LTC 202-2019 Code Compliance Statistical Data for Spring Break 2019MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 202-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members oft FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: April 5, 2019 SUBJECT: Code Compliance Statistical D a for Spring Break 2019 The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide the Mayor and members of the City Commission with statistical data on the enforcement initiatives of the Code Compliance Department (Code) during the Spring Break deployment of March 1, 2019 to April 1, 2019 with a comparison of activities for the same period in 2018. During this period , Code implemented Alpha , Bravo , Charlie 24-hour coverage with three overlapping 1 0-hour shifts . Officers were deployed in the MXE district on foot, ATVs, bicycles and vehicles to maximize coverage . Code experienced a decrease in call volume with 1 ,699 calls for service and investigations dispatched during Spring Break 2019 as compared to the 2,240 calls for service and investigations of Spring Break 2018. While the numbers were down in 2019, this year included several more complex investigations including business closures. Spring Break 2019 included eight business closures that were not experienced in 2018. Of the eight business closures, two of the locations were closed voluntarily at the City 's request for public safety concerns and obstructing the sidewalk. The remaining six businesses were ordered closed by the City for failure to renew or having no Business Tax Receipt (BTR). Proactive inspections for compliance were increased for alcohol sale provisions relating to liquor and package stores to ensure compliance with hours of sale of alcoholic beverages in the MXE and citywide. Proactive checks were also undertaken for compliance with the new scooter ordinance amendments which resulted in at least one scooter shop being shut down due to licensing issues. Enforcement of illegal short-term rentals (STR) resulted in 227 complaints in 2019 including 36 violations issued with sufficient evidence of STR activity and properties vacated compared to 264 complaints in 2018 with 37 violations issued for sufficient evidence of short-term rental activity and properties vacated. The majority of violations were issued for Sanitation and City Code violations (e.g.: businesses not obtaining a BTR , graffiti , resort tax, right of way obstructions and signs on public property). Noise complaints addressed during the 2019 Spring Break period totaled 468 as compared to 538 during the same period in 2018 with the majority coming from residential properties. These compla ints resulted in either the issuance of a violation or immediate compliance . LTC Spring Break (Code) 2018 I 2019 April 5 , 2019 Page 2 of 2 Should you have additional questions , please contact Hernan D. Cardeno, Code Compliance Director, at 305 .673 .7077 . Sa<-~ SMT/HDC/TC Attachments Attachment A: Data for 2019 Attachment B: Data for 2018 F :\CODE\$ADM\TCuritore\L TC Spring Break (Code) 2018 and 2019 (002).docx 3% Attachment A Calls For Services and Investigations 3/1/19 -4/1/19 Abandoned Property, 12, 1% Alleyway/Sa nitation , 12 3,7% Blo ck ing Rig ht-of-Way , 16,1% 88,5% Illegal du m ping, 113, 7% illegal Vendo r/P edd ler, 53 ,3% CALLS FOR SERVICES AND INVESTIGATIONS-1699 "City Code Other Violations" include businesses not obtaining a Business Tax Receipt (BTR), Short-Term Rentals in a legally permissible zone not obtaining a BTR, Commercial Flyers, Graffiti, Resort Tax, Right of Way obstructions, and Signs on Public Property. Attachment B Calls For Services and Investigations-3/1/18 -4/1/18 Abandoned Property, 23, 1% Illegal Vendor/Peddler '180, 8% CALLS FOR SERVICES AND INVESTIGATIONS-2240 Blocking Right- of-Way, 69, 3% Business Tax High Liability (Adult Entertainment/Massage/ Tattoo), 2, 0%