LTC 450-2019 2019 Business Survey ResultsMIAMI BEACH
TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission
FROM : Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
DATE : August 12, 2019
SUBJECT : 2019 Business Survey Results
I am pleased to provide you with highlights and full report for 2019 Business Survey results. In
May, the survey results from residents were shared and discussed with the City Commission
and the Management Team. Now that the Business Survey results are available, the city has
statically valid data to help inform decision-making for services and programs specific to the
business community . A total of 604 businesses from a random sample representative of Miami
Beach's business community completed the survey . The survey results have a 95% level of
confidence with a precision rate of at least+/-4 .0%.
01. Overall Ratings for the City of Miami Beach
by percentage of businesses (excluding "don't know ")
Fire services
Emergency medical services
Ocean rescue/li feguard /beach patro l
City's emergency/hurricane preparedness
Ma intenance of parks
Appearance /ma intenance of City's public bklgs
Miam i Beach trolley system
Police services
Overan quality of the beaches
Rel iability of potable (drink ing) water
Landscape ma intenance in ri ght of way
Reliabil ity of sewer (wastewater) services
Street lighting
Garbage/trash coUection
Condition of streets
Miam i Dade County's bus service
Cleanliness of streets near your business
Overall quality of customer service
City efforts to keep businesses informed
Cleanl iness of canals/waterways
Cond ition of sidewalks (few or no cracks)
City's efforts to manage stormwate r
Efforts to address homelessness
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
ja Excellent(4) ~Good (3) DFair(2) DPoor(1)
Soto ·c e: ETC Inst itut e (2019-Mi am i Beach Busine ss Sztl1 'ey)
To review the results, a presentation by ETC Institute will be scheduled for an upcoming
Commission meeting. ETC is the survey provider in charge of administering the survey and
ensuring that the results are valid and represent the full business community.
A summary of the results and the full survey report are attached to this memorandum and are
available online.
Summary Snapshot
Overall, businesses have a very high level of satisfaction with city services.
o More than 90% of business rated the City's fire, emergency medical, and ocean
rescue/lifeguard/beach patrol services as "excellent" or "good."
o With the exception of addressing homelessness, no more than 17% of
businesses indicated the City was doing a poor job in any category of service .
The following items are the top opportunities for improvement in order to raise overall
satisfaction . These items ranked lower in satisfaction and higher in terms of importance .
o Efforts to address homelessness (very high)
o Cleanliness of streets near businesses (high)
o Efforts to manage stormwater (high)
o Police services (medium)
o Condition of sidewalks (medium)
I encourage you to review the full survey results, which include additional results and trends.
look forward to discussion .
For questions about the survey, please contact Amy Knowles, Deputy Resilience Officer at
Thank you