LTC 007-2020 Evaluation Committee Relative to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2018-233-KB OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC # 007-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of th City Com fission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: January 8, 2020 SUBJECT: Evaluation Committee Relative to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2018-233-KB, for design, build, operate, and maintain water, wastewater and stormwater supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) & programmable logic controller (PLC) The purpose of this LTC is to advise the Mayor and City Commission that a change to the Evaluation Committee on the above referenced RFP is necessary. As background information, the RFP seeks to establish an agreement with a qualified firm(s) to replace the current outdated and obsolete water & wastewater monitoring system with a more modern supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) & programmable logic controller(PLC) system. The new SCADA and PLC system will improve the City's ability to remotely monitor and control the city's potable water tanks and pumping stations, wastewater pumping stations, stormwater pumping stations and all associated monitoring stations(flow, pressure, etc.). The new system will allow the City to better control pump operations remotely and have more access to real time data regarding the performance of the pump stations and related infrastructure. On June 6, 2018, the City Commission approved the issuance of RFP 2018-233-KB and the RFP was issued. The RFP stipulated a two-step, phased evaluation process. Phase I considers the qualifications, experience and availability of the proposers and key members of the design-build team. Firms short-listed in Phase I are then invited to submit technical and price proposals as part of Phase II. Phase I proposals were received on August 15, 2018. The Phase I proposals were evaluated on September 13, 2018 by an Evaluation Committee appointed by the City Manager pursuant to LTC# 456-2018 (see Attachment 1). On October 17, 2018, via resolution No. 2018- 30541 (see Attachment 2),the Mayor and the City Commission approved the shortlisting of the three top-ranked proposers, namely (1) SICE, Inc., (2) Data Flow Systems, Inc., and (3) Revere Control Systems, Inc., to be further considered in Phase II of the evaluation process. Subsequent to the completion of Phase I short-listing and as a result of questions from short-listed bidders, the City realized that, in order to get the best responses and facilitate the proposal review process, it was necessary to provide more information to bidders in the form of design criteria requirements (DCR), which establishes the minimum technical requirements for the SCADA and PLC system.Accordingly,the Administration engaged Hazen and Sawyer Engineering towards the latter end of 2018 to develop the DCR. The RFP had to be placed on hold while the DCR was being developed. Once Hazen and Sawyer Engineering completed the DCR, the RFP was reinitiated on June 21, 2019. 2 Following the release of the DCR, Phase II proposals were received from the short-listed firms on October 18, 2019. Prior to the due date for Phase II proposals, Revere Control Systems, Inc. notifed the City that it had elected not to participate in Phase II. Once the Phase II proposals were received, Hazen and Sawyer completed its full review of the compliance of each proposal with the requirements of the DCR. In order to proceed with the Evaluation Committee's review of the Phase II proposals and presentations by the proposers so that an award recommendation can be completed, it is necessary to make an adjustment to the composition of the Evaluation Committee to replace a prior member that is no longer employed by the City. Accordingly, I am now considering appointing the following individuals to serve on the Evaluation Committee for the review of Phase II proposals: • Tony Brown, Capital Projects-Coordinator, Capital Improvement Projects Office, City of Miami Beach • Roy Coley, Director, Public Works Department, City of Miami Beach • Mina Samadi, Senior Capital Project Coordinator, Capital Improvement Projects Office, City of Miami Beach • Margarita Kruyff, Assistant Director, Environment and Sustainability Department, City of Miami Beach • Jose Perez, Capital Project Coordinator, Capital Improvement Projects Office, City of Miami Beach • Frank Quintana, Division Director, Information Technology Department, City of Miami Beach Alternates: • Ozzy Macias, Systems Support Manager, Information Technology Department, City of Miami Beach • Elizabeth Wheaton, Director, Environment & Sustainability Department, City of Miami Beach • Thais Vieira, Senior Project Manager, Office of the City Manager, City of Miami Beach While the Cone of Silence prohibits discussion of proposals, please do not hesitate to contact the Roy Coley, Public Works Director or Alex Denis, Procurement Director, should you have any procedural questions. I would appreciate any comments and/or suggestions you may have by Friday, January 10, 2020. Thank you. C: Mark Taxis, Assistant City Manager Alex Denis, Director, Procurement Department JLM/Ei / D/KB AY F:\PURC\Solicitations\2018\2018-233-KB RFP DBOM SCADA\16-Phase II\Evaluation Committee\LTC Eval Committee 3.doc ATTACHMENT 1 MEAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION 456-2018 TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members oft e City Corn ission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: August 17, 2018 SUBJECT: Evaluation Committee Relative to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2018-233-KB, for Design, Build, Operate and Maintain Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) & Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) The purpose of this LTC is to update the Mayor and City Commission on the status of Request for Proposals(RFP)No. 2018-233-KB,which seeks to establish an agreement with a qualified firm(s) for design, build, operate and maintain water,wastewater and stormwater supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)& programmable logic controller(PLC). The City received proposals pursuant to this RFP on Wednesday,August 15,2018.The responsive proposals will be reviewed by the Evaluation Committee in accordance with the criteria established in the RFP. I am considering appointing the following individuals to serve on the Evaluation Committee: • Tony Brown, Capital Projects Coordinator, Capital Improvement Projects Office, City of Miami Beach • Roy Coley, Director, Public Works Department, City of Miami Beach • Jose Perez, Capital Project Coordinator, Capital Improvement Projects Office, City of Miami Beach • Frank Quintana, Division Director, Information Technology Department, City of Miami Beach • Margarita Wells, Assistant Director, Environment and Sustainability Department, City of Miami Beach I am also considering the following individual as an alternate: • Ozzy Macias,Systems Support Manager, Information Technology Department,City of Miami Beach • Elizabeth Wheaton, Director, Environment& Sustainability Department, City of Miami Beach • Thais Vieira, Senior Project Manager, Office of the City Manager, City of Miami Beach I would appreciate any comments and/or suggestions you may have by Tuesday, August 21, 2018. Thank you. C: Mark Taxis, Assistant City Manager Alex Denis, Director, Procurement Department oh J LM/ECP/KB F:\PURC\Solicitations\2018\2018-233-KB RFP DBOM SCADA\09-Evaluation Committee\LTC Evaluation Committee.doc ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-30541 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO THE RANKING OF PROPOSALS WITH RESPECT TO PHASE I OF THE RFP SELECTION PROCESS PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) 2018-233-KB FOR DESIGN, BUILD, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN WATER, WASTEWATER AND STORMWATER SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA) & PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC), AND APPROVING THE SHORTLIST OF THE THREE TOP-RANKED PROPOSERS, NAMELY (1) SICE, INC., (2) DATA FLOW SYSTEMS, INC., AND (3) REVERE CONTROL SYSTEMS, INC., TO BE FURTHER CONSIDERED IN PHASE II OF THE EVALUATION PROCESS. WHEREAS, on June 6, 2018, the City Commission approved the issuance of RFP 2018-233-KB; the RFP was issued on June 2, 2018, with an opening date of August 15, 2018; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 287.055 of the Florida Statutes, the RFP provides for a two-step, phased evaluation process; and WHEREAS, the Phase I selection process, which is the subject of this Resolution, relates to the qualifications, experience and availability of the proposers and key members of the design-build team, including the lead designer and lead construction firm; and WHEREAS, only those Proposers short-listed during Phase I are authorized to proceed to Phase II of the RFP selection process, in which price and detailed technical proposals based on the approved Design Criteria Package (the "DCP")will be considered; and WHEREAS, the City received proposals in response to the RFP from the following nine (9)firms: • Custom Controls Technology, Inc. • Data Flow Systems, Inc. • Engineer Service Corporation • PCI Vetix LLC (Process Control & Instrumentation, LLC) • Revere Control Systems, Inc • Sice, Inc. • Star Controls, Inc. • Tesco Controls Inc. • Woodard & Curran, Inc. WHEREAS, on August 9, 2018, via LTC # 456-2018, the City Manager appointed the Evaluation Committee (the "Evaluation Committee"), which convened on September 13, 2018 to consider the proposals submitted under Phase I; and WHEREAS, the Phase I rankings of the Evaluation Committee are more fully set forth in the Commission Memorandum accompanying this Resolution; and WHEREAS, after reviewing all the qualifications of each firm and having considered the Evaluation Committee's comments and rankings, the City Manager has recommended that, for Phase I of the selection process, the Mayor and the City Commission shortlist the three (3) top ranked firms, SICE, Inc. as the first top ranked firm, Data Flow Systems, Inc. as the second top ranked firm and Revere Control Systems, Inc. as the third top ranked firm, to permit the top three proposers to be further considered in Phase I1 of the RFP evaluation process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida hereby accepts the recommendation of the City Manager pertaining to the ranking of proposals with respect to Phase I of the RFP selection process pursuant to Request For Proposals (RFP) No. 2018-233-KB, for Design, Build, Operate and Maintain Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) & Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), and approves the shortlist of the three (3) top-ranked proposers, namely (1) SICE, Inc., (2) Data Flow Systems, Inc., and (3) Revere Control Systems, Inc., to be further considered in Phase II of the RFP evaluation process. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /7 day of O 7 i6°( 2018. Dan Gelber, Mayor ATTEST: (Ct13cAe APPROVED AS TO Rafae E. Granado, City Clerk FORM&LANGUAGE &FOR EXECUTION 17) , os City Attorney 12,►� Date 7. j ,At I EO;: or /26r" T:\AGENDA12016110 October\Procurement\RFP 2018-233-KB SCADA12018-233-KB (REP) - DBOM SCADA & PLC(Phase I) -Reso.doc Resolutions - C7 X MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: October 17, 2018 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO THE RANKING OF PROPOSALS WITH RESPECT TO PHASE I OF THE RFP SELECTION PROCESS PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) 2018-233-KB FOR DESIGN, BUILD, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN WATER, WASTEWATER AND STORMWATER SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA) PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC),AND APPROVING THE SHORTLIST OF THE THREE TOP- RANKED PROPOSERS, NAMELY (1) SICE, INC., (2) DATA FLOW SYSTEMS, INC., AND (3) REVERE CONTROL SYSTEMS, INC., TO BE FURTHER CONSIDERED IN PHASE II OF THE EVALUATION PROCESS. RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)generally refers to an industrial computer system that monitors and controls a process. In the case of the transmission and distribution elements of utilities, SCADA monitors substations, transformers and other electrical assets. Sensors(either digital or analog) and control relays that directly interface with the managed system. Remote Telemetry Units (RTUs) serve as local collection points for gathering reports from sensors and delivering commands to control relays. Additionally, SCADA systems are crucial for industrial organizations and companies in the public and private sectors to control and maintain efficiency, distribute data for smarter decisions, and communicate system issues. The SCADA software processes, distributes and displays the data helping operators and employees analyze the data and make important decisions. State and municipal utility departments use SCADA to monitor and regulate water flow, reservoir levels, pipe pressure and other factors. Effective SCADA systems can result in significant savings of time and money. The current SCADA system in the City of Miami Beach is outdated and no longer applicable for software updates. Therefore, the system requires removal and replacement with a new SCADA contract. In order to consider a contract, the City of Miami Beach is seeking qualified proposers to respond to this RFP for an all-inclusive SCADA package that includes engineering, design, integration and installation of a radio-based or equal form of communication, internet accessible Page 490 of 1637 SCADA system including PLC. The SCADA system will be for remote monitor and control of potable water storage tanks and pumping station,wastewater pumping stations, stormwater pumping stations, and all associated monitoring stations(flow, pressure, etc.). RFP PROCESS On June 6, 2018, the City Commission approved the issuance of RFP 2018-233-KB. The RFP was issued on June 2, 2018, with an opening date of August 15, 2018. A pre-proposal conference to provide information to the proposers submitting a response was held on June 26, 2018. The RFP provides for a two-step, phased evaluation process. The Phase I selection process, which is the reason for this item, relates to the qualifications, experience and availability of the proposers and key members of the design-build team, including the lead designer and lead constructor. Only those Proposers short-listed during Phase I are authorized to proceed to Phase II of the RFP selection process, in which price and detailed technical proposals based on the approved Design Criteria Package (the"DCP")will be considered. The City received proposals in response to the RFP from the following nine(9)firms: • Custom Controls Technology, Inc. • Data Flow Systems, Inc. • Engineer Service Corporation • PCI Vetix LLC (Process Control & Instrumentation, LLC) • Revere Control Systems, Inc • Sice, Inc. • Star Controls, Inc. • Tesco Controls Inc. • Woodard & Curran, Inc. On August 9, 2018 the City Manager appointed the Evaluation Committee via LTC #456-2018. The Committee convened on September 13, 2018 to consider proposals received under Phase I. The Committee was comprised of Tony Brown, Capital Projects Coordinator, Capital Improvement Projects Office, City of Miami Beach; Roy Coley, Director, Public Works Department, City of Miami Beach; Jose Perez, Capital Project Coordinator, Capital Improvement Projects Office, City of Miami Beach; Frank Quintana, Division Director, Information Technology Department, City of Miami Beach; Margarita Wells, Assistant Director, Environment and Sustainability Department, City of Miami Beach. The Committee was provided an overview of the project, information relative to the City's Cone of Silence Ordinance and the Government Sunshine Law. The Committee was also provided general information on the scope of services, references, and a copy of the proposal. The Committee was instructed to score the proposal pursuant to the evaluation criteria established in the RFP. The evaluation process resulted in the scoring of the proposal received as indicated in Attachment A. The following is a brief summary of the qualifications of the three (3)top ranked firms as articulated in each firm's proposal. SICE, Inc.: SICE understands the technical challenges of this Project and the importance of teaming with the proper local and experienced resources to able to successfully implement it. As a result, SICE has partnered with design and engineering partners, Nova consulting and 300 Engineering Group. Their Team offers the best expertise of the three organizations by complementing and leveraging technical skills and local capabilities to deliver an exceptional DBOM project to the City of Miami Beach. Page 491 of 1637 SICE is the Prime Contractor. SICE is a Multinational Technology Integration Company, whose primary activity is to render value-added services through technology implementation and integration using either proprietary or third-party software. They deliver the best solution specifically tailored for each client. SICE has successfully delivered and maintained hundreds of projects for public and private customers in a wide range of sectors and business areas, such as ITS, tolling systems, lighting, environmental and energy efficiency services, communications infrastructure and safety and process control systems. SICE has successfully delivered DBOM projects for the remote command, remote control and automation of all processes for the transport and treatment of drinking, irrigation, and wastewater in countries like Spain, Algeria or Peru. In the US, SICE has successfully deployed its SCADA solution for the Port of Miami Tunnel which is capable of integrating, managing and controling different systems and devices installed by SICE and third parties under a single platform with the objective of optimizing and simplifying the day to day management of the tunnel operations. Currently, they are deploying our SCADA solution for the Alaskan Way Tunnel in Seattle which is anticipated to be accepted by the end of this year. Additionally, SICE has delivered ITS systems for complex transportation projects such as 1-595 Corridor Improvement Project, recognized at the America's Transportation Awards National Competition. Data Flow Systems, Inc.: Data Flow Systems, Inc. (DFS) was established in 1981 to manufacture SCADA solutions specifically for water and wastewater utility applications. DFS has gained national recognition for its durable and obsolescence-proof TAC II SCADA System, as well as its technical capabilities and guaranteed radio links. Today, DFS is recognized as an industry leader, providing remote monitoring and control for remote facilities, and water & wastewater treatment plant automation systems. Our patented product, "Symphony -- Harmonious Pump & Flow Management" has been proven to significantly reduce lift station pump run times and pumping energy costs. The TAC II SCADA System is MADE IN THE USA. The Company's corporate headquarters is located in Melbourne, Florida and consists of a 30,843 square foot facility encompassing sales, engineering, radio study and FCC licensing, customer service, product manufacturing, a certified UL- 508A panel shop, and stock warehousing. DFS currently employs nearly 100 full-time employees—all dedicated to water and wastewater SCADA systems and applications. Its combination of design, manufacturing, system commissioning, and technical service allows DFS to offer complete SCADA solutions. DFS places emphasis on developing a good long-term partnership with each end-user. At the present time there are over 400 TAC II SCADA Systems with more than 25,000 RTUs installed and operational throughout the United States. DFS' TAC II SCADA System installation base ranges from small Water Control Districts to large WW Collection Systems, and Automated Plant Control Systems. Its single largest user currently has over 700 DFS RTUs for the monitor and control of their sewer lift stations. Revere Control Systems. Inc.: Revere Control Systems, Inc. has completed projects that include the design and implementation of SCADA Control Systems using radio frequency technology and hardware, PLC hardware, computer servers and workstations as well as the HMI software application. Our experience as an established systems integrator is summarized in the qualifications included in the following pages of this proposal package. Revere Control Systems, Inc. plans to provide a complete design and control system for the City of Page 492 of 1637 Miami Beach that meets your expectations and requirements. The major components included in the control system include the radio communication hardware such as the radio devices, antenna structures (poles and/or towers), antenna and cabling infrastructure, RTU