TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members o the City C
FROM : Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
DATE: December 9, 2019
The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to announce that former Deputy Mayor of Miami-Dade
County, Alina Tejeda Hudak, has accepted my offer to serve as one of my Ass istant City Managers.
Ms. Hudak will be filling the position being vacated by Susy Torriente. A copy of her resume is
attached hereto.
Ms. Hudak has served the Miami-Dade community for the past 35 years , rising through the ranks
of Miami-Dade County government from a management trainee to her final role as Deputy Mayor.
Along the way, she has served as Director of the General Services Administration, Assistant
County Manager (overseeing a large portfolio of departments over the years), County Manager
and finally Deputy Mayor. Some of you may recall that Alina led the County's nationally-recognized
response to the ZIKA emergency in 2016, recognized by the Center for Disease Control as the
only government to eradicate the disease transmission successfully. We worked closely with her
and her staff at that time and she impressed me with her knowledge, hard work and dedication.
She also led the County's largest debris removal effort ever after Hurricane Irma.
As a City that is a leader on issues of diversity and inclusion, Alina is a welcome addition. She has
been a trailblazer as the first woman Director of a large operational department at the County , the
first Hispanic woman appointed Assistant County Manager, and the first woman to serve as County
Manager overseeing a government of more than 27,000 employees and an $8 billion budget. Alina
will also be invaluable in bolstering our important partnership with Miami-Dade County on many
issues that are critical to our residents and businesses .
As if being a pioneer in County government and the mother of two wonderful daughters isn't
enough, Ms. Hudak has been actively involved and contributed greatly to many community
organizations and causes. Among other causes, she has led the County's Haitian Relief Effort,
United Way campaigns, the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer campaign , and has served as
the County's liaison for six Super Bowls , five National Championship events, and numerous other
events . She is particularly proud of her efforts over the past 16 years to create breast cancer
prevention awareness and has been instrumental in turning Miami-Dade County government "pink"
during the month of October. She currently serves as Community Chair and has raised over
$400,000. She and her entire family are also very active with the University of Miami community
and she has been inducted into the prestigious Order of the Iron Arrow Honor Society. Her husband
Ed , who is also a public official serving as the Police Chief of the City of Coral Gables, would never
forgive me if I did not mention he is a good guy (and a huge Canes fan) as well!
Ms. Hudak holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and a Master's degree in Public
Administration, both from the University of Miami. She is also a graduate of the Chapmanville
Executive Leadership Development program at Florida International University and the Executive
Leadership Train ing program at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
Most importantly, I have known and worked with Alina for over twenty years. We worked together
during my time as a County Commissioner in the late 1990's and early 2000's. I worked with her
as an attorney representing cities in Miami-Dade county with respect to county issues, and we also
worked very closely on important issues affecting the City in my current capacity as City Manager
until her retirement earlier this year. She is a friend, a person of trust and confidence, and someone
I know for 1 00% certain will be here to do what is right, honest and in the best interests of the
residents of our community. She is fiercely apolitical, which is the only way to explain how she
survived many political changes at County Hall. And she is customer focused and shares my
commitment to building the right culture here at City hall.
Due to some personal commitments, Ms. Hudak will not be starting in her new role until mid-
February. I wanted to appoint her now so she can have some transition with Susy Torriente before
her departure. I will also encourage her to meet with each of you during this transition time as well.
She will be at the December 11th City Commission meeting to introduce herself to the community.
In the interim, I have asked John Rebar to serve as Acting City Manager until such time as Ms.
Hudak starts working. Finally, with Ms. Hudak's addition to my executive team, I will use this as
an opportunity to re-examine the current assignments to my direct reports to make sure we have
the best alignment possible.
Alina Tejeda Hudak
Forma /Jep111J -Ma_) 'Ot ~ Miami-Dade Com II)'
cell : 7il(l .255 .5761 I email: alinahudak@gmail.l'Otn /in/alinahudakl
Highly-respected, well-known
and cncrgct ic leader with more
than 30 ~ears of
disting11 ishcd public sen'ict·
in the South Florida
Strong working relationships
and ability to build rapport
with elected oflicials, as well as
govcrnmcmal stakeholders,
media outlets, fellow public
administrators, and high-level
oflicials in both the public and
private sectors.
Fully bilingual in English and
Spanish with strong
understanding of
multiculturalism and its impact
on social, economic and
business factors.
