LTC 139-2020 UPDATE ON CITY ACTION CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)MIAM[BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members o LETTER TO COMMISSION om mission rRoM . Jimmy L. Morales, city Manager l ,f-es DATE: March 17, 2020 SUBJECT: UPDATE ON CITY ACTION- CO NAVIRUS (COVID-19) As we move quickly and diligently to limit the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, I have issued a new emergency declaration that compliments new emergency declarations from both Governor Ron Desantis and County Mayor Carlos Gimenez. The declarations are clarified within this memorandum. Since the last LTC issued on March 13, 2020, the guidance and orders have been quickly changing. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) is now recommending limiting the size of gatherings to ten or less for the next eight weeks. I continue to hold daily calls with my leadership team and the City Commission for updates and discussions to ensure prompt communication during this rapidly evolving environment. I am committed to providing the most up to date information to our community, including the city's efforts, and all emergency measures being enforced. Current information is always provided on www .MiamiBeachFl.gov/coronavirus. Emergency Declarations Summary Effective Wednesday, March 18, 2020 the following businesses shall be closed to the public until further notice: • All movie theaters, bowling alleys, arcades and live performance venues. • All gymnasiums and fitness centers, EXCEPT for gymnasiums or fitness centers which are located within hotels or residential multi-family buildings. • All restaurants, bars, nightclubs, dance halls, halls for hire (including restaurants, bars, nightclubs, banquet halls, ballrooms, or similar establishments operating within hotels), private clubs and similar businesses shall be required to CLOSE for on-premises service of customers until further notice. However, such establishments may operate their kitchens for the purpose of providing delivery, drive-through, pick-up or take-out services only, from 5 a.m. until midnight each day. The Governor's Executive Order sets state-wide minimum standards with respect to the operation of bars, nightclubs and restaurants, effective at 5 p.m. today. Notwithstanding the Governor's Order, City's establishments must also fully comply with the measures issued by the City of Miami Beach, commencing at 12:01 a.mon March 18, 2020. • All other non-essential businesses cityw ide must close at 10 p.m. daily and may reopen at 5 a.m. the following day. • However, the following businesses are excluded from this mandate: pharmacies, grocery stores, convenience stores, private offices, banks, hotels, hospitals, medical service providers, medical supply stores, hardware stores, gasoline service stations and automotive supply/repair centers. 1 139-2020 • Any gathering of 10 or m ore people on any port ion of the beach cityw ide is prohibited and w ill be dispersed. T his m easure is consistent w ith the direction fro m the C enters fo r Disease C o n t ro l a n d P revention (C D C ). • A 1 2 a .m . to 5 a .m . c u rf e w s h a ll b e in effect in the city's entert ainm ent district each d a y . P le a s e n o te th is d o e s n o t in c lu d e b u s in e s s e m p lo y e e s g o in g to or from w ork. • L u m m u s p a r k , a ll ci ty p a r k s a n d recreation buildings and indoor facilities, and the beaches b e tw e e n 5 a n d 1 5 s t re e ts a r e c lo s e d . • C ity o w n e d p a r k in g g a r a g e s a n d s u rf a c e lo ts c it yw id e w ill o n ly b e o p e n to re s id e n ts w ith p ro o f o f re s id e n c y a n d a c c e s s c a r d h o ld e r s . A n y v io la t io n o f th e e m e rg e n c y m e a s u r e s w o u ld s u b je c t th e in d iv id u a l o r b u s in e s s e n t ity to c r im in a l p e n a lt ie s . Service Delivery The City of Miami Beach is working diligently every day to implement unprecedented measures to mitigate the impact to residents, businesses and visitors from the threat of COVID-19. The coming weeks will bring a change to the face of local government. City departments will be implementing telephonic meetings, alternate day schedules, telecommuting and other creative ways to ensure that services are delivered. Most Recent Updates to City Services 1. Construction Sites • The city was contacted with a concern regarding the contractor working at the Flamingo Building and the lack of social distancing. The city's Building Official contacted the contractor and emphasized the necessity to maintain physical distancing. The contractor has been responsive, forming a COVID-19 Safety Committee and implementing screening in the morning, lunch, and end of day. They are also modifying work groups to ensure distancing, and implementing additional handwashing stations. 