LTC 500-2019 Report on Emergency Purchases and Unauthorized Purchases MIAMIBEACH
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
To: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members o the City ommission
From: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
Date: September 12, 2019
Subject: Report on Emergency Purchases a d Unauthorized Purchases
EMERGENCY PURCHASES. Miami Beach City Code Section 2-396 provides for the City
Manager to waive the requirements for competitive bidding for emergency purchases as defined
in the Code. Pursuant to this provision, emergency purchases exceeding $50,000.00 are to be
reported to the City Commission at its meeting following the emergency. The emergency
purchase request process outlined in Code allows the City to respond expeditiously to unexpected
needs. The Emergency Purchase Request form for each emergency reported is attached.
Emer•enc Purchases
Form Nature of Emergency Requestor Contractor Estimate
No. Value
2019- Replacement of Water Main Public Works Southern
346 Bridge Hanger & Pipe Operations Underground $264,935
2019- 20-inch Water Main Public Works Southern
360 Replacement Engineering Underground $599,830
2019- 24-inch FM Emergency Repair Public Works
379 and 20-inch Valve Replacement Engineering Ric-Man Construction $600,664
UNAUTHORIZED PURCHASES. Miami Beach City Code Section 2-393(a) prohibits the purchase
of goods or services unauthorized by the Procurement Division (typically through the issuance of
a Purchase Order with stated purchase authority prior to the receipt of goods or services). In its
due diligence, the Department of Procurement Management (DPM) has identified those
purchases that have been transacted in violation of the stated Code requirement. In those cases,
the DPM has required documentation and justification be provided to the City Manager, through
the Unauthorized Purchase form, who may then, pursuant to Code, consider and authorize the
purchase. Unauthorized purchases exceeding $50,000.00 are reported to the City Commission at
its meeting following the approval of the Unauthorized Purchase form.
Unauthorized Purchases
Nature of
Form No. Unauthorized Requestor Contractor Value
Nothing To Report
F:\PURI\$ALS \REPORTS\Monthly Reports\FY 2019\Emergency&Unauthorized Purchase Report\September,2019.docx
Emergency Purchase
+AM g Eras Iy Authorization Request
Number: J 9-340s-jel
.Contact Information •
Date: Requester •
07-25-2019 Water&Sewer Superintendent Lys Desir Jr
i Location of Emergency: Requesting Department
Venetian Causeway Bridge/between San Marino and San Public Works-Operations
Marco Islands
Required Coeds/Services: Contact No..
Water main bridge hanger&pipe 786-256-1070
•Nature of Emergency •
Describe Type(goat to public's fife,health,welfare or significant fou of property)and Wails of Emergency(Aitch additional detail,if
necessary,and.sit available documentation justifying emergency declaration.}:
One of the main potable water feeds to the City of Miami Beach has broken structural
hangers and the 15"water main has failed and is in dire need of replacement. Failure to act
is likely to result in immediate failure to the City's potable water supply affecting fire
suppression,water pressure,water volume,and the health and public welfare of the City's
A contractor specific to utility work on bridges is needed.As of January 2019,contractor
Southern Underground has completed an emergency repair similar in nature:to restore a
section of 15"water main along with hangars would return the City's water distribution
system back to normal operation along the Venetian Causeway bridge between San Marino
and San Marco Islands.
._ .. _ Vendm(s)Idiom ation •
Proposed Vendor(attach detail if multiple vendor;: j Fatimat s Cost(if known':
f Southern Underground Industries I $264,935.00
oascribe Now&Why Recommended Vendor(s)Selected:
This vendor was selected on emergency availability with all the resources
required to respond effectively in the best interest of the City of Miami Beach.
City Code Sec.2.396.•Emergency Purchases:
(a)City of an apparent emergency recuicrg imrmeirate purchase of supplies cr contrca;af sar,ice lire oty manager snail ae
empcweced to authorize the procurement director to secure by open market procedure at he`cwest attainable:ccs.any supcties a contractual
serrrcas act exceeding 325.CC0.00.The city manager has the eulhcrty to act n the case of an emergency that might efeC the health,safety and
welfare the cry.Suca action shall'ce ret:or'ed at the rest regular meeting of re city ccmmisstcn linen suoelies,or serrices exceed 325.CCO.CO.
