LTC 240-2019 Building Department and Planning Department Customer Service SurveysOFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: 240-2019 Mayor Dan Gelber and Members Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: April26, 2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION theCi~s:; SUBJECT: Building Department and Plannin Department Customer Service Surveys I am pleased to share that as part of our efforts to continuously improve the development process we are now sending monthly surveys to customers who have recently done business with the Building Department and Planning Department. The Building Department sent out their first survey on April 2nd 2019 to customers that had a permit issued in the month of March. The response scale ranges from 1 being the most favorable response to 5 being least favorable. On average the Building Department received a score of 2.5 representing a good to fair service score. This will serve as our baseline. Starting in May, a survey from both the Building Department and the Planning Department (two separate surveys) will be sent electronically to customers who have been issued a permit or a Certificate of Occupancy within that month. The survey questions are short and simple but targeted enough to analyze and gage areas needing improvements. Survey analysis and month over month comparison will be reviewed by Executive staff and Directors in order to provide immediate guidance and solutions for staff. The Building and Planning departments are receptive to our customers concerns and we are constantly looking for ways to improve the process and experience. JLM/SMT Survey : Questions THIS IS A TEST VERSION OF THIS SURVEY Responses will NOT be recorded. City of Miami Beach Building Department Survey 1. Which title best describes how you do business with the Building Department? 0 Contractor 0 Architect/Engineer 0 Plans Expediter 0 Homeowner 0 Other 2. How long have you been doing business with the Building Department? 0 Less than 6 months 0 6 months to less than 1 year 0 1 year to less than 3 years 0 3 years or more 3. What was the subject of your recent visit with the Building Department? D Obtaining a permit 0 Obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy D Resolving a Building Code violation D Other 4. Please rate the following statements based on your experience with the Building Department. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral The inspections are fair 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07ega3xlb.zjuu2sr81/_tmp/questions Page 1 of3 Strongly N/A 0 0 0 0 4/24/2019 Survey: Questions The inspections are consistent from one inspection to the next The Building Department is open and interested in hearing concerns or issues of businesses It was easy to get a hold of someone who could help you in the Building Department ~ --------~-~-~ --~-~~ -~~-- 0 0 0 0 5. How would you rate your experience with the Permit Application Process? Excellent Customer service 0 Professionalism 0 Understanding customers' needs 0 Timeliness 0 Employees' knowledge 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Good Fair Poor 0 0 0 0 0 0 -~~-----------~-~---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 -~~-~ ' =~-~ --~ ~~~~- 0 0 0 6. How would you rate your experience with the Plan Review process (Building Department only)? Excellent Good Fair m!>lillll!m;,z<<'l'""'"'"'"''"''~~""~''~~~~~~~•:~,~m.~~''"''''"''"""""'"'•"'m">V""'&!.<;--~~'l.'l.~'!.'l>"''l.''ill Customer service 0 0 Professionalism 0 0 Understanding customers' needs 0 0 Timeliness 0 0 Employees' knowledge 0 0 7. What is your level of satisfaction with the time it took for your permit to be issued? 0 Very Staisfied 0 Satisfied 0 Neutral 0 Dissatisfied O Very Dissatisfied 8. How would you rate your experience with Inspection Services? Excellent Good 0 0 0 0 0 Fair Poor 0 0 0 0 0 Poor Page 2 of3 0 0 N/A 0 0 --~~~- 0 0 ~~---~~-, 0 N/A -0 0 0 0 0 N/A """""""'~~""''~'''''"'"'"'''''''~""~"""""'"'"'''"''~''''""''"""""""'"'"''''''''"''''"'""''''''""'''"'~'''"''''"'"'""'"''"''""'''''""''''''"'''"'''''''''''"''''"'""'"''''"='=~= "'"~'~'~~ Customer service 0 0 0 0 0 ------ Professionalism 0 0 0 0 0 Understanding customers' needs 0 0 0 0 0 http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07ega3xlbzjuu2sr81/_tmp/questions 4/24/2019 Survey : Questions Timeliness Employees' knowledge 0 0 0 0 9. How would you rate your experience with requesting Building Department records? Excellent Good 0 0 Fair 0 0 Poor Page 3 of3 0 0 N/A IJ&~''~-W>.'>ll.~m\w.\\~"'·'ilidz= Customer service Professionalism Understanding customers' needs Timeliness Employees' knowledge 10. Do you have any suggestions for improving our services? 350 characters left. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -·-~--~-, -~= ---~-=---- 0 0 0 0 http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07ega3xlbzjuu2sr81/_tmp/questions 0 0 0 0 -·-· ---~~~~-~- 0 0 ~-·· =~~----~=------- 0 0 0 0 4/24/2019 City of Miami Beach Planning Department Survey The City of Miami Beach Planning Department would appreciate a few minutes of your time for a quick survey of your experiences with the Planning Department. Your participation and input will assist us in refining our processes to ensure that we deliver great customer service. Thank you for your time. Planning 1. Which title best describes how you do business with the Planning Department? (' Contractor (" ArchitecVEngineer (" Plans Expediter (" Homeowner (" Other ---------- 2. How long have you been doing business with the Planning Department? (" Less than 6 months (" 6 months to less than 1 year (" 1 year to less than 3 years (" 3 years to less than 5 years (' 5 years or more 3. What was the subject of your most recent encounter with the Planning Department? a) An ongoing construction project (s) b) Obtaining a permit c) Submitting plans for review d) Design Review Board e) Historic Preservation Board f) Board of Adjustment g) Planning Board 4. How would you rate your experience with the Planning Department Land Use Boards staff? Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A -Customer service (" r (" (" (' Professionalism (' (' (' (' (" Understanding customers' needs (' r (" (' (' Timeliness (' (' (. (' (' Employees' knowledge r r (' (' (' 5. What's your level of satisfaction with the time it took for your permit to be issued? a) Very Satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Very Dissatisfied f) N/A 6. How would you rate your experience with inspection services? Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A ~"""""'"'-"'"""~== ;m""""""""""'" Customer service (' r r (" r Professionalism (" (" r (' r Understanding customers' needs (' r (' (" (' Timeliness r (" (' i (" Employees' knowledge ("'" r (' (" (' 7. Please rate your agreement with the following statements using the scale below based on your experience with the Planning Department: Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree The inspections are fair The inspections are consistent from one inspection to the next The Planning Department is open and interested in hearing concerns or issues of businesses It was easy to get a hold of someone who could help you in the Planning Department (' (' (' (' (' I (' (' ('' (' (' (' (' (" (' c· 8. How would you rate your experience with the Plan Review process (Planning Department only)? Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A ~~~~m~= mww~ -Customer service (' r i I ("" Professionalism i (' r r r Understanding customers' needs (' I I r r Timeliness (' i r (' r Employees' knowledge r (' r f" r 9. Do you have any suggestions for improving our services? Comments: 10. Please, provide your email below if you would like to discuss your experience with a supervisor or (quality management representative): Thank you for participating in the survey. N/A r I r