LTC 502-2019 Miami Beach Convention Center Advisory Board MotionMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 502-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members o the City FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: September 13, 2019 SUBJECT: Miami Beach Convention Center dvisory Board Motion The purpose of this Letter to the Commission ("LTC") is to inform the Commission of a motion =====~asseā‚¬1=~y=tl'le=Miami=BeaGI'l=6eAYJeAtien=6entef=A-clvisery=Bearcl=cll;rrirr~,ttl'reiFSeptemi:JeF1~~et@======t meeting. Members Present: Laurence Herrup (Chair), Peter Matos (Vice Chair), Michael Goldberg, Peggie Benua (Ex-Officio), Lee Zimmerman and Liar Leser. Elizabeth Resnick participated by phone. CC: MOTION: Recommend that the City of Miami Beach waive the competitive bidding requirement for the daily management, operation and food and beverage services of the Carl Fisher Clubhouse facilities and further recommend that Spectra and Centerplate be allowed to manage these services, consistent with their existing agreements with the City of Miami Beach, to ensure continuity of service within the Miami Beach Convention Center campus. Motion Entertained By: Laurence Herrup Motion Made By: Peter Matos Motion Seconded By: Michael Goldberg Motion Passed: 6-0 Matt Kenny, Director, Tourism & Culture Heather Shaw, Assistant Director, Tourism &Culture Marcia Monserrat-City Manager's Office, Chief of Staff