I (b)Head o!Department.In case of actual emergency.and with the crcr ccnsent of Ire pccararrnt director.and the prcr unravel of he city
manager,the head of airy using agency may purchase lirecity any supplies ehcsa mediate procurement'a es;anttaf to re lent delays n the work
of re using agarcy stat may vdaily adec the or convenience of atizens T`.e'need of suds using agency;hall send to'he procurement
director a requisition and a coy of the delivery record.tcgether ith a%if:.eritten recon of the dreumsrarces d re erner}ern
Department Head Procurement Director Assistant City Manager City Manager
IS„ TURF: j CIGNA Rt: ,.. 'f ! SlGtl.1 !. j ATURE:
/Z-a r I V
DATt- OAT _.Qy1Tl:: TE:
�� f‘( Dt'fi(/- Jv�
1 MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION 1 LS 5 41,000.00 S 41,000.00
2 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC I 1 LS S 12,000.00 S 12,000.00
3 SUBMITTALS 1 LS 5 6,000.00 S 6,000.00
4 THE EXISTING Wrk,1 13S LF 5 480.00 $ 88.800.00
5 SLEEVES, SPOOL PIECES,ADAPTERS. 2 EA S 11,000.00 5 22,000.0?
6 EXISTING BRIDGE PIPE 1 LS 5 13,000.00 5 13,000.00
7 SIDEWALK 235 LF S 150.00 S 35,250.00
8 CONDITIONS 250 LF S 30.00 5 7,800.00
9 PRESSURE TESTING 1 LS S 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00
10 CHLORINATION OF 16" PIPE 1 LS ' 3 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00
I 11 SAMPLE POINTS AS REQUIRED BY DOH 1 LS 1 S 5,000.00 S 5,000.00
SUBTOTAL S 240,850.00
12 SUBTOTAL AMOUNT) 1 ! 5 24,085.00 $ 24,085.00
Iv\ I AM I B EACH Emergency Purchase
Authorization Request
No.: Ole -360-NA I
Contact Information
17/19/19 I Requester.
i Mariana Evora I
Location of Emergency:
Requesting Department: "—
South Side of MacArthur Causeway Bridge Public Works Engineering
Required Goods/Services:
Contact No.:
20-inch Water Main Replacement f 305-
i 305-67733
-7080 Ext. 26180
Nature of Emergency
Describe Type(threat to public's life,health,welfare or significant loss of property)and Details of Emergency(Attach additional deta I.if
necessary,and all available documentation justifying emergency declaration.):
Replacement of 180 Linear Feet of 20-inch Water Main which is attached to the south s'de
of the MacArthur bridge deck. This section of the line is highly corroded due to its exposure
to the environment. In addition, FDOT is planning to perform deck repairs within the limits
of the highly corroded water main increasing the potential risk of failure.This water main is
one of the main water supplies serving the South Pointe, West Avenue and Flamingo
Neighborhoods. The Department of Public Works believes that the scheduled repairs that
will be made to the bridge deck have a high possibility of rupturing the main.This water main
is needed for water service redundancy and to maintain fire flow pressures.
Proposed Vendor(attach detail if multiple vendors):
Southern Underground I Estimated Cost(if known): I
$599,830.00 1
1 Describe How&Why Recommended Vendor(s)Selected:
1 Two contractors were invited to bid;LEAD Engineering,the FOOT contractor currently mobilized to the MacArthur Causeway who is
I1 performing the bridge repair work for FDOT and Southern Underground,the contractor who has previously performed emergency main
repair work for the City.The lowest bidder was selected.
I City Code Sec.2-396.-Emergency Purchases: )
I (a)City Manager.In case of an apparent emergency requiring
I empowered to authcnze the procurement director to secure byopen market ate p procedureurease of at
to c west obtainabl service,nye e price, any ucy
pp manager shall ce ,,
services not exceeding$25.000.00.The city manager has the authority to act n the caseof an emergencythatmight affect the health,safety alies or contract`d I
welfare of the city.Such action shall be reported at the next regular meeting of the city commission when supplies or services exceed$25.000.00.
I (b)Head of Department.In case of actual emergency,and with the prior consent of the procurement director.and the prior approval of the c.ty
manager,the head of any using agency may purchase directly any supplies whose immediate procurement is essential to prevent delays in the wcrk
of the using agency that may vitally affect the life,health or convenience of citizens.The head of such using agency shall send to the procurement
director a requisition and a copy of the delivery record,together with a full written report of the circumstances of the emerg•ncy.
