LTC 331-2019 Report on Emergency Purchases and Unauthorized Purchases MIAMI B
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
To: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission
From: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager a a
Date: June 6, 2019 ��r
Subject: Report on Emergency Purchases and Unauthorized Purchases
EMERGENCY PURCHASES. Miami Beach City Code Section 2-396 provides for the City
Manager to waive the requirements for competitive bidding for emergency purchases as defined
in the Code. Pursuant to this provision, emergency purchases exceeding $50,000.00 are to be
reported to the City Commission at its meeting following the emergency. The emergency
purchase request process outlined in Code allows the City to respond expeditiously to unexpected
needs. The Emergency Purchase Request form for each emergency reported is attached.
Emer•enc Purchases
Form No. Nature of Requestor Contractor Estimate Value
Replacement of Public Works
2019-250 (2) Switchgear Operations Eaton Corporation $153,620
Cubicle Breakers
UNAUTHORIZED PURCHASES. Miami Beach City Code Section 2-393(a) prohibits the purchase
of goods or services unauthorized by the Procurement Division (typically through the issuance of
a Purchase Order with stated purchase authority prior to the receipt of goods or services). In its
due diligence, the Department of Procurement Management (DPM) has identified those
purchases that have been transacted in violation of the stated Code requirement. In those cases,
the DPM has required documentation and justification be provided to the City Manager, through
the Unauthorized Purchase form, who may then, pursuant to Code, consider and authorize the
purchase. Unauthorized purchases exceeding $50,000.00 are reported to the City Commission at
its meeting following the approval of the Unauthorized Purchase form.
Unauthorized Purchases
Nature of
Form No. Unauthorized Requestor Contractor Value
Nothing To Report
JLM/MT/Air`i /MG
F:\PURC\$AL \REPORTS\Monthly Reports\FY 2017\Emergency&Unauthorized Purchase Report\June, 2019.docx
MIAMI BEACH Emergency Purchase
Authorization Request
Number: - 25t7
Contact information
Date: Requestor-
4-29-2019 ! Water& Sewer Superintendent
Locatlort of Emergency: { Requesting Depar!ment:
300-28"' Street(Sewer pump station#28) Public Works-Operations
Required Goods/Services: Contact ko:
Replacement of(2)Switchgear Cubicle 786-256-1070
Describe Type(threat to public's lire,health,welfare or siptlfleant loss of property)and Details of Emergency(Attach additional detail,if
necessary,and all available documentation justifying emergency declaration.):
Sanitary Sewer Lift Station 1x23 located at 300-28r"Street is a major sewer station equipped
with a permanent emergency back-up generator and Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) to
power the station during FPI_power outages. On Sunday, March 31, 2019,and again on
Thursday,April 18,2019, the station experienced an FPL power outage.When this occurs, the
sewer station should automatically switch over from FPL power to generator power,
preventing any loss of power to the station. When FPL power is restored, the systems ATS
should shut down the generator and return the station to FPL power automatically. These
chains of events did not take place.
The current ATS system in place is no longer working properly despite multiple attempts at
repairs, leaving the station without power when an FPL power outage occurs.With the
existing condition, all transfer of power needs to be performed manually by a person on site
and if for some reason, staff is not aware that the station has lost power or does not
manually transfer power in a very short time, the station will remain powerless causing a
sewer overflow within 10 minutes of power loss. Unfortunately, Operations is also
experiencing issues when we attempt to conduct the transfer manually. The system is
outdated and finding parts available to make repairs Is extremely difficult and almost
impossible to procure.
Sewer Lift Station#28 serves a critical function within our sewer collection system and bears
the responsibility and significant load of collecting and transporting stakeholder's wastewater
safely and without interruption.This major sewer station includes both pit pumps for the
gravity system and booster pumps for the force main,which is then pumped directly to
Virginia Key for treatment. To ensure a high level of service and public safety,a replacement
and upgrade of the stations electric breakers system is required immediately. Another power
outage event can occur at any time and our current system can fall at any moment.
Completing this necessary task will ensure the public's health is protected by allowing the
stations emergency back-up power system to operate and transfer power as intended. The
upgrade will also significantly reduce the risk of sewer back-ups and sewer running unto the ,
road ways and stormwater system that can lead to the City's canals and the bay.
Proposed v:r,Iar attic,ieu,t 4 mufti doral: btlmated Cost Of known):
Eaton Corporat',on Total Amount:$153,620.00
Describe MOW&why b+c.nmended vendortst Selectee:
This vendor was selected on emergency availability with all the resources
required to perform the needed upgrades and respond effectively in the best
interest of the City of Miami Beach. In addition, Eaton Corporation is the sole
source manufacturer of the equipment being installed. See attached sole source
Cite Code Sec.2494.•Emergency Purcnases: '
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Department Head Procurement Director Assistant City Manager City Manager
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