LTC 562-2019 LAKEVIEW NEIGHBORHOOD - HALLOWEEN m MIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 562-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of/he City Co mission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager 0"" DATE: October 17, 2019 ' SUBJECT: LAKEVIEW NEIGHBORHOOD — H LOWEEN The purpose of this LTC (Letter to Commission) is to provide an update regarding planned pedestrian/vehicular traffic control during the upcoming Halloween festivities along and within the Lakeview neighborhood. This plan has been deployed in recent years and we continue to include enhanced services accordingly. As you may know, the Lakeview neighborhood has a longstanding tradition each year where its residents participate in a festive and family-oriented atmosphere in the spirit of Alihallow's Eve. Over the years, it has gained quite a bit of popularity and residents from different areas of the city and beyond come to the neighborhood to "trick or treat" and partake in the festivities. Several years ago, as a result of this unintended popularity, there were several complaints from Lakeview residents related to parking and traffic and from both sides of the issue. Some residents had issues with traffic and related congestion as well as parking on swales, including within Fisher Park while others had issue with enforcement actions as a result of calls for services. Once again, the Administration is taking a very proactive approach to address new challenges related to the growing popularity of this neighborhood event. Representatives from Police, Parks & Recreation, Marketing and Communications, Transportation, and Parking Departments, along with residents from the neighborhood, and Randy Weisburd have agreed upon the plan below. Please note this year's again includes a new and significant enhancement by the Police Department to address public safety. Through the years, this event has grown so much in popularity that the potential for vehicle-pedestrian conflict warrants the following enhancements: • Vehicular access (in and out) of the Lakeview neighborhood will be prohibited between the hours of 6:00 PM and 8:30 PM. The volume of pedestrians, including parents and children, warrants this temporary closure by the Police Department. Officers will be posted at all access points as well as the interior of the Lakeview neighborhood. • Light towers will be strategically placed in "low light" areas with sensitivity to not adversely impact adjacent residents' homes. • Four dedicated parking enforcement officers to perform traffic control at key intersections. • Parks & Recreation will have temporary barricades strategically placed around Fisher Park to prohibit access onto the park itself and assist accordingly. October 17, 2019 Letter to Commission Lakeview Neighborhood- Halloween Page 2 • The Marketing and Communications Department in conjunction with the Police Department will issue a coordinated message for distribution to residents. • The Transportation and Parking Departments are coordinating deployment of electronic message boards on Alton Road with traffic information. Lastly and certainly not least, Randy Weisburd and residents of the Lakeview neighborhood are again kind enough to assist us with input and notification to all residents in the neighborhood advising them of our coordinated plan. If you should have any questions, please contact Saul Frances, Parking Director via email at saulfrancesmiamibeachfl.qov or at 305.673.7000, extension 6483. c: Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager Mark Taxis, Assistant City Manager Susanne Torriente, Assistant City Manager Marcia Monserrat, Chief of Staff/Office of the City Manager Rick Clements, Chief of Police John Rebar, Parks and Recreation Director Jose Gonzalez, Transportation Director Tonya Daniels, Marketing and Communications Director Saul Frances, Parking Director JLM/ F' f:\ping\$all\saul\cmo\LakeviewNeig hborhoodHallowee10082019.Itc.doc