LTC 321-2019 Cease and Desist Order - 3401 Prairie Avenue AAIAMIBEAC OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 321-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION I TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of t e City Co ission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: June 4, 2019 SUBJECT: Cease and Desist Order- 3401 Pr rie Avenue There have been recent developments pertaining to the single family property at 3401 Prairie Avenue, which has a zoning designation of RS-4, Single Family Residential. The property also has a future land use designation of RS, Residential Single Family, in the City's Comprehensive Plan. In May of 2018, the City notified the property owner, in writing, of outstanding code violations at the subject address. Specifically, the property owner was issued a formal zoning notification that religious institutions and similar conduct was prohibited pursuant to the City's Land Development Regulations. Section 142-102 of the Land Development Regulations specifically identifies the main permitted uses in the RS-4 district are single-family detached dwellings. The property is not located within the 40th Street Religious Overlay District. As such, religious institutions, schools, day care, and any other non-single family residential uses are expressly prohibited. Additionally, there is a religious/parsonage ad valorem tax exemption on the property. In order to achieve compliance with the City Code, the property owner was required to have all of the violations corrected, and to immediately cease all non-residential uses. The property is required to be used solely as a single family residence and no accessory uses are legally permitted. The property owner appealed the notice of violation to the Special Master and failed to take any corrective actions to resolve the illegal use of the property. On June 3, 2019, the Chief Special Master issued his ruling in favor of the City, and will be entering a cease and desist order for the property. This order will require the property owner to cease all non-residential uses that are prohibited in the RS-4 district. Pursuant to this cease and desist order issued, if the outstanding violations at 3401 Prairie Avenue are not remedied in a timely manner, the City will commence all appropriate enforcement proceedings to compel compliance with the City's Land Development Regulations. These enforcement remedies shall include, but not be limited to, the revocation of the certificate of occupancy and termination of all utility services to the property. J LM/ /TRM C: Rafael Granado, City Clerk F:\PLAN\$ALL\CM RESP\2019\LTC-3401 Prairie Avenue Cease and Desist Order.docx