LTC 611-2019 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of November 25 - 29, 2019MJAMIBEACIH
LTC No. 611·2019
TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission
FROM, Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk d
DATE: November 18, 2019
SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of November 25 -29, 2019
Attached please find meetings noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week
of November 25-29, 2019, published on November 17, 2019.
The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at
http://m iam ibeachfl. gov/cityclerkldefault. aspx?id= 1776
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 305.673.7 411.
We are committed to providing excellent public seNice and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community
10:00 a.m.
to completion
November 25-29, 2019
MONDAY, November 25
City Commission/Election
Related/Swearing In
Canvassing Board Schedule:
Audit process starts to
TUESDAY, November 26
Senior Affairs Commi~ee*
Sustalnability Committee
Human Rights Committee
Commission Chamber
3'd Floor, City Hall
Miami-Dade County
Supervisor of Elections
2700 NW 87'" Avenue
Miami, Florida 33172
City Manager's large Coni.
Room, 41h Floor, City Hall
City Manager's large Coni.
Room, 41h Floor, City Hall
Parking Dept., Coni., Room
2"d Fl., 1755 Meridian Ave,
WEDNESDAY, November 27
No Meetings Scheduled
THURSDAY, November 28
Thanksgiving Day-Holiday ***City Hall Closed
FRIDAY, November 29
Thanksgiving Day Alter-
Holiday Observed
***City Hall Closed
for any and/or all of !he above meetings, one or more members of 1he Miami Beach
CUy Commission, and or Clly board/commi/lee members may be in allendonce and
participate In discussions.
* Aired livaoo fv\BTV· A!lont]G Broadband MO AI&Ithrerse 99 HotyJ!reComm!!nlcot!ons 395!$ RQKlldeyJceqo PEG N
* * CommiSSion Cornrnlllee AirOO li'ffl 011/v\BTV
No. 000399755401
Wa art~ commlltad lo providing excellent p~blic 1erv/ca om:/ 5a(efy to all who live, work and ploy In our vibrant, /rop/col,
MomPeu olthe pl.lblic may pr11sen! ol!dio/vlsual{AV) material! relating to Agendu !tams ut televised ma11ting~ held ir.iha
Ccmmiuior. Chomber by utiliztr.g the City's AV equipment, proYided thot moteriols ore ~ubmftt~d lo the Dapodmenl of
MarkeHng ond CommuniGations by B:JO A.M., one nJ bu~inass day prior to the fl\eetfn£1. Advance subm!tlal of a
ptesentcHion will allow the Communlcallom Deparl111enlto plan for the use of the opproprlole AY equipment. AV moler!ols
moy be submllled via emo/1 of communlwtlqM@m!om!b~; or hand de!rvered In a (ump drive, CD or DYD to:
Allention: Depar!menl of MarketinS and Communlcollons, 1701 Merldlon Aven11e, Fifth Floor, Mloml Beach, Fl 33139,
Pnuenlotlon~, videos or llnb must ind11de a label na!ing tho nome or group, contoct person, doyllmo telephone nvmber,
email addreM, descrlpllon/!llle of the presentation and Agenda Item Title ca wall a~ the Agenda Item number. Acceptable
formols for alactron!c submission ora .pdf, ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, ,wmv, .ovl and .mov. (Note that .pdf is the preferred
g~~v~n~:~~5 J~~~~~dD~~e~ 7~~ ;:~i~~1 0:a;bn~e~p~~~~ :n"i ~~~~~~~d~1 o~do~~d;;~~~hti~l~c;~~t~~c~s,10;~i~o~lll~~~l
noHce will nof be provided. To toques/ thl5 moleriolln alternate format, sign language Interpreter (fivo-doy notice required),
Information 011 occeM for parsons with disabilities, dnd/or any accommodaflon to review any document ot participate in lfiKrr~~tR~r~~sS:~~~~rA~~~~~:;f~~p~~~i~;i~8 fhea\t::~i;t~e~~;n;n~~l;~~h~d ~~~0 do1~r~~e~s~:s beo~:~~n~r~:n~~
meetln will be posted on the bulletin boards throughout~~nd will ba ovallabfa on the City's website at:
Purauont lo Section 286.01 OS, Flo, Stat., the City hereby o vlsos the public that if o person decides to app11<1! ony declalon ~e~~a :~a~:r~~f~~e 0~~~c~d~~::,~~~5~~t,,~~ ;~;he:~~~o~~; ~a~;rsh~n~~;r~~od1 :~cehn~~=t~~t 0~ t=~~~~ ~=c~~J~f t~
proceedings is mdde, which record Includes the h;~s!imony and evlde11ce upah which the appeal is lo be based.