LTC 602-2019 Frost Science Living Shoreline CollaborationMIAMI ACH
FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
DATE: November 7, 2019
SUBJECT: Frost Science Living Shoreline Co laboration
I am pleased to announce the City's recent partnership with Frost Science's Museum Volunteers for
the Environment (MUVE). On October 23, 2019 volunteers planted over 200 red mangroves
(Rhizophora mangle) along the hybrid living shoreline of the newly inaugurated Collins Canal Park,
adjacent to the convention center.
This living shoreline is one of the most
recent projects that builds on the city's
green infrastructure portfolio . This project
uses a suite of bank stabilization and
habitat restoration methods to reinforce
the shoreline, minimize coastal erosion,
and maintain coastal processes . Adding
red mangroves, helps to protect the
shoreline and creates natural habitat for
fish and aquatic wildlife .
·• _ MUVE is a volunteer-based 1l~ /ILJ \/ 1-habitat r.estorati?n project that I\ -uses soc1al med1a, eco-art and
MUSEUM VOLUNTEERS SCience exhibitS tO engage
FOR T IE ENV RO MEN . . . residents 1n restonng coastal
environments that once thrived in Miami-Dade County.
Since 2007, over 8 ,000 volunteers have restored more
than 25 acres of mangroves, freshwater wetlands, dune
habitat and coastal forest in Miami-Dade County .
This site was chosen to complement the 600 black
mangroves (Avicennia germinans) and the surrounding
native vegetation installed in the redesign of the park. This
partnership also advances the Resilient305 Strategy, which
sets the objective to enhance natural systems and calls to
expand nature based infrastructure.
I would like to thank our Forestry Field Specialist, Harper
Martinez, for bringing this opportunity to the city and
coordinating the planting with the MUVE staff.
Please contact Elizabeth Wheaton, Environment &
MUVE Volunteers planting red mangroves.
Sustainability Director, if you have any questions at 305-673-7010 .