LTC 381-2019 Collins Park Parking Garage - Liberty Avenue Closure. , MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGFR LTC# 381-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of b~y Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Ma . r --_.;:~ DATE: July 5, 2019 SUBJECT: Collins Park Parking Garage -Liberty Avenue Closure The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide information to the Mayor and City Commission regarding the status of the Collins Park Parking Garage Project and the upcoming closure of Liberty Avenue between 22 and 23 Streets on July 9, 2019, to allow the construction of the new Collins Park parking garage and pedestrian promenade. On March 8, 2018, pursuant to the Design/Build agreement between the City of Miami Beach (the City) and KVC Constructors, Inc. (KVC), the first Notice to Proceed (NTP1) was issued for the design and permitting phase of the Project, scheduled to be complete within 241 calendar days of the NTP1. During this phase, the City also authorized preconstruction work including the demolition of the existing one-story structure, site remediation and foundation construction. Upon issuance of the full Building Permit, anticipated on July 8, 2019, the City will issue the second Notice to Proceed (NTP2) with the construction of the garage and right-of-way improvements. The project encountered delays outside of the City's and KVC's control. Therefore, the project is now scheduled to attain substantial completion in May of 2020. The project delays encountered included the lengthy review process by Miami-Dade County Traffic Engineering Division on the approval of the new traffic study, Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources, Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) permitting process for the cleaning, removal, groundwater remediation and revised dewatering procedure associated with the five (5) one thousand gallon petroleum underground storage tanks that were unexpectedly uncovered. On January 1, 2019, the installation of the foundation system for the Collins Park Parking Garage commenced and is scheduled to be completed in within the next several weeks. The project will finally "come out of the ground" with the installation of pre-cast structures scheduled to commence in August. In order allow the contractor to prepare for the installation of the precast structures, Liberty Avenue between 22 and 23 Streets must be closed (attachment A) to allow activities related to the installation of site drainage, demobilization of the dewatering treatment system, installation of FPL duct banks and selective demolition within the right-of-way. Liberty Avenue will remain closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic until the opening of the Collins Park Parking Garage, anticipated in May 2020, to allow the construction of the structure as well as the improvements within the right-of-way. Upon completion of the project, the southern portion of Liberty Avenue will become a landscaped pedestrian promenade, while the northern half will remain open in the new configuration to allow vehicles to enter and exit the garage . Accommodations are in place for the Miami City Ballet pick-up and drop-off areas, passenger loading zone, taxi zone, motorcycle parking and handicapped parking spaces. The spaces that are displaced will eventually be mitigated by availability in the new parking garage facility. A separate contract for the replacement of the windows at the Miami City Ballet is currently in place through the City's Property Management Department. Access within the right -of- way to perform this work will be coordinated as appropriate. The Collins Park Homeowners Association has been notified of the upcoming street closure and CIP will attend the July 8, 2019 Transportation , Parking and Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee meeting to provide an update on this item . The attached construction advisory (Attachment B) was issued on July 3, 2019. Should you have any questions, please contact David Martinez at 305-673-7071. Attachments: Attachment A-Liberty Avenue Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Attachment B -Construction Advisory JLM/EC/~ CO L L I N S PA R K GA R A G E 34 0 23 r d ST Mi a m i Be a c h , Fl 3 3 1 3 9 SI I E W A L X & PA R D I G LA N E CI . O S I I I E ON 23 r s ST . SI I E W A l l CL O S U R E ON PA R K A VE N I E . FU L L CL O S U R E ON LJ I B ' t y Av e & PE D E S T R I A N II E T O I I I MD T PL A N ': £ , 9 - "n : l Tt l i • Ce r t i f i e s lh a t Ca r l o s A . C < n ; O I I O J r . H. l s C o t n p l l l l ' t e d al ' l o r i 4 a D e p a r t m M i o t T r ~ A p p ~ ~ ·~O I ' T r . a t r i c : ( M O T ) A d v a n c • D. l t e ~ p i f " ot . ' O l l 2 0 1 t Ce t t l l l o ; . ) l • • 98 5 5 IM i t i K t o t Ri c M r d COl ~ Ph Q f l l l : S4 0 - 3 f 8 · 1 7 0 1 15 f U v e r a l d e P a l i t w : a y S 1 e . 