LTC 548-2019 Miami-Dade County Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project UpdateMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 548-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members FROM : Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: October 11, 2019 SUBJECT : Miami-Dade County Beach Erosion ontrol and Hurricane Protection Project Update I am pleased to announce that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will be begin their next beach renourishment project in the upcoming weeks. This $15.9M project is fully funded by the federal government and will address the erosional hotspots in the vicinity of 64th Street, 55th Street, 47th Street and 29th Street. The USACE will be hosting a public meeting on October 22, 2019 at 6 p.m. at the Miami Beach Golf Course. The contractor, Eastman Aggregate Enterprises, LLC, will be trucking in approximately 305,000 cubic yards of sand from central Florida . The contractor is finalizing the construction schedule with the USACE. We have been told that the contractor will begin construction in November or early December, but it could be later depending on how long it takes for USACE to receive and approve all the required preconstruction submittals. The contractor is planning to work from the north to south of the project area. The city will provide input to USACE and the contractor in an effort to reduce potential conflicts with high impact weekends . Keep in mind, however, that this is not a city project and we cannot guarantee any particular outcomes. As I receive detailed updates regarding the schedule and construction timeline, I will provide you updates . Any questions related to the project please contact the Environment & Sustainability Director, Elizabeth Wheaton. Attachments: A -Erosional Hotspot Photographs B -Map of Renourishment Areas JLM/SMT/ESW F:\WORK\$ALL\(1) EMPLOYEE FOLDERSIE+S DEPT\LTC\Beach Renourishment 2019-2020.docx I ATTACHMENT A 2019 Beach Erosion Vicinity of 29th Street Facing North Facing South Vicinity of 47 1h Street Facing North Facing South 2019 Beach Erosion 2019 Beach Erosion Vicinity of 55th Street-North Facing 2019 Beach Erosion Vicinity of 641h Street-North Facing 2019 Beach Erosion Vicinity of 54th Street-South Facing N A 125 Feet 250 ATTACHMENT B .;. City of Miami Beach US Arm y Corps of Enginee rs Be ach Renouri shm ent Project 29th Street Erosion Hotspot J f 7 I I J I i / I Note: Tlus Map l5lo be used lor planning purposes oo!y. The Crt)' of Miami BeiJCh WI nOI be held bble br III'Y illjiJfY or daMage caused by !he use o' data distributed:uapublil;:rt!CO!tisrequestreganlles.sof l'letr useor a ppllca:JOI\Ttleaeatoroftflfsmap*s -not guaran:ee thfl aecurac:y. or sullabllity !or any uH of lhe!ied.ata ,.-ndno w~isu:pressedorinplied. Map Created on 10f712019 200 Feel 400 Path: M:ISCMB\GIS'Projeds\1 9_Besch_Hotspotsl map51BeachHotspots.ITU(d US Army Corps of Enginee rs Beach Renourishm ent Project 47th Street Erosion Hotsp ot Note· Thi5 rn.p is 10 be used for planrwtg ptWposes only. The Crtyf:A'-'iat111 Beach shall 001 beh&ld ~ab6e b any n;.y or <1~11 caused by~ U$8 of da:,. ~nbu~ed Uiiip.lbhcr~f'!Que51~.Uienof t>etru.seorapplica:l()l\_ Thea•:oroftllisMilf)doe.s notguamn:Mtheaccutaey,orsu!I&DIIItylcc'anyuseof lhMII data,iilf1d fK!WatTIWityll expr&Ssedormpiled. Map C~t~ated on 100/2019 N A 150 Feet 300 US Army Corps of En gin eers Beach Reno uri shment Project 54th Street Erosion Hotspot I I • • ....-"\ ' _l I I t I \ Note· This r:'l<li) is to be used for pUnrnng purposes only. TheCily afhtlant Be.ach shaW rtOt be held liabla foranyinjuryordarneg;ec:iiU5edbyltlauseofda:.a cis:rbf:ed asapublicrecofds n~questregatdlessol lhf!llf UM or appka:ion. Tiul Q"lliltor o! thiS~ does not gwnwu!a the ltCCtlr.tcy, or surtabbty lor any usa of lhese data. and no W<ltl'an:y is expressed or implled. ~Crea~ltdonl0/71'2019 N A 250 Feet 500 US Army Corps of Engineers Bea ch Renourishm ent Project 94th Stre et Erosion Hotspot Nota: This map is ID be usea for plarwtng pu-poses Of# The City of MiaMj Beach shaM no! be held bbie fur ¥1)' nfi.I'YOf damolgecaused by :he U5fl ofda~il distritll.ued u a public reoon:ts reQUe$ ~t~g..:l-.ss of l1111r usa or appicato<l. The ae.aror of ttus ft'IIIP does notguarantee(heac:curacy,orstn:abiltyforanyuseof flesedil!.a,.-ldnowarranlyisaprll$$tll301f'Wnl)lied. Map Cru:ed ~ 10/112019