Department Head Procurement Director Assistant City Manager City Manager
,4Q1i 'URE: j SIGNATtj' : I SI ATURE: similar
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Emergency Replacement of Existing 20"WM Along MacArthur Causeway South East Side
Bid Item Description QuantityUnit
Item Unit Price Total Price
1 Performance&Payment Bonds 1 LS
2 Mobilization and Demobilization $9.700.00 $9,'00.00
1 LS $63.040.00 $63,000.00
3 Maintenance of Traffic 1 LS
4 Surveying/As-Builts $2.800.00 $2 800.00
1 LS $5.400.00 $5400.00
5 Removal&Disposal of Existing Pipe 180 LF
$440.00 $79,200.00
Furnish&Install 20'DIP Pipe,Class 52,bell&spigot fully
restrained from previously replaced pipe section to in-land
interconnect(Coated for Corrosion Resistance).price shall
6 include all necessary hardware,fittings,sleeves,spool pieces 180 LF
and any appurtenant items necessary far a successful
installation of the section of the WM except tie-ins which are to
be paid on a separate line item.
$1,200.00 $218,000.00
Two tie-in connections are anticipated for this project.The
tie-in connections shall include;SS316 Hardware,Spool
pieces/sleeves(Coated for corrosion resistance)and any
7 appurtenances necessary for a successful installation of the 1 LS
section of the WM(connection may take place at either side of
the 180LF(6) : - : -: - -_ _ - -- e
12 A).
8 Furnish&Install SS 316 Pipe Hangers $78,000.00 $78 000.00
23 EA f S2 700 00 $621100.00
I 9 Pressure testing to 150 PSI 1 LS
1 10 Chlorination of Existing and New Water Main 1 $7,200.00 $700.00
LS $7,200.00 $7, 00.00
11 Provide Sample Points as Required by DOH
Restoration of all disturbed areas including concrete structures, 3 EA $3,900.00 $11,700.00
R 12 pavers and landscape as necessary for the installation of 180 1 LS
LF of Water Main
$3,000.00 $3,0100.00
No.6)24#eeElw{aad{Gea the a ar1`Ll�(Ite�rt
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he WLI except tie-
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14 Contingency- 10%
F:\WORK\SALLWROJECTS\12 South Pointe\btacArthur South Side 20-in WM Emergency Repairs\6 Construction\Procurement\BID\RFfS1,RF[No.Mid Tab 1971710 Rev 1
MIAMI BEACH Emergency Purchase
Authorization Request
i No.: Xs12,ekt.
Contact Information
Date: Requestor
08/16/19 J Mariana Evora
Location of Emergency: Requesting Department:
5th St and Michigan /3rd Street and Michigan Public Works Engineering
Required Goods/Services; Contact No.:
54" FM Emergency Repair and 20" Valve 305-673-7080 Ext. 26180
• Replacement
Nature of Emergency•
Describe Type(threat to public's fife,health,welfare or significant loss of property)and Details of Emergency(Attach additional detail,IF
necessary,and all available documentation justifying emergency declaration.):
Replacement of 20 to 40 linear feet of 54-inch of sewerage force main at the intersection of
5th Street and Michigan Ave. The force main appears to have been damaged by a contractor
during a directional bore. Also required is the replacement of a 20-inch valve on the
intersection of 3" Street and Michigan Ave which is in poor conditions.The damaged 54-inch
force main is needed for redundancy for the conveyance of wastewater to the Central District
Waste Water Treatment Plant. Although, thanks to the recent installation of a redundant
line, the City was able to by-pass the flows; it is necessary to repair and maintain both lines
in good operational conditions. The replacement/repairs are necessary to avoid potential
risk of sewerage spills, which may cause major issues to the health and safety of our
community and the environment.
Proposed Vendor(attach detail if multiple vendors): Estimated Cost(If known):
Ric-Man Construction Inc. $600,664.00
Describe How&Why Recommended Vendor(s)Selected:
Two contractors were invited to bid;Ric-Man Construction Inc.and David Mancini and Sons Inc.both contractors have extensive
experience with large diameter pipelines and City of Miami Beach projects. The lowest bidder was selected.
