Declaration for Candidates ,,," , , ,-.... -, DECLARATION FOR CANDIDATES COVERED BY THE 1\'lANDATORY PROVISION'OF Tb.... ETIDCAJ. CAMP4T(;N PR;\c:nCr..s ORDINANCE The mandatory practices of Ethical Campaign Practices Ordinance automaticall~~e~t!~. candidates and their respective campaign staffs tor tht: Miami-Vade <..:ounty Commission or Mayor, candidates and their respective campaign staffs for the Miami-Dade County and Rescue Servicc DietOot Boord; oQJ1dicLntec and their respective campaign Gta.ffs tor Miami-Dade Community Councils and candidates and their respective campaign staffs for any elective municipal electivt office in Miami-Dade County. Furthermore, any candidate for public office in Miami-Dade County as described in the precedillg sentence may at any time declare that he or she agrees to abide by the Statement of Fair Campaign Practices. ~"'-. \.t;~" ., " ,acandidatefortbeofficeof c.. . liPl~r ' ( C lU auh.1e uy tb~ volulltary fair c;mnpaign practices as provided in Section 2-11. 1.1 (D)(l), of the Code of Miami-Dade County and recognize as . . compulsory the jurisdiction of the Ethics Commission. I further agree that the Ethics Commil:sion will have the authority tn cl~c;cte whether I have violated the statement of fair campaign practices and. if a viola.tion is found, the Ethics Commission has the authority to impose the appropriate penalty, if any. The Statement of Fair Campaign Practices is enumerated below: 1. 1 shall not make my rooe, religion, noltional origin. gend<<, physical disability or sexual orientation an issue in my campaign. 2. I shall not make my opponents' race, religion, national origin, gend~r, physical disability or sexual orientation an issue in my campaign. 3. I will condemn any appeal to prejudice based on race. creed, national origin, religiop., gender, physical qisability or sexual orientation. 4. I shall not without just cause attack or question my opponent's patriotism. s. I shall not publish, display or circulate any anonymous campaign literature or poliric~ 1 ~rlvrrtisemen!. 6. I shall not tolerate my supporters engaging in these acthitit:swhich I condemn nor shall I accept their continued support If they engage in such activities. I will not permit any member of my campaign organization to engage in these actilt;ties Qod will immediately and publicly repudiate the support of any other inc1jvidnal or group, which resorts to the methods and tactics I condemn. 1. I shall nul a positive campaign emphasizing my q';lalifications for office and position on issues of public concern. . I I I I I I I ~,. I I II . - -- 8. I wi11limit myattac;ks on an opponent to legitimate challenges to that person.s record. qualifications. and positions. 9. I will neither use nor permif the use of malicious untruths or innuendoes about an opponent's personatlife. nor will I make or condone unfounded accusations discrediting that person's credibility. 10. I will fa kp. J1er~nnal Te~ponsibility for appravin~ or disavo~;ng the substance of attacks on my opponent that may come from third parties supporting my candidacy. 11. I will not use or permit the use of campaign material that falsifies. distorts, or misrepreGelltc facts. ation is signed it is dec=med irrevocable for the duration of the campaign. -.. ;.-....,..~~...-- _~~3 ~ate pLEASE FILE A COpy OF THIS FORM WInI THE MIAMI-DADE COMMISSION ON ETBICS ANn PTffiT.Ie TRUST AND TIIE MIAMI-DADE SUPERVISOR OF ELECfIONS. Miami-Dade COnmUssion on Ethics 19 West Flagler Street Suite 220 Miami. FL 33130 Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections 111 N .'V. 1 C1 Street 191h Floor Mmm;. FT. 33128 . . . . . II . II ID/C'D ~'rl...l nJ 2 " lfIU ~TH~3 NO NOISSIWWO~ dOd ELlla6L99laE lla:~t Ela9l/Et/t~