LTC 652-2019 PARKS & RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MOTIONSM IA M I BE A C H OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. L TC # 652-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : M ayor Dan G elber and M embers of the FR O M : Jim m y L. M orales, City M anag DAT E: December 13, 2019 S UBJE CT : PARKS & RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MOTIONS The purpose of this Letter to Com m ission (L TC) is to info rm the Mayor and Com m ission of the motion passed by the Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board at its meeting on Decem ber 10, 2019: MOTION 1: The P arks and Recreational Facilities A dvisory Board motions to support the fo llow ing actions to help contro l private tennis lessons being taught on M iam i Beach neighborhood tennis courts: • Revise current ordinance rem oving the requirem ent of seeing physical money being exchanged and to add language that instruction be determined by reasonable certainty in order to enfo rce the ordinance. A dditionally, language should be added to include financial consequences fo r either advert ising private instruction or participating as either an instructor or student. • P atrol neighborhood courts during peak hours 8am -1 0am and 4pm-6pm . • Add signage to parks to educate residents and tourists that includes the ordinance and financial con sequen ce. • A dd cam era surv eillance to the neighborhood courts. • Include the prohibition of ball baskets and other teaching materials on the court in the ordinance and on signage. • Educate re sidents via M iam i Beach M agazine and social media. • A llow fo r C ity approved and authorized instructors to conduct lessons at som e of the neighborhood court s as deem ed appropriate by the City. M otion M ade by: Jonathan Fry d M otion S econded by: C arolina Jones M otion P asses: Unanim ously JLM/E~