LTC 656-2019 TPBPF Committee MotionsMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MA NAGER NO. L TC# 656-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members FROM: Jim my L. Morales, City Man agen,I + , DATE: December 16, 2019 SUBJECT: TPBPF Committee Motions The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide you with correspondence received from the Transportation, Parking & Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee. tat C: Mark Taxis, Assistant City Manager Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager John Rebar, Interim Assistant City Manager Saul Frances, Parking Director Monica Beltran, Assistant Parking Director Jose Gonzalez, Transportation Director fano potatan, rakng d ede an Saciiüties Comuttee déddááá Alfred Feola, Chairman Ray Breslin, Vice-Chair TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Members: Leif Bertrand Marc Edelstein Cindy Esquivel Linsey Love II Esteban Porcelli Stuart Reed Deborah Ruggiero Richard Streim FROM: Transportation, Parking & Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee DATE: December 16, 2019 SUBJECT: Motions Members Present: Ray Breslin; Stuart Reed; Leif Bertrand; Esteban Porcelli; Cindy Esquivel; Linsey Lovell; Deborah Ruggiero; and Marc Edelstein Members Absent: Al Feola; and Richard Streim Dear Honorable Mayor and City Commission: The Transportation, Parking and Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee met on Monday December 9", 2019, and passed the below motions: Reducing South Beach Trolley Wait Time The Transportation, Parking and Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee supports staff's recommendation to reduce wait times for the South Beach Trolley service by reassigning the "Via 11" Street" trolley vehicles to Loops A and B, and eliminating Loop A service to Belle Isle, while keeping Loop B service to Belle Isle. 17 ST-Com plete Street Concepts The Transportation, Parking and Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee supports Option 3-and recommend consideration adding additional bike racks, assuming project does not have sufficient bicycle facilities. As an advisory Committee, we would greatly appreciate your consideration on the above motions. Sincerely, Transportation, Parking & Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee