LTC 397-2019 2019 - 2020 AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM REGISTRATION DATESMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 397-2019 LEDER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members FROM: Jimmy L. Morales , City Manager DATE : July 12 , 2019 SUBJECT : 2019-2020 AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM REGISTRATION DATES The purpose of this LTC is to notify the Mayor and City Commission that the Parks and Recreation Department will begin distributing information for the 2019-2020 After-school Program enrollment process. After-school registration and payments will be handled through RecTrac , our online software system . To facilitate the process, registration dates will be staggered at different times beginning with priority registration for current Summer Camp program part icipants on July 22, 2019. Accounts must be current to register . Winter I Spring break and non- school days are included in the fee. Early registrat ion is encouraged as space is limited. We will also have payment plans available for all income tiers , and financial assistance will be available for those who qualify. Should you have additional questions, please contact Cindy Casanova at (305) 673-7730. Attachment Registeli Early, Coming Soon I The City of Miami Beach Parks & Recreation Department offers structured and supervised programs at various sites . Games, sports, tournaments, theme events, physical fitness and specialized clubs. • Winter/Spring break and non-school days included. • Payment plans are available for those who qualify. • Accounts must be current to register. • Everyone must register, there is no automatic rollover option available from the summer camp . • Register early, space is limited . REGISTRATION DATES • Current Summer camp participants July 22 • Miami Beach residents August 5 • Non-residents August 12 Please complete your online registration at: www.register.miamibeachparks.com For online registration assistance please visit: • Flamingo Park, 305.673.7779 • Scott Rakow Youth Center, 305.673.7767 • North Shore Park Youth Center, 305.861 .3616 H miamibeachparks.com Fo r allternate format or ADA accomodat ions, please ca ll305 .604 .2489 and se lect 1 for Eng lish or 2 for Span ish, then optio n 6; TIY us er s may call via 711 (Fl orida Rela y Servi ce).