10 0 r' r e d e r k : k s i ) U r 9 . P ' L do n , . . . . c l a r ~ u .co m I' D O T P r O ' r i d c t " • 37 C ON T R A C T O R SH A L L IN S T A L L AN D MA I N T A I N TR A F F I C CO N T R O l DE V I C E S IN AC C O R D A . . I ' o < C E WI T H TH E FO O T IN D E X ST A N D A R D S LA T E S T ED I T I O N S , SU B J E C T T O TR A F F I C MA I N T E N A N C E AN D SA F E T Y PR O V I S I O N S . NO T E : ( In d e x No . 66 0 ) .. *"' - ·t ~ . ... . . - '"" Jt i . o f . : > l > X " ' i 4k u CI / C < " ( • ,. • .,., •. W•.o:-•~ ~~~~ .., . . ~ ~ ~ l a~·:~~,"'or'rt;::(l • ;p < 1 < I Vf'·' l r-~ I '¥v~··' c' ~; ,, ·~ l ;~ ${ ) t r : ~ 1 0 ,, . . TY P E U BARRICADE . . RD A D S I G N S • WD R K Z I N • JO B S I T E .I E I I S E Y II A R I I I C A I I : WIIH FEIU " ~-~W ' ~ ·~/fr ~ . • 3 ' , , ~ :- ·· .. - ! ~~ I ,, 1: - J ' ~/ / ~ Th i s Ce r t l r l e s th a t Ca r l o s A. C a n s Jr . H a ~ e d a • ~ ~ o i T r a n ., . , u t l e f t ~ M a i n l ~ o i T ra n l c ( N O T ) . . . . , ~ D a M ~ Ql . l 0 ) 1 2 0 1 f ~ u c t o r ~ C o t w c n l AT $ $ A P' t l o n r . S4 0 . U I I · H 0 1 t5 A I ' I ' t < $ 0 k P ' . : t f l o i W ~ S l e .tO O Fr e < W n c . u t l u f g . F l . dO t ! I M _.ci a r ~ .eo m - c - t . . . . . . M5 5 , D O T ~ • 31 -! i • t ---- - ~ 11 .1 I 71 s t S T _ _ j --~ ~ --! I! ! ! i i i B -- •• • t • t COLUNSPARK GARAGE 340 23rd ST Miam i Beach, Fl33139 I I I IIETIIIR MIT PUN ~ OFPUSE3 l~~~~&i6,1u 1[7111 NOTE : See Details On Phase 3 I .IIIlEY BARIIICAIIE WITH IINCf RDUSIIM WIIIIKZIN ADVISORY Collins Park Garage Notice date : July 3, 2019 Project Overview and Benefits The City of Miami Beach is constructing the new Collins Park Garage . The garage will feature six levels of parking with over 500 parking spaces and approximately 16,000 SF of retail space on the ground level. This new garage will provide ample parking for residents and visitors, filling a need for this vibrant arts district community. What's New Next week, the city will close Liberty Avenue between 22 and 23 streets as part of the garage construction and continue improvements within the right-of-way. The street will be reconfigured to create a pedestrian only promenade on the south half of the block and garage access on the north side of Liberty Avenue from 23 Street. The new pedestrian plaza will provide a strong connection from the parking structure to Collins Park, Miami City Ballet and the Public Library, among other places . Timeline This phase of construction is scheduled to start the week of July 8. The city anticipates substantial completion of the new garage in May 2020. Work hours are weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p .m.; extended time is subject to city approval and community notification . Please note, this schedule could change due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances . What to Expect • Coordination and outreach with nearby residents, stakeholders and parking pass holders is in progress . • Liberty Avenue street parking spaces will be eliminated, replaced by more spaces i n the new Collins Park Garage. MIA, v\ BEACH RISIN G ABO V E COLLINS PARK GARAGE RENDERINGS • Temporary parking restrictions are in place and accomodations are arranged nearby for the Ballet pick-up and drop-off area, loading zone, taxi zone and handicap space . • Construction materials, machinery and personnel will be present on the job site. • Moderate levels of construction noise during work hours Who to Contact For more information , please contact Lauren Firtel at 305 .673.7071, laurenfirtel@miamibeachfl.gov or visit www.miamibeachfl .gov/cip To learn more about the city's innovative resilience initiatives, visit -.mbrisingabove.com. 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