LTC 136-2020 Emergency Lane Closure - Pine Tree Drive Southbound W 30th Street - W 26th StreetM IAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Tel: 305673-701 O , Fax: 305-673-7782 NO. LTC# TO: FRO M : DATE: SUBJECT: 136-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION Mayor Dan Gelber and Members Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager H, March 12, 2020 Emergency Lane Closure: Pine Tel Drive Southbound, W 30" street - W 26 Street The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide information to the Mayor and City Commission about the Emergency Lane Closure southbound on Pine Tree Drive between 30" Street and 26" Street. The City has retained Ric-Man Construction of Florida, Inc. to repair the damage to 30 inch diameter sanitary sewer main at Sewer Pump Station #28, 300 20 Street. This damage was a result of the Lincoln Road and Michigan Avenue incident to the 42 inch diameter sanitary sewer main on Monday evening, March 5, 2020 caused by Jaffer Well Drilling. Exploratory excavation on Pine Tree Drive will be necessary to locate the existing sanitary sewer main and all other utilities, verify the underground infrastructure, and determine what materials will be required for the repair. This excavation is scheduled to commence Monday, March 16, 2020 and is anticipated to be finished by mid-week. Ric-Man Construction will return at a later date to perform such repairs after the appropriate materials are acquired. Southbound roadway closures of Pine Tree Drive will be necessary to conduct the necessary excavation safely. All road work will be conducted between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. Southbound traffic on Pine Tree Drive will be detoured to W 30 Street, travel will continue south on Sheridan Avenue before merging back onto Pine Tree Drive at W 26" Street. We will continue to provide regular updates as additional information becomes available. Should you have any questions, please contact Roy Coley, Public. Works Director, at RoyColey@miamibeachfl.gov or Rodolfo "Rudy" De La Torre, Infrastructure Division Director, at RodolfoDeLa Torre@miamibeachfl_go. Attachments: A- Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plan T IS M AI N TE N A N C E O F TR A FFIC PL A N (M O T PLA N ")IS TH E EX C LU SI V E PR O P E R TY OF A C M E BA R R IC A D E S , LC , A N D IS PR O VI D E D SO LE LY FO R IN FO R M A TI O N A L PU R P O S ES . TH E M O T PLAN HA S BE EN PR E PA R ED FO R TH E EX C L U S IV E A U T H OR IZE D IN TE R P R E TATIO N , IM P L EM E N TATIO N A N D NE C E S S A R Y M O D IFIC A TIO N BY A C M E BA R R IC A D E S , LC O N LY. TH E M O T PLA N H A S NO T BE E N PR E PA R E D FO R DI ST R IB U TI O N TO O R IN T E R PR E TA TIO N , IM P LE M E N TA TIO N O R R EL IA N C E BY AN Y O T H E R PA R TY. A C M E BA R R IC A D E S , LC DO E S NO T M A K E AN Y W A R R A N TIE S O R R E P R E S E N TA TIO N S O F A N Y KI N D RE LA TE D TO THI S M O T PLA N . IN EX C H A N G E FO R TH E R E C E IP T O F TH IS IN FO R M A TI O N AL O N LY M O T PLA N , TH E RE C IP IE N T HE R E B Y A G R E E S TO IN D E M N IFY, D E FE N D A N D HO LD HA R M E LE S AC M E B A R R IC A D E S, LC A N D ITS EM P LO Y EE S FR O M A N Y A N D A L C LA IM S A R ISI N G FR O M TH E R EC IP IE N T'S US E O F TH IS IN F O R M A TIO N A L O N LY M O T PLA N ron) a This Certifies that Roosevelt M. Bynes Ii Has Completed a Florida Department of Transportation Approved Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Advanced (Refresher) Course. Date Expires: 02/12/2022 instructor: Juan Morales ATSSA Phone; 540-368.1701 15 Riverside Parkway Ste.100 Fredericksburg. VA, www .atssa.com donna.clark@atssa.com Ceruticate 36715 rpOT Provider 37 HER RI $ME IS is. *MOT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS AND THE MUTCD* FÄCME BRRRIRDES OVERVIEW REFERENCE INDEX TA-20 & 102-613 STANDARD ROAD CLOSURE ON PINETREE DR FOR WORK IN RIGHT OF WAY SET-UP/TAKE-DOWN FROM 9AM-5PM PINETREE DR MIAMI, FLA