LTC 045-2020 Miami-Dade County Beach Corridor Rapid Transit Project Development and Environment StudyM IAM I BEACH O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY M A N A G ER LTC # 045-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of FRO M : Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager D A TE: January 24, 2020 SU BJEC T: MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BEACH C RIDOR RAPID TRANSIT PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT STUDY The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to provide an update on Miami-Dade County's Beach Corridor Rapid Transit Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study Draft Report, and the process for selection of a Locally Preferred Alternative. The County's Beach Corridor Rapid Transit study is evaluating how to connect Miami and Miami Beach with premium transit. The latest project fact sheet is attached to provide information on the four modes of transportation being evaluated (attachment). At this time, pursuant to the federal process, Miami-Dade County is prepared to recommend a technology and route (a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA)) to the Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Governing Board at the January 30, 2020 TPO meeting. If approved by the TPO, the LPA will be advanced and refined in the next phase of transit project planning called Preliminary Engineering. The County released the Beach Corridor Rapid Transit PD&E Study First Draft Report prepared by Parsons Corporation on January 23, 2020. This report provides the technical data used by Miami-Dade County to formulate a recommendation for an LPA. Please take a moment to review the draft report which can be accessed via the following link: https://tinyurl.com/yalxoejf A link to the County's draft report has also been included on the City's Transportation and Mobility Department's homepage for public viewing. The Marketing and Communications Department will use its available resources to disseminate the link to the draft report to the community. In summary, the draft report is recommending: Automated People Mover (APM) for the Miami extension from the existing School Board Metromover station to Design District Elevated rubber tire vehicle (APM or Monorail) for the Trunkline (from a proposed Herald Plaza station/existing Museum Park Metromover station to Washington Avenue and 5" Street) Bus/Trolley on dedicated lanes for the Miami Beach extension from Washington Avenue and 5" Street to the Miami Beach Convention Center (along Washington Avenue) Le tt e r T o C o m m is s io n R E : B e a c h C o rrid o r R a p id T ra n s it P ro je c t P a g e 2 Ja n u a ry 24 , 2 0 2 0 Below is a map of the County's recommended alternative. fnd l1t'\.i ~ NE ~-Ith St sn lvs«n st } 2 g ~ 4911~ !', ~ i z ! North Miami v 4th5 » { 3 3Avenue &NW ¿%B'' : 1«oh svest I Recommended Solutions @) Proposed Stations N A - Proposed Miami Extension (APM) - Proposed Trunkline (APM/Monorail) Proposed Miami Beach Extension - - - (Dedicated Bus/Trolley) Connection to Potential • • • Tri Rail / Brightline Stop • (@ Metromover with Stations @- Metrorail with Stations z $unset fa1and$ Herald Plaza (Transfer) < g Delle ! sand ,4Children's Museum g 0r i 8ay M d $t 2d st tstSt $t 6St 8st n St 0 st th St sw h st sW9m st 7law+rest t ummus Island Lummus Bland • s° iami Beach .i--, yt4 Washington («)li ) {Avenue & eè /5th street :5 s& $ Fiher fatand 0 Mode s r 0.5 Source: Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Attachment: Beach Corridor Project Fact Sheet JLM/JR/JRG/LKW F:\TRAN\$ALL\L TC\L TC- Beach Corridor 01-24-2020\LTC - Beach Corridor.docx Strategic >e- Miami Area $ I • Rapid Tr ansi t" +'e (SMAR T Pl an;l I @ I , o i { I I I 1 : Doral I s t e ,tiami 1 ardens ea: ,,,,\ --.° 5 Aventura MIAMH>ADE- EI Department of Transportation and Public Works T P @ Mi ami -Dode Trans portati on ian nlng Organtz ation ear .a» EI 9 ybx SAFE. CON VFN IF NT . «A BLE. é%» Vy9 yu0- rs EASFWEST CORRIDOR SA. 'b-r"'"'-'""'- - - - - -0-- - - - - - - - I U £ ± E z 333.. 