2. Public Transportation • Miami Beach Trolleys, operated by Limousines of South Florida (LSF), continue to operate and include standard daily cleaning practices and maintains increased level of cleaning. In particular, "high touch" areas, including buttons, handholds, pull cords, and rails are being cleaned more frequently. A dedicated sanitation van and personnel to sanitize all trolley vehicles during the mid-day shift change, seven days a week. Personnel is performing a "deep cleaning" of every Miami Beach trolley vehicle using industrial grade CDC-approved sanitizing products. Availability of hand sanitizing gels and wipes is limited, however trolleys are equipped with them when possible. The city has hired temporary help for continuous cleaning, as procedures are in place for cleaning after each route circuit is completed. • The city continues to explore expansion of the Special Transportation Service (STS) with the goal of lifting medical requirements that would allow the service to be used by more elderly that may need transportation. Since vulnerable populations, including the elderly, are advised to limit the use of public transportation, this service is increasingly important. 2 3. C usto m er Serv ice C enter • The Miami Beach Customer Service Center call center has expanded phone hours from 8:00 am to 6:30pm, while in person services are now offered from 10am to 2pm. 4. Special Attention to Vulnerable Population • Those residents who have registered with congregate and delivered meals program have already received meals for the week. Staff is currently exploring the availability of other resources to further meet any food insecurity needs that may arise among our elderly residents as COVID-19 prevention efforts continue. In addition to providing online shopping assistance for those seniors needing help, City staff is also providing information on prescription delivery for those residents dependent on prescription medication. (Please note this this service is currently overwhelmed across most providers but is expected to normalize in the coming days.) Finally, staff has provided sanitizer to Jewish Community Services and UNIDAD of Miami Beach for distribution to clients receiving delivered meals. • Staff is also working with the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust to ensure the ongoing safe provision of outreach and shelter services to our community is in compliance with guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control. The Homeless Outreach Team has been conducting street outreach to encourage the homeless to accept shelter as well as distributing COVI D-19 prevention information citywide. 5. Business Community The City of Miami Beach remains dedicated to providing the most current and useful information to our local business community. The Economic Development Department and Grants Management Division, in coordination with Miami-Dade County, State and Federal Governments, have been working to compile resources and guidance for businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. To that end, a line of communication has been established among local business leaders from each sector to establish a collaborative platform to identify and address concerns and issues facing our local business. I have convened a Business Working Group that is meeting daily to share information, clarify emergency orders, and address business needs. I also compiled the following information: • Emergency Business Damage Assessment Survey Governor Ron Desantis announced the activation of the Business Damage Assessment Survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 on Florida's local business operations. The survey, managed by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), will evaluate businesses affected by COVID-19 and the impacts the virus has had on the local economy so actions to implement appropriate relief programs can begin. The Business Damage Assessment Survey can be taken online at https://floridadisaster.biz/. Completing this survey could help unlock state and federal funding. Results from this survey will be shared with state agencies and local partners. For inquiries or assistance with the survey, businesses can contact Emergency Support Function 18 at ESF1@em.myflorida.com. • State of Florida Emergency Bridge Loan Program The State of Florida Emergency Bridge Loan Program has been activated. The 3 application period begins today (M arch 17th) and w ill run thro ugh M ay 8, 2020. T he p ro g r a m w ill p ro v id e s h o rt -te r m , in te re s t-fr e e lo a n s to s m a ll b u s in e s s es that e x p e r ie n c e d e c o n o m ic in ju r y fr o m C O V ID -1 9 . Q u a lifi e d a p p lic a n ts m u s t be a fo r-pro fit, p r iv a t ely held sm all business that m aintains a place of business in the state of Florida, m ust be established prior to M arch 9, 2020 and m ust em ploy 2 to 10 0 em ployees. T his loan pro gram w ill pro vide up to $50,000 per eligible sm all business. Loans of up to $1 0 0 ,0 0 0 m a y b e m a d e in s p e c ia l c a s e s a s w a r ra n t e d b y th e n eed of the eligible s m a ll b u s in e s s . C o m p le te d e tails on this pro gram and how to apply are available at: h tt p s ://f lo r id adisasterloan.org/ • Resilience in a Box To give businesses a better chance at survival post-disaster, the U.S. Chamber Foundation offers a free toolkit called Resilience in a Box, in partnership with The UPS Foundation. This collection of resources educates business leaders on disaster preparedness and helps put them on a path to resilience. Read more on the Good360 blog. • Mom and Pop Small Business Grants For more information on small business grant opportunities available through the County Commission Office. https://www.miamidade.gov/global/service. page?Md uid service=ser14 7154803544 7 835 • BUSINESS PREPAREDNESS TOOLS WEBINAR: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Information & Resources Scheduled: Thursday, March 19, 2020 from 9 a.m. to 10a.m. The Florida SBDC at FIU, in association with Pino Global Entrepreneurship Center, are hosting a webinar to provide key information and resources that small business owners need to know to weather the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes Federal/State resources, best practices to continue operations and generate revenue, and information to protect customers, employees and yourself from the virus. For more information, visit: go.fiu.edu/covid19 WEBINAR: SBA South Florida Economic Injury Disaster Loan Scheduled: Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and then again, from 2 a.m. to 3 p.m. The South Florida District of the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Florida Small Business Development will host two webinars to help small businesses navigate the economic recovery process from the effects of COVID-19. Both webinars will cover how to apply, where to get help applying for the SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan, and answer questions. For more information visit: www.sba.gov • Business Pandemic Planning Checklist To assist with the potential financial impact on your business, please visit the following link for information to help maintain the continuity of your operations: Business Pandemic Planning Checklist http://www. miam i beachfl. gov /wp-content/upload s/2020/03/busi nesscheckl ist. pdf 4 • S ho rt Tim e C o m p ensatio n P rog ram (F lo rid a Depart m ent of E co no m ic O p p o rt u n ity) The Short Time Compensation Program is a voluntary employer program designed to help employers maintain their staff by reducing the weekly working hours during temporary slowdowns instead of temporarily laying off employees. If an employer establishes a Short Time Compensation Plan and an employee meets the qualifications to file a re-employment assistance claim in the State of Florida, the employee will receive a partial re-employment check to supplement their reduced paycheck. This is clearly an unprecedented situation for city government, our residents, and our business community. We will bounce back, and as public servants we remain fully committed, proactive, and creative in supporting the community. JL M /A K 5 EMERGENCY MEASURES TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH (Revised on March 17, 2020, at 1 :45 P.M.) EFFECTIVE MARCH 18, 2020, AT 12:01 A.M. As City Manager for the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and pursuant to the authority vested in me under Section 26-31 of the City of Miami Beach Code of Laws and Ordinances (the "City Code"), as well as that certain City of Miami Beach Declaration of State of Emergency, dated March 12, 2020, and effective through March 19, 2020, I hereby O R D E R and P R O M U L G A T E the following additional emergency measures, which will be reasonably and necessarily implemented in response to this State of Emergency: P A R K S A N D B E A C H E S • All public beaches (including public beachfront concessions) from 5th Street through and including 15th Street, will be C L O S E D . • Food and beverage service on the beaches by concessionaires, including public beach concessions and hotel beach concessions, shall be P R O H IB IT E D . • Lummus Park will be C L O S E D . • All public gatherings of ten (1 O) or more persons on the City's beaches shall be P R O H IB IT E D . • All City Parks and Recreation buildings and indoor facilities will be C LO S E D . Parks and Recreation locations will remain open as outdoor-only facilities during regular hours. • All City Parks and Recreation programs, games, practices, field trips, and events will be C A N C E L E D . S ID E W A L K C A F E S • All sidewalk cafes will be C L O S E D . P A R K IN G • All City-owned parking garages and City-owned surface parking lots shall be C LO S E D to the general public (e x ce p t fo r p erm it an d access card ho ld e rs). C U R F E W • A curfew is hereby established within the boundaries of the MXE district (bounded by 5th Street on the South, 16th Street on the North, Washington Avenue on the West, and Ocean Drive on the East). The curfew will be in effect daily from 12:00 a.m. (midnight) to 5:00 a.m., and shall include but not be limited to the prohibition on A d d itio n a l E m e rg e n c y M e a s u re s M a rch 17 , 2 0 2 0 P a g e 2 o f 3 p e d e s t r i a n a n d v e h i c u l a r m o v e m e n t , s t a n d i n g a n d p a r k i n g , e x c e p t fo r t h e p ro v i s i o n o f d e s i g n a t e d e s s e n t i a l s e rv i c e s s u c h a s fi r e , p o l i c e a n d h o s p i t a l s e rv i c e s , in cl u d i n g t h e t r a n s p o rt a t i o n o f p a t i e n t s t h e r e t o , u t i l i t y e m e r g e n c y r e p a i r s , e m e r g e n c y c a l l s b y p h y s i c i a n s , a n d fo o d d e l i v e ry s e rv i c e s (s u b j e c t t o t h e li m i t a t i o n s b e l o w ). EMERGENCY MEASURES FOR NON-ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES • N o n -essentia l b us ine sses shall b e subject to the restrictio ns be low . T he term "no n- e sse n tial bus ine s ses " sha ll include all bus ine sses operating w ithin the territorial lim its o f th e C ity o f M ia m i B each, EXCEPT the fo llow ing : pha rm ac ies , gro cery sto res, co nv enie nc e sto res , p rivate off ices , ba n ks , hotel operatio ns , ho s pitals (and ancilla ry e stab lishm e nts lo c ated w ithin hospita ls ), C ity 's U .S . C oast G ua rd fac ilities, m ed ica l se rv ice p ro v ide rs, m ed ical supply sto res , ha rdw are stores, ga so line serv ice statio ns , and autom otiv e sup ply /repair cente rs. • A ny re staurants , n ig htclubs, d a nce ha lls , ha lls fo r hire, or sim ila r businesses that are located within a hotel shall a lso b e co n s ide red a "non-esse ntia l business" subject to th e restrictio ns b e lo w . • Temporary Closure of Non-Essential Businesses T he fo llow ing n o n-e sse ntial b usines se s sha ll be CLOSED to the public until furt he r n o ti ce : o A ll m ov ie the ate rs, b ow ling alle y s, arcade s and live pe rf orm a nc e venues. o A ll gy m n a s ium s and fit n e ss ce nters, E X C E P T fo r gy m na siu m s or fit ness centers w hic h are lo cated w ithin hotels , fire statio ns , police statio n s , or residential m ulti - fam ily build ing s . o Restaurants, Bars, Nightclubs, Dance Halls and Halls for Hire A ll resta ur an t s (i ncl uding restau rant s oper a ting wi th in hotels or servi ci ng b ea ch/po o l co nc essio n areas w ithin hote ls }, bars, nig htcl ub s , da nce halls, ha lls fo r hire (incl ud ing b anquet ha lls , ba llro o m s , or sim ilar esta b lis hm ents operating w ithin h o te ls ), p rivate clubs and sim ila r businesses sha ll be required to CLOSE for on-premises service of customers until furt he r no tice . H ow ever, suc h estab lis hm e nts m ay opera te the ir kitche ns fo r the purpo se of pro viding delivery services, drive-through, pick-up or take-out services only, fr om 5:00 a.m . u ntil m id n ig ht eac h day. • Hours of operation for all other non-essential businesses A ll othe r n o n-e s se ntia l businesse s sha ll be required to CLOSE by no later tha n 10 :0 0 p.m . ea c h da y (inc luding w e e k nig hts and w eekend s ), and shall not reo pe n u ntil 5 :0 0 a.m . the n e xt m orn ing . Addition al Emergency Measures March 17, 2020 P a g e 3 o f 3 THE EMERGENCY MEASURES THAT HAVE BEEN ORDERED AND PROMULGATED ABOVE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE COMMENCING