City Code Sec.2.396.•Emergency Purchases: -
(a)City Manager.In case of an apparent emergency requiring immediate purchase of supplies or contractual service.the city manager snail oe
empowered to authorize the procurement director to secure by open market procedure at the lowest attainaGe price, any supplies or contractual I
services net exceeding$25,000.00 The city manager has the authority to act in the case of an emergency that might affect the health,safety and
welfare of the city Such action shalt be reported at the next regular meeting of the city commission when supplies or services exceed 525,000 CO
(b)Head of Department In case of actual emergency and with the pip consent of the procurement directcr, and tie prior approval of the city
manager,the head of any using agency may purchase directly any supplies whose immediate procurement s essential to prevent delays in the work
of the using agency that may vitally affect the life,health or convenience of citizens. The head of such using agency shalt send to the procurerteert
director a requisition and a copy of the delivery record,together with a full written report of the circumstances of the emergency
Department Head Procurement Director Assistant City Manager City Managar
Ric-Man Construction Inc.
Emergency Repair of Existing 54" FM on the SE Intersection of Michigan and 5th Street and
Replacement of exiting 20-inch PV in the Intersection of 3rd Street and Michigan
Bid Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Price
1 Mobilization and Demobilization 1 LS $62532.00 $62,532.00
2 Maintenance of Traffic(excluding any MOT for '
replacement of Stamped Concrete) 1 LS
S8 75A.00 58,758.00
Furnish&Install 54'PCCP Pipe,with Epoxy-Tec
3 Lining, including dewatering and removal and 20 LF
disposal of existing pipe(see notes below)
59,346.00 S 186,920.00
4 Density Testing in accordance to FOOT standards 15 EA
, 5340.00 55,850.00
Restoration of all disturbed areas(excluding
stamped concrete for crosswalks),restoration shall
include permanent pavement restoration,milling and
5 asphalt overlay(up to 10'past the edge of the edge 1 LS
of excavation),replacement of pavement markings,
replacement of traffic signal loop,curb,gutter,
sidewalk landscape and any disturbed items.
332.694.00 532,699.00
Replacement of exiting 20"Valve with a new 20"
6 Plug Valve on the intersection of 3rd Street and 1 LS
Michigan Ave.(see notes below) s4 .f9'00 495.697 00
Restoration of all disturbed areas for the
replacement of the 20-inch Valve on 3rd Street and
Michigan Ave,restoration shall include permanent
pavement restoration,milling and asphalt overlay(up 1 LS
to 10'past the edge of the edge of excavation),
replacement of pavement markings,replacement of
traffic signal loop,curb,gutter,sidewalk landscape
and any disturbed items.
335.691100 535.690.00 1
8 SUBTOTAL 5428.146.00
Furnish&Install and additional 20'of 54"PCCP
Pipe,with Epoxy-Tec Lining(If required by
9 Contingent conditions encountered in field),including 20 LF
dewatering and removal and disposal of existing
pipe(see notes below) 53,671.00 573,420.00
Restoration of all disturbed areas for the installation
of an additional 20'of FM(excluding stamped
concrete for crosswalks),restoration shall include
t 0 Contingent permanent pavement restoration,milling and asphalt 1
overlay(up to 10'past the edge of the edge of
excavation),replacement of pavement markings,
replacement of traffic signal loop,curb,gutter,
sidewalk landscape and any disturbed items. $14.3915.00 SI4.396.00
For restoring stamped crosswalks to match existing
11 Contingent on 5th Street(from the south end to the Median only) 1 LS
(see notes below) St5,60o.0o SI5,600.00
12 SUBTOTAL (Sum Items 8 through 11) $531,562.00
13 Permit Allowance(3%of item No 12) _ 3% • 515.946,00
14 Contingency-(10%of item No. 12) 353,156.00
thorugh 14): 3600,664.00
F111'(MKSA1LlPROJE TS\1'-South PoNnc\54-,ch Fitt l.lictucan and Ah Si IPtncute,nenNli d rab 191811
Page 1of`
Item no.3 Price shall br inclusive Mall pipe,materials.labor and equapanent neer:wry for a complete.and tatiutactory installation of the 20 of force main.Including but not
Exploratory Excavation,removal of existing pipe,furnishing and installing dr mer pipe.finings,restrains and specials for sewage force main,field locating and
mewing entities at close proximity to the leave of die moa that will be replaced.excavation..abetting and shoring,growndwater dewatering(the City bas a
groundwars well.see record drawings,it is assumed that rtes well may be aid for dewatering of groundwater as the first option),dewatenng and disposal of any
sewerage reantrnug in the existing force main sisal'be into CUB Sanitary Sewer(dewater will be metered by the contractor,but at the expense of the City.the
coturacsor rill not he billed),detivesy and unloading dall pipe and nam iaka,ftrmiahing el'jam materials including vegetable soap lubricant,making thrust
restraints and furnishing and installing tie rods and rye bobs;making necessary cannectioos on north Ind south side of the segment,furnishing specialty equipment,
placing and compacting backfill,if necessary.providing iensporary pavement repairs.
