive loss areas. These projects are disseminated annually. Credit is also provided for having a pre-flood plan for public information. Credit is enhanced by having a Program for Public Information (PPI), and by having the information disseminated by stakeholders outside the local government. (350 points) Activity 340-Hazard Disclosure: Credit is provided for state regulations requiring disclosure of flood hazards. Real estate agents provide a brochure advising prospective buyers about insurance and checking property flood hazards. Credit is enhanced by having a PPI. (17 points) City of Miami Beach, FL NFIP #: 120651 Page 2 Activity 350 -Flood Protection Information: Documents relating to floodplain management are available in the reference section of the Miami Dade County Library. Credit is also provided for floodplain information displayed on the community's website. (92 points) Activity 360 -Flood Protection Assistance: Credit is provided for offering one-on- one advice regarding property protection and making site visits before providing advice. Credit is also provided for advisor training at appropriate EMI courses. Credit is enhanced by having a PPI. (74 points) Activity 370-Flood Insurance Promotion: Credit is provided for assessing the community's current level of flood insurance coverage and assessing shortcomings. Credit is also provided for development and implementation of a coverage improvement plan. Credit for implementing a coverage improvement plan is enhanced by having a PPI and stakeholder involvement. (90 points) Activity 420-Open Space Preservation: Credit is provided for preserving approximately 20 percent of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) as open space. (313 points) Activity 430-Higher Regulatory Standards: Credit is provided for enforcing regulations that require development limitations, freeboard for new and substantial improvement construction, cumulative substantial improvement, and local drainage protection. Credit is also provided for the enforcement of building codes, a BCEGS Classification of 2/2, other higher standards, state mandated regulatory standards, and regulations administration. (267 points) Activity 440-Flood Data Maintenance: Credit is provided for maintaining and using digitized maps in the day to day management of the floodplain. Credit is also provided for establishing and maintaining a system of benchmarks and maintaining copies of all previous FIRMs and Flood Insurance Study Reports. (170 points) Activity 450-Stormwater Management: The community enforces regulations for stormwater management, low impact development, soil and erosion control, and water quality. (200 points) Section 502-Repetitive Loss Category: Based on the updates made to the NFIP Report of Repetitive Losses as of January 31, 2017, the City of Miami Beach, FL has 74 repetitive loss properties and is a Category C community for CRS purposes. The community is required to submit either a Repetitive Loss Area Analysis or Floodplain Management Plan. (No credit points are applicable to this section) City of Miami Beach, FL NFIP #: 120651 Page 3 Activity 510-Floodplain Management Planning: Credit is provided for the adoption and implementation of the Miami Dade County Local Mitigation Strategy, adopted December 15, 2015. A progress report must be submitted on an annual basis. An update to the credited plan will be due by October 1, 2020. (207 points) Activity 540-Drainage System Maintenance: All of the community's drainage system is inspected regularly throughout the year and maintenance is performed as needed. Credit is also provided for listing problem sites that are inspected more frequently, and for implementing an ongoing Capital Improvements. The community enforces a regulation prohibiting dumping in the drainage system, and annually publicizes the regulation and has appropriate signs posted. Credit is enhanced by having a PPI. (31 0 points) Activity 610-Flood Warning and Response: Credit is provided for a program that provides timely identification of impending flood threats, disseminates warnings to appropriate floodplain residents, and coordinates flood response activities. Credit is also provided for the designation as a Storm Ready Community by the National Weather Service. (290 points) Activity 710-County Growth Adjustment: All credit in the 400 series is multiplied by the growth rate of the county to account for growth pressures. The growth rate for Miami Dade County, FL is 1.08. Attached is the Community Calculations Worksheet that lists the verified credit points for the Community Rating System. CEO Name I Address: Jim L. Morales City Manager 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Date Report Prepared: December 2, 2018 CRS Coordinator Name I Address: Mohsen Jarahpour, CFM Floodplain Manager 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 (305) 673-7550 Community: City of Miami Beach, FL NFIP Number: 120651 720 COMMUNITY CREDIT CALCULATIONS (Cycle): CALCULATION SECTION : Verified Activity Calculations: Credit c310 38 38 c320 90 90 c330 350 350 c340 17 17 c350 92 92 c360 74 74 c370 90 90 c410 xCGA = c420 290 xCGA 1.08 = 313 c430 247 xCGA 1.08 = 267 c440 157 xCGA 1.08 = 170 c450 185 xCGA 1.08 = 200 c510 207 207 c520 c530 c540 310 310 c610 290 290 c620 c630 Community Classification Calculation: cT = total of above cT = 2508 Community Classification (from Table 110-1): Class= 5 CEO Name/Address: Jim L. Morales City Manager 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 CRS Coordinator Name/Address: Mohsen Jarahpour, CFM Floodplain Manager 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 (305) 673-7550 Date Report Prepared: December 2, 2018 AW-720