LTC 651-2019 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of December 23 -27, 2019MIAMI BEACH
Mayor Dan Gelber and Member~e City Commission
Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk/ \ ~
December 16, 2019
SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of December 23 - 27, 2019
Attached please find meetings noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week
of December 23-27, 2019, published on December 15, 2019.
The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 305.673. 7411.
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community
Decem ber 23- 27, 2019
MONDAY, December 23
N o M eeting s Scheduled
TUESDAY, December 24
N o M eetings Scheduled
WEDNESDAY, December 25
C hristm as D ay - H oliday C ity H all Closed
O bserv ed
THURSDAY, December 26
N o M eeting s Scheduled
FRIDA Y, December 27
N o M eetings Scheduled
For any and/or oll of the above meelings, one or more mem bers of the Miami Beach
Ci ly C om m ission, and or C ily boor d/com m iltee mem bers may be in altendonce and
participate in discussion s.
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• C omn m ssion Comm i ttee Ared lave on M TV
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e are committed to providing excellent public service and salely to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, topical, historical
em b e rs of the public m ay present audio/visual [AV} moterials reloting to Agenda ltems at televised meetings held in the Commission
Chamber by utilizing the City's A equipment, provided that materials are submitted to the Department of Marketing and Communications
y8:30AM, one [l} business day prior to the mooting. Advance submittal of a presentation will allow the Communications Department
» plan for the use of the appropriate AV equipment. AV materials may be submitted via email ot çomnunyniçahonu@miamibgachhl go, or
and delivered in a jump drive, CDO or DVD o. Attention. Department of Marketing and Communications, 170\ Meridian Avenue, fifth
loor, Miami Beach, FL 33139. Presentations, videos or links must include a label noting the name or group, contact person, daytime
lephone number, email address, description/title of the presentation and Agenda ltem Title as well as the Agenda ltem number.
vcceptable formats for electronic submission are .pdl, ppt, ppb, pp», ppsx, wmv, avi and mov. [Note that .pdl is the preferred format
r PowerPoint presentations.]
'ity Hall is located at 1700 Convention Center Drive; and the Miami Beach Convention Center is located at 1901 Convention Center
rive. Any meehng may be opened and continued, and under such circumstances, additional legal notice will not be provided. Io request
is material in alternate format, sign language interpreter [hive day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities,
nd/or any accommodation to review any document or participote in any City-sponsored proceedings call 305 604.2489 and select l
English, then option 6, TTY users may call via 71I {Florida Relay Service]. A meeting not noticed in the Weekly Meeting Notice ad
nd determined to bo an emergency meeting will be posted on the bulletin boards throughout City Hall and will be available on the City's
robte ot http://web.mni amibech erk/defa ult.asp?ids l77ó
roceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that o verbatim record ol the proceedings is made, which record
eludes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based