Proven experience in financial
managt·ment, capital
planning, organizational
dcvdopmcnt, communit~
oull'l'ach, spccialt·vclll
management, t•mt·rg't'n9
and l'<'llll tation
manag't·nu·nt, and
opt't'ational kadt·t·ship.
Track record of implementing
cfTcctivc and cfTiciclll policies,
and providing insightful
analysis to make
linanciaUy-souml decisions and
develop innovative solutions to
complex issues.
Mia1ni-Dade County, Mia1ni, Florida
0!1(' C?J'the top-tm larp..r'.J111rba!l mtllllt('r tilt/!(' { l!lif(-r/StaleYmtd lmp,eJI cotmty tit the State ojflorida
with a pop11lation C?/2.8 11/lllion n'Jidnllf, 2.5 opnmti1p.· &;xlf1tllf'lllf, all $8.s btllio11 b11dp,e1 a11d 27,000
emp/oyer.J :
Deputy Maym
November 201210 Augtut 201.9
-Deputy Mayor with d ircct operational oversight of a ponfolio of operating dcpanmcms including
Animal Services, Elections, Transportation and Public Works, Water and Sewer, and liaison to the
county's oversight of the Jackson Health System. Additional community responsibilities include lead
role on Super Bowl2o2o Host Committee and World Cup Soccer county hid.
-Concurrcmly served as the Director of Miami-Dade Solid Waste Management with direct
responsibility lor the operational leadership and managemelll of a department that provides
collection and disposal services to 3.5o,ooo residents, including 13 trash and recycling centers, 2
landfills, a Waste-to-Energy plant, and a fleet of over 400 heavy cquipmcm assets. Deliver county-
wide cnlorccmcm activit ics, oversight of mosquito comrol services provided to 2.8 million residents
and the coumy's public heaJtJ1 response to mosquito control. Direct reports include a Deputy
Director, live A~sistant Directors and over 1 ,ooo employees. Develop and administer an annual
budget of over $,500 million and over $8o million in current hond proceeds.
-Significant accomplishments include the nationally-recognized response to the ZIKA emergency
and CDC acknowledgement of the only government to eradicate the disease transmission
successfully; led the country's largest debris removal cllort after Hurricane Irma; and led the
replacement one of the largest public waste fleets in the coumry.
C01mty Manager
Mo rdz2011 to October 2012
-Successfully led Miami-Dade County govcrnmcm as Chief l~ecutivc Olliccr through a major
govcmancc transition. Served as Chief Executive Ofliccr responsible for the operations and policy
development across hroad range of puhlic services, including public sakty. transit, housing,
international airport and seaport, parks, museums, water and sewer utility, and economic
development. Accountable lor budget development and lahor ncg'Oliations with 10 unions during
unprecedented economic crisis. Collaborated with 13 elected members of the Board of County
Commissioners, as well as leaders in Federal, State and local govcmmcnt. Coordinated with civic and
corporate leadership in one of the world's most diverse communities. Managed and resolved a major
airport crisis addressing critical issues with baggage handling system failure and fucllann fires.
Assistant County Manager
A11~1Mlt.9.98 to Mordz2011
-Responsible le1r the dcvelopmclll. implementation, and subsequent management of a wide range of
policy direct ivcs fe1r a variety of county departments and programs. Nota hie accomplishments
include: procurement rclemn and the creation of the Dcparuncnt of' Procurement Management;
oversight of successful elections, including prcsidentialcolllcsts in 2004 and 2oo8; negotiated
millions le1r the construction contract of the Pcrfemning Arts Center ; oversaw millions fe1r the new
construction of the Crandon Park Tennis Cemer; coordinated logistics lelr femr Super Bowls (1995,
1999,2007 and 2010); leadership of the management team assigned to the Puhlic Health Trust.
-Directly responsible lelr Police, Fire Rescue, Correct ions and RchabLlitation. Juvenile Services,
Medical Examiner, Emergency Management , Procurement, Small Business Devclopmetll, I•:Jcctions,
Employee Relations, Fair Employment Practices, Finance, Planning and Zoning , the Oflicc of
Countywide Healthcare Planning, and the Agricultural Manager .
-I -
Director~ General Services Administration
Nm'embertgg6to Augus11998
-Responsible for the leadership , management and administration of a dcpartmelll that provided
support to other county dcpartmcms for ccmrahcd procurcmclll; facilities management and
maintenance; security services; fleet management, cemralized business services; facilities dcsig11;
space planning; construction management, renovation, and real estate matwgemclll and acquisition ,
disposal, and lease negotiation materials management; and risk management. Direct reports included
f(lllr Assistalll Directors and over 8oo employees, a $175 million operating budget and over $25
million capital budget.
