LTC 102-2020 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of March 2 - 6, 2020M IA M I B E A C H O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY C LERK LTC No. 102-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM, Rafael E. Granado, City~ D A TE : February 24, 2020 S U BJECT : Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of March 2 - 6, 2020 Attached please find meetings noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week of March 2-6, 2020 published on February 23, 2020. See Insertions on page (2) marked in blue for changes, cancellations or additions. The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at http://miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/default.aspx?id=1776 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673. 7 411. R ecread Attachment We are co m m itt ed to pro vid ing excellen t p ub lic serv ice and safety to all who live, w ork an d p lay in our vibrant, tropical, historic com m un ity M E E T IN G N O T IC E S March 2-6, 2020 MONDAY, March 2 N o M ee tings Sched uled TUESDAY, March 3 8:30 a.m . Desi gn Revi ew Bo ard Com m ission Cham ber 3° Flo or, Ci ty Hall 6:00 p.m . Miomi Beach Commission for Capital O ne Café W om en/W om en W orth 10 29 Lincoln Road Know ing Event WEDNESDAY, March 4 8:30 a.m . N ei ghbor ho od and Q uality Com m ission C ham ber of Life Committee" 3¢ Flo or, Ci ty Hall 8:35 a.m . South Pointe Elem entary Schoo l M edia Center Sch ool PTSA 10 50 4 Sheet 8:40 a.m . N orth Beach Elem enta ry School Cafeteria School PTA 410 0 Prairie Aven ue THURSDAY, March 5 ADDED 9:00 a.m . C O M M ISSIO N G O A LS M B Bo tanical G ardens C O N FEREN C E 2000 Convention Ct r. Drive 9:15 a.m . N autilus M iddles School PTSA School M edia Center 430 1 N. M ichigan Ave. 4:00 p.m . C ultu ra l A rts Council TCD Coní ., Roo m , 5" FL 17 55 M eridian Avenue 6:00 p.m . Hispanic A ffairs Com m ittee City M anager's Sm all Conf. Roo m , 4 Floor , City Hall FRIDAY, March 6 10 :00 a.m . N o Vacancy, M iam i Beach TCD Coní., Room , 5 FL. A rtist Selection Panel 17 55 M eridian Avenue Hor any and/or all ol the above meetings, one or more members ol the Miami Beach City Com mission , and or City boa rd/com mittee members may be in attendance and participate in discussion s. Aedle Nr: siccac_Al!leg S? ±A rs!c a ??&f!c a:s_a .CE •• Cmrssr Corine Aied.ver #B N o. 000 4494867-0 I A listing of all form al compet itive solicitations issued by the City of Miami Beo ch , flor ido is av ailable ot hltps._//weswcw_giaribeachfl_gov [city hal l/pr ocur em ent /i by lats¿. Io acce ss any formal com pet itive solicitation issued by the City, or to receive any addend um issued to a formal competitive sol ici tation , yo u may also visit www_bidsyc.com/Miami Bgach. Public meet ing notices con be foun d on the Proc uremen t Calend ar at hips:'wcuNwu_miamiheachf go v/city hall /procurement/calender/ MIAMI BEACH We are committed to provding excellent publi c service and safety to all wbe live, wort and play our vbrant, tropical, historical commonity. Members ot the public may pent audio/ visual A} materials relating to Agenda hems oat televised meetings held in the Commission Chamber by ulaing the City's AV equipment, provided that materials are submitted to the Department of Marketing and Communications by 830A.M. one[l}business day prior to the meeting. Advance b mi tal of a pr ee n#hon will allow the Communications Deportment to plan er the use of the appropriae AV equipment. AV marls may be submitd via email at ggmats.agngsugrikeghiiggo, or ha nd delivered in a jomp drive, CO, vi Amnion:. Department sf Moletirg asd Communication 1701 Meridian Avenoe, á Floor. Miami beach, F33139 Pnations, videos or linis most include a label noting the name or groops, cone person, doytime telephone number, email dress, decnpton/titie of the presentation and Agende hem Hite as well as the gends hem number. Acceptable formats tor electronic bmission are.pd, ppt , pet, po», ppo, wmw , aviand mow. [Note that .pdtis the preferred format her Poweu Point presentations.] CiNy Hell is located at 1700 Convention Center Dri ve , ad he Mi emu Beach Convention Center is locoed at 1901 Coventon Center 9« or·so e r4 ss sos .s4vs =moons. 9d8so-sso· «Pf;7"" Jg" 04.2489 and eleer l kdy Meetg Notee ad ava ilable an he Cy's for English, then open , TTY er ad determined to be en emergency wobie or: http;//wc.baia.m.ibes r22 tr±5::7.= proceedings and that, for och purpose, he or she may need to ensure tha t a ve rba tim record of the proceedings is made , which record includes the testimony and evidence upon whi ch the appal is to be ba sed .