LTC 048-2020 City Manager's Office Organization ChartM IAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 048-2020 TO: FROM: DATE: LETTER TO COM MISSION Mayor Dan Gelber and Membe Jimmy L. Morales, City Manamey, January 27, 2020 SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE ORGAN The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to communicate the new organization chart for the City Manager's office, effective February 18. The hiring of Assistant City Manager Alina Tejeda Hudak gave me the opportunity to look at the different portfolios of those that report directly to me as well as thinking strategically about the best alignment moving forward. Several principles influenced the new chart set forth below. First, I thought it made sense to concentrate under one ACM the four departments that play the most critical role in implementing our resiliency strategy: CIP, Public Works, Environment and Sustainability, and Marketing and Communications. These departments had previously been under three separate direct reports. This should result in better coordination and internal communication. I have assigned these to Alina, which also has the added benefit of cementing our working relationship with our important resiliency partners at the County. The latter point also influenced my decision to assign her Transportation and Mobility, as well as Housing and Community Development. These departments also work closely with the County and are responsible for addressing critical issues the City faces (e.g. traffic, attainable housing and homelessness) that also form part of our resiliency strategy. I also viewed this as an opportunity to address the goal of building the capacity of my leadership team. have assigned ACM Eric Carpenter a new portfolio that will enable him to expand his managerial experiences. I also think these departments can benefit from a fresh perspective. Eric has recently been involved with development projects at the City that resulted in important public benefits and positive private development that will improve neighborhoods and add to the tax base. I think he can provide good leadership to our recently formed Economic Development department, as well as focus on how to improve our permitting process as he works with our Building and Planning Departments. Since our parking garages and lots have and continue to be important assets that also provide opportunities for community development and public benefits, it made sense to include Parking in his portfolio. Finally, Code Compliance is critical to both economic development and resident quality of life, thereby fitting nicely into this portfolio. Although ACM Mark Taxis' portfolio remains largely unchanged, I did move the Parks Department under his supervision. As you know, Mark's portfolio has consisted largely of the internal service departments. By adding one of the largest departments, and therefore one of the largest consumers of internal services, I hope that the perspectives and experiences of the internal customer can be brought more fully into the discussions, and thereby improve internal customer service. I give credit to John Rebar, w h o is t h e a c t in g A C M u n t il A lin a st a r t s , fo r t h is id e a a n d I h a v e in fa c t a s k e d h im to sp e a r h e a d a n in it ia t iv e , w o r k in g w it h M a r k , to ra is e o u r le v e l o f c u s to m e r se rv ic e in t e rn a lly , a n d th e re b y m a k e it e a s ie r to p ro v id e b e t t e r e x t e rn a l s e rv ic e . L e t m e ta k e th is o p p o r t u n it y to th a n k Jo h n fo r ste p p in g u p t h e s e p a s t fe w m o n t h s a n d I lo o k fo r w a r d to p ro v id in g h im m o r e o p p o r tu n it ie s m o v in g fo rw a rd to e x p a n d h is le a d e r s h ip e x p e r ie n c e s . F in a lly , I a ls o w a n t to p oi nt o u t t h a t l h a v e b r o u gh t Ju d y H o a n sh e lt u p to the 4 floor as part of creating a division of Grants and Intergovernmental Affairs. I think we need to up our game with respect to our state and federal lobbying efforts. By creating this division and using a vacancy in the office to add some experience in this area, I hope we can be even more effective in achieving the best results in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C. It goes without saying that the Mayor and City Commissioners, and their staff, also form an important part of this effort. We will look to proactively involve you going forward. Chief of Staff Marcia Monserrat - Tourism and Culture - Grants and Intergovernmental affairs Asst. City Manager Mark Taxis - Parks - Procurement - Property Management - Fleet Management - Human Resources - Chief Information Office - Organizational Development and Education Asst. City Manager Eric Carpenter - Building - Planning - Economic Development - Parking - Code Compliance Fire Chief Virgilio Fernandez - Fire and Rescue - Fire Prevention - PSCU - Emergency Management Chief Resiliency Officer Amy Knowles - Strategic Planning Asst. City Manager Alina Tejeda Hudak - CIP - Public Works - Environment and Sustainability - Marketing and Communications - Transportation and Mobility - Housing and Community Development Chief Financial Officer John Woodruff - Budget Police Chief Rick Clements - Police - Security Guards Program Director Maria Hernandez - GOB program - Convention Center district As always, thank you for your continued support.