Assistant County Manager
Apnlt993 Lo Norember 1.9.96'
-Dircclly responsible for l he dfcctivc managcmclll and the dcvclopmclll of programmatic, budgetary.
administrative and operational policy directives for a variety of coumy dcpartmellls including
Consumer Services, Department of Dcvelopmclll and FaciJit ics Managcmclll, Elections, General
Services Administration, l nfornmion Technology Dcpartmcm, Medical Examiner's Ofliee, and South
Florida Employment and Training Consortium. Provided staff support f(lr th e Govcrnmcm Operations
subcommiucc of the Board ofCoumy Commissione rs. Manager's rcprcscmati vc on the Public Health
Trust, the United Way Campaign Cabinet and other community boards . Coordinator for th e
dedication of the Tennis Cemcr at Crandon Park in Fcbruaty I99tl and the county's logistics role in
the 1995 Super Bowl.
Special Projects Administratm·
fitly 1.984 LO Aprt/1.9.93
-Assisted in th e managcm e m of a variety of County dcpanm e nts , special projects and programs
including: Parks and Recrea tion, Personnel, Librari es, Labor Manage mclll , Museums and Elections .
Other duties included rcprcscming the Coumy Manager before citizen and civic g roup s, laison with
employment and trainee programs and 1 he coordination and implementation of special assignmcms as
determined by the Coumy Manage r such as the visit by the Pope in September 1997.
-Responsible for the administration of the nationally recogn ize d Managem e nt Trainee program .
Recent Honors
{ lnitJf>rrity l!f Mim111: /mn AtTOil' I /onor SoriNy-2018
Mia1111~1Jad(' C'otmty P11blir Sc!toolr Ac!tin>emml A wmd-2012
Amnimn Society for P11blir Ad!lllitirtmtor, National P11blic Sn7 >ice A ward -2012
Creater Miami C'f«mtber rfC'o!ll!l/era' Sal111e to Miamt:r !faders A uwd-2011
Amniam Society for P11blicAd1111itiJ1ratio11, PllblicAdllllilirtmtorf!fllu-Year-:2010
Coml/11 1111iy PamwrAward, Amerimn C'riiiC('rSoriNy -200 7-2008
lnt!t(' CollljJmlyf!/Wotl/f/11, Pionn'r A mmd-200.')
Civic and Professional Associations
Zoo MimiiiAdt ,imty Board, Mayor :r R.epre.wntatitl('
P11hlir· I lealt!t Jim1 Cnwral Obligation BondA(b>iwty Board
Mnllben!ft!t(' lntemationa/ Womm :r Fomm
Memberf!fllw Board r?fDitntorrf!ft!t(' I 1!11/>emiyf!fMiami Al11mni A rrociation
C'ftmi · f!fColll!llll!lliy Campai{!.JI, Makti!p:Stnder AgaitMI Bn'ftl1 Cm/Cn; l111wrimn Crma-rSociNy -2018
C!tmi·f!fCollnty Campmpp, Malti1g .Sin(fer Ap;aimt Brm.J1 Crmrn; Amnimn CancerSon{·ty 2ooo-2ot8
I In tied Wr~y f!fDade Co11111 y, Board ojDti r·ctorr -HJ9410 2002
A111nimn .s·orie~r.fhr Pttb!ic A dlllliti rtmtion
N ational Comtf'i! Mn11ber -t.994 10 1.9.98
Prrndmt, So11111 Honda Cftap/('r -t..9.94 10
Prendmt-E!eel and Board Mn11bn ; So11tlt Flonda Cftapter -1.98410 '.9.9/i
National C'rllltfXti{!.J~j(Jr P11blic Serrirr',
S11h -C'ott.lllltitee C!JmiJor National Rrwy Colller1 -t9.911o 1.9.93
National Cot!/t'tnlf'(' Steering Co !ll!llliln', I /o.Jt Collllllliln' C'fu11i ·-t.98.9 to 1.990
-2 -
University ofMiami
Master ojP11blic
Admtilirtmtion, 1.984
Badu>/or f!/Btwileu
Admtitirtmtion, 1982
Florida h1ten1ational
Chapmanville Executive
Lead ership Dcvclo pmclll
Harvard School of
b,:Xcc uti vc Leadership