panels housing PLC processors and hardware, computer servers and workstations, and the HMI software with a developed application customized for the system design. Its project team members have the experience needed to secure licensed radio frequencies from the FCC, site surveys, control panel design, PLC programming, HMI configuration and site installation services. Revere Control Systems, Inc. is authorized to perform Engineering services in the State of Florida. Revere Control Systems, Inc. has a minimum of one (1) registered Florida Professional Engineer, We also carry a General Contractor's License and an Electrical Contractor's License for the State of Florida. This allows us to self-perform the installation work for this project. CONCLUSION After reviewing all the qualifications of each firm and having considered the Evaluation Committee's comments and rankings, I recommend that, for Phase I of the evaluation process, the Mayor and the City Commission approve short-listing the three (3) top ranked firms: SICE, Inc. as the first top ranked firm; Data Flow Systems, Inc., as the second top ranked firm; and, Revere Control Systems, Inc. as the third top ranked firm. The short-listed firms will be further considered in Phase II of the evaluation process. Phase II will consider price and detailed technical proposals for the project. Some of the highlights of the firms'qualifications, as articulated by the Evaluation Committee, include: SICE, Inc. • SICE, Inc. is an extremely qualified organization, with a great deal of local support in both inventory and staff. • The firm has a strong Miami presence with extensive experience and a large pool of local resources. • The firm was unique in the way they assembled a team with two engineering companies; they will be able to do anything with the team they have gathered. • The firm clearly articulated how it will address violations of maintenance schedules which speaks highly of their firm. Data Flow Systems. Inc. • Its emergency response time and emergency plan was very comprehensive. • The firm has an outstanding position on life cycle of equipment and how they protect it against becoming obsolete • Impressive amount of experience in the State of Florida and the needs of the City of Miami Beach. • The firm offers a list of fulltime instructors and trainings at the City's disposal. • The firm covers all of their hardware with lighting warranty. Revere Control Systems, Inc_ • The firm is very qualified organization with technicians all throughout the State of Florida. • It has demonstrated a good training plan for both staff and the customer. • The firm has a manufacturing facility and warehouse which is crucial to their response time. • Its emphasis on the benefit of having personnel outside of the state of Florida for emergency response proved to be advantageous to the City. • Its products have a lifespan of ten years. Therefore, based on the experience and qualifications mentioned above, I recommend that the Mayor Page 493 of 1637 and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida accept the recommendation of the City Manager pertaining to the ranking of proposals with respect to Phase I of the RFP selection process pursuant to Request for Proposals (RFP) 2018-233-kb for Design, Build, Operate and Maintain Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) & Programmable Logic Controller(PLC), and approving the shortlist of the three top-ranked proposers, namely (1) SICE, Inc., (2) Data Flow Systems, Inc., and (3) Revere Control Systems, Inc., to be further considered in Phase II of the evaluation process. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Not Applicable at this time. Legislative Tracking Public Works/Procurement ATTACHMENTS: Description o Attachment A: Scoring and Ranking Phase I ❑ Resolution Page 494 of 1637 EVALUATIOIICOMNIT EEMEETINGI REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS{RFP?N0.2619-291103 DESIGN,BUILD.OPERATE AND MAINTAIN WATER, WASTEWATER ANDSTCR,AWATER SUPERVISORY Tory ROM S Rey Logy ; Jose Prez t 44 ROMF7rlk puirwna M.. MaryaMU 38019y` Nis 1_01 Low CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION(SCADA)8 ;i a .53. T Total a, PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER(PLC) ' • 0.1... 044194eve Sk.W 04111145.. Ouanralls. MAW Waltrhs Qwe45n fiaetl41 WalnsMr Ouinlah. 924921 044111454• feuraimeise 5814em I CUstrrn Controls IeNnorssi c 90 93 6 92 3 95 •5 94 3 97 3 76 1 72 6 85 3M 6_._ ?9 5 Data Flow Systema,Inc. 95 100 I 100 5 _ 105 I 96 5 IC `1 95 5 9D 3 97 5 9e 9 ! +2 2 Enr,er umom&6r, __.__ _ eo 96 9 80 6 63 9 55 5 90 •9 55 5 60 9_ .. 23 _ 5 PCI vote LLC iPloc ss Cama_511GWT4nlayo.LLCI 85 90 7 84 5 89 1 7 m 5 92 8• 90 5 65 9MI 3 93 S 35 _ 8 1 RO 2Canul 9sstams Inc 1 93 95 3 93 5 98 3 92 5 97 3 F 90 5 95 j,__ _._—.A. —_W._ 2, 13 3 j Sloe Inc 90 _ 95 4 98 5 _ 103 '1 94 5 100 2' 95 5 13_2 I ?5 5 100 1 IS 11 Star Canecls.inc. 89 94 s 90 5 as 5 a9 s 54 75 S80 5 15 5 Se 7 25 6I Tesco Ca.9ols Inc. 85 90 7 _63 5 50 8 999 5 80 5 85 4 59 5 94 4 29._._A Woodard 8 Cuwan.Inc - _ 94 99 2 91 —5 90 8 91 5 36 5_ 65 5 20 7 __ .. _.5_ .. _. 56_. 3 21 4 asaw.r.aw Cuslom COMMIS Ternn8.•, Inc. r s 1.1111.1111111.1 oaa 11MMIE womard 8 Curran ix 0MEM , Page 495 of 1637