LTC 665-2019 NEXT GENERATION COUNCIL MOTIONM IA M I BEACH 665-2019 TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of he City FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager+}ls DATE: December 24, 2019 SUBJECT: NEXT GENERATION COUNCI MOTION The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to inform the Mayor and Commission of the advisory motion passed by the Next Generation Council at its December 16, 2019 meeting. Members Present: Daniel Smith, Elisabeth Rabin, Jamie Maniscalco, Jefferson Brackin, Mark Jacobs, and Wesley Kean MOTION In light of the recent court ruling regarding the City of Miami Beach's short-term rental ordinance, the Next Generation Council recommends for the City Commission to: (1) allow short-term rentals in single family home districts for no less than 30 days; (2) allow wholly owned multi-family properties, but not condominiums, to convert existing units to short-term rentals for a period of less than six months and a day that is to be determined by the City Commission given that the property owner notify long-term tenants that the property will allow, for short-term rentals; (3) divert City resources away from the appeal. Motion Made By: Daniel Smith Motion Seconded By: Elisabeth Rabin Motion Approved: Vote 6-0 Motion recommending the City Commission to order the installation of recycling bins along Alton Road. Motion Made By: Elisabeth Rabin Motion Seconded By: Daniel Smith Motion Approved: Vote 6-0 Motion recommending the City Commission to create an electric kick scooter pilot. Motion Made By: Jamie Maniscalco Motion Seconded By: Mark Jacobs Motion Approved: Vote 6-0