LTC 664-2019 Certification and Official Results of the December 17, 2019 Special Mail-Ballot ElectionMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. TO: FROM: DATE: 664-2019 LETTER TO COMMISSION Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk A( December 23, 2019 SUBJECT: CERTIFICATION AND OFFICIAL RESULTS OF THE DECEMBER 17, 2019 SPECIAL MAIL- BALLOT ELECTION FOR ALLISON ISLAND AND BISCAYNE BEACH SECURITY GUARD SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS Pursuant to Miami-Dade County Resolutions, a Special Mail-Ballot Election was called for December 17, 2019, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in the proposed districts, for their approval or disapproval, of transferring ownership and control of the Allison Island and Biscayne Beach Security Guard Special Taxing Districts from Miami-Dade County to the City of Miami Beach. Attached please find the Certification of Official Results for the December 17, 2019 Special Mail-Ballot Election for Allison Island and Biscayne Beach Security Guard Special Taxing Districts, which shows the results for the following two questions: Transfer of the Allison Island Security Guard Special Taxing District: Shall the City of Miami Beach become the governing body of the Allison Island Security Guard Special Taxing District so that the City, instead of Miami-Dade County, exercises ownership and control of the District as set forth in County Resolution R-590-19 and City Resolution No. 2018-30575? Yes No 44 o 100% 0% Transfer of the Biscayne Beach Security Guard Special Taxing District: Shall the City of Miami Beach become the governing body of the Biscayne Beach Security Guard Special Taxing District so that the City, instead of Miami- Dade County, exercises ownership and control of the District as set forth in County Resolution R-588-19 and City Resolution No. 2018-30576? Yes No 24 4 85.71% 14.29% If you have any questions, please contact me at 305.673. 7 411. Attachment c: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Raul J. Aguila, City Attorney John Woodruff, Chief Financial Officer Https://Miamibeach-My. Sharepoint Com/Personal/Regisbarbou_Miamibeachfl_Gov/Documents/Desktop/LTC Certification And Official Results Dec 17, 2019 Special Tax District. Docx We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community ..9 i@liii' miamidade.gov Elections 2700 NW 87th Avenue Miami, Florida 331 72 T 305-499-8683 F 305-499-8547 TTY 305-499-8480 CERTIFICATION STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE) I, Christina White, Supervisor of Elections for Miami-Dade County, Florida, do hereby certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of the Official Results for the following elections conducted on December 17, 2019: - Golden Glades Street Lighting Improvement Special Taxing District - Lakes of Tuscany Phase One Street Lighting Special Taxing District - Palmetto Lakes Industrial Park Street Lighting Improvement Project - Allison Island Security Guard Special Taxing District - Biscayne Beach Security Guard Special Taxing District - Dolphin Center Multipurpose Special Taxing District WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL, AT MIAMI, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON THIS 20/ DAY OF DECEMBER, 2019 ~---- Supervisor of Elections Miami-Dade County Enclosure 1' SUMMAR Y REPT-GROUP DETAIL Special Taxing Districts December 17, 2019 Miami, Florida OFFICIAL RESULTS Run Date:12/20/19 10:52 AM Report EL45A TOTAL VOTES % VBM PROV PRECINCTS COUNTED (OF 6) 6 100.00 REGISTERED VOTERS- TOTAL 2,471 BALLOTS CAST· TOTAL. 186 186 o BALLOTS CAST - BLANK. o o o VOTER TURNOUT- TOTAL 7.53 VOTER TURNOUT- BLANK Biscayne Beach SpTaxDist Sec Guard Transfer (VOTE FOR) 1 Yes 24 85.71 24 o No. 4 14.29 4 o Total 28 28 o Over Votes o o o Under Votes o o o Allison Island SpTaxDist Sec Guard Transfer (VOTE FOR) 1 Yes 44 100. 00 44 o No. o o o Total 44 44 o Over Votes o o o Under Votes o o o Lakes of Tuscany SpTaxist StLight Transfer (VOTE FOR) 1 Yes 5 71.43 5 o No. 2 28.57 2 o Total 7 7 o Over Votes o o 0 Under Votes o o 0 Golden Glades SpTaxDist Light Imp Transfer (VOTE FOR) 1 Yes 53 80.30 53 o No. 13 19.70 13 o Total 66 66 o Over Votes o 0 o Under Votes o o o Palmetto Lakes Indust Park StLight Transfer (VOTE FOR) 1 Yes 26 76.47 26 o No. 8 23.53 8 o Total 34 34 o Over Votes o o o Under Votes o o o Page 001 SUMMAR Y REPT-GROUP DETAIL Special Taxing Districts December 17, 2019 Miami, Florida OFFICIAL RESULTS Run Date:12/20/19 10:52 AM Report EL45A Page 002 TOTAL VOTES % VBM PROV Dolphin Ctr Multipurpose SpTaxDist Transfer (VOTE FOR) 1 Yes No. Total Over Votes Under Votes 3 42.86 4 57.14 7 o o 3 4 7 o o o o o o o