Note Allowable dewatering into CMB San Sewer rill be limited xi all of the Sewerage from the extsong Force Main ar SOA of the capacity of the receiving Sewer if
this disposal method is used for dewatering of gmwndwater,see attached anbuits,
hem No. 6 Price shall be inclusive of all pipe,mueriats,labor and equipment rltcensary for a complete and satisfactory repiacemem of the existing 20-inch Valve with a 20.inch
plug valve.including but not limited to:
Exploratory Excavation,removal of existing valve,furnishing and installing the new valve and any necessary pipe,fittings,re-attains and specials for the replacement
to take place,furnishing and installing line stops to uemporarily shut off the;Warn,field locating and protecting utilities at close proximity to the section of the main
that will be replaced,excavation,sheeting and shoring,dewatering and itsposal of product wane.dewatenng and disposal of any sewerage remaining in the existing
force main(dewatering into CMB Salutary Sewer will be allowed,downer will be metered by the conrnctor,but at the expense of the City,the contractor will not be
billed),delivery and unloading of all pipe and materials,furnistung Ilt form materials including vegetable map lubricant,making thrust restraints and furnishing sad
installing tie rods and eye bolts;fisrmishing specialty equipment,placing and compacting backfill,if necessary,providing temporary pavement repairs.
Note:The 20-inch Plug Valve shall be replaced prior to perfomung repair work on the 54inch FM on Sib Street and Miclugan Ave.
Item No.9 Price shall be inclusive of all pipe,materials,tabor and equipment necessary fora complete and satisfactory installation of an additional 20 LFofforce main(if
(Contingent)necessary based on actual field condition enemumteced).kern shall include but err be limited to:
Emploratort Excavation,removal of existing pipe,furnishing and installing the pipe,finings,restrains and specials for sewage force train,field locating and
protecting utilities at close proximity to the section of the man that will be replaced,excavation,sheeting and shoring,grosvtdwater dewatenng(the City has a
groundwater well,see record drawings,it is assumed that this well may be used foe dewatering of groundwater ma the first option),dewatenng and disposal of any
sewerage retraining in the existing force main shall be into CMB Sanitary Sewer(dewatee will be metered by the contractor,bur at the expense of the City.the
contractor will not be billed) delivery and unloading of all pipe and materials,furnishing all joint materials including vegetable map lubricant,making thrust
restraints and furnishing and installing tie rods and eye bolts;making accessary comsections on north and south ends of the additional segment,furnishing specialty
equipment,placing and compacting backlit!.if necessary,providing temporary pavement repairs,
Note:Allowable iiewanering into CMB San Sewer will be limited to all of the Sewerage from the existing Force Main or 50A of the capacity of the receiving Sewer:f
this disposal method is used for dewatenng of gsowndwater,see attached as-bullas,
Item No.i I Price shall include turnushing and initialling all materials,labors and equipment oecrosary fur replacement(in kind)of the crosswalk as well as all maintenance of
(Contingent)traffic necessary for work operations
Additional Notes
his the intend of the City to obtain a complete.working and satisfactory replacement of the segment of 54"?CCP pipe that was damaged in principle only I segment t 2O It)of pipe will
be replaced If after excavation,the city determines that an additional segment of pipe requires replacement then the additional segment will be replaced and paid for under the
corresponding bid items Contractor shall include all,and materials that may be reaneably manned necessary to accomplish this work and shall be supplied whether or
not they are specified herein.
This project is assumed to be built under replier working hours,the job site shall be property secured at the end of each work day.
Contractor is advised to,prior to bidding,visit the prr>)ea site and become familiar with the misting conditions of the site.
Contingent Items Because of the nature of the contingency items they may or tray not be used at the option of the City.
(9 through I I)
Allowances Because of the nature of the allowance items they may or may not be used at the option of die City.
(13 and 14)
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FAWORICnSAI1WROJECTS?l2 Saatb Penne 54"inch FM Michigan and 5th SoProcureniemtliid Tab 191)814