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"sa „sè a7l I I EE Bus Rapid Tran sit (RT)- Express Bus apid Tran sit (BRT)- Express Bus D' Beach Corridor Rapid Transit Project FACT SHEET Summer 2019 bl {2I2I[ELLI.LILL-Lg [2 EGL.EGG .El,- 2 557r PLAN MIAM H>AD E - E Project Overview and Status Department of Transportation and Public Works The Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) is conducting a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study of rapid transit options along the Beach Corridor. The Beach Corridor connects the Miami Design District/Midtown to Downtown Miami and Miami Beach. The Beach Corridor is one of the six rapid transit corridors in the Strategic Miami Area Rapid Transit (SMART) Plan. The project began in 2017 with a series of kickoff meetings and a technical analysis of seven rapid transit modes with several alignments. After an analysis of transit demand, environmental impacts, engineering and social considerations, four alternatives remain under evaluation. The remaining alternatives include Automated People Mover (APM), such as Metromover; Monorail; Light Rail Transit, such as a streetcar; and Bus Rapid Transit (B8RT). All include pedestrian and bicycle-friendly considerations. Additionally, while there is a draft alignment for each mode, the evaluation process will consider opportunities for hybrid alternatives. For example, a Metromover extension may be applicable in Miami, Monorail along the MacArthur Causeway and BRT along Miami Beach. APM - Automated People Mover The APM alignment would connect N. Miami Ave with existing Metromover. Another line would connect Miami across MacArthur Causeway into Miami Beach and end at Washington Ave. Monorail The alignment would connect with the existing Metromover at the Museum station area, cross the MacArthur Causeway and end at Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. @ 95 Above Grade Proposed Monorail - - Shuttle I Trolley I Othe r Mode BRT Two alignment options- one begins from Downtown Miami, along 1-95 to Julia Tuttle Causeway, south to the Convention Center area; another begins from Downtown Miami, east along the MacArthur Causeway to Washington Ave. and the Convention Center area. Project Schedule* Ma - 'I .s li Alternatives ~ Workshop#1 Spring 2019 I LRT- Light Rail The alignment begins at the Design District area, connecting to a potential station at FEC and 36th St., then goes south on Miami Ave. to 11th St. and east along the MacArthur Causeway to Washington Ave. in Miami Beach. Identify Locally Preferred Alternative Fall 2019 ,,,._.,. hi.' -- Assumes an Environmental Impact Statement document Public Engagement As a member of the community, your participation is vital. A comprehensive Public Involvement Program is a key component of this study. Public involvement includes formal and informal meetings with the general public, government agencies, elected officials, municipal staff, local transportation providers and other interested stakeholders throughout the community. For more information, contact Public Information Officer Yvette Holt at 786-476-2852, or by email at: SMART Beach@miamidade.gov. Pr oposed Automated People Mover Extension @; @ Mayor Terminal tocaton « ii t-uni s -- Co nnecti on to Po tential TriRail/Brightline Stop ,..,!.,,,,,.,~.. : . ./ - r,;;;ì I/ JJ ostrier' ; e _ su coorr, 1'""" ...... 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Limmnus Prk EEEO (@ Metromover with Stations Proposed Alignment - Monorail Shuttle / Trolley / Other Mode (@) Major Terminal Location --- connecti on to Potential TrRail/Brig h tdine Stop I ~ . . .. - :: ·<Í.!!l-''"" ,-...., ; ospite Jv [ wwmrois, ;; f wju coon / /•""'ª ~ ;::,... .1 / ,-J,;✓J $ . ; sel ..7 's, ' -,,_..-t---,- '"i°;6Tt'IST~..ff:'E- JUUATUTTUCSWY • - - ~ ~.:¡;.., ~ .. --• N \ - ..,____, ; e~, ~ ~ "'>il""• :J : ·1: " ¡¡. 3 i F iaml / l ¿ i u= wäuli ; !gs. ¿ _ f'g ;Y; .g ) +1 é • ., > Z ,\ _:; ,- - 4~ £ << e .g \ iemi '•f p I ~ ¡,¡ f::f r f~~"~ S,:ach è ««ss!+ o i s „..2" · :; I a.;;"""""' ~- ''"' ! nSì~r"-- •.,,, ""' ,,_ • •• .. n ~T ~/'------/..! \ uU-r-\ .... rr~ LINCOLN RD I [enu'ii iq pg l $ ¿ s I •••~~ . U 1south o z I rsr l_.s.-: Be ach 7 2 < t · Fugler G 6 • rs •i o f if l ;_", v "e ¿ li ~ %//K" </ eu, g ??Z .\ z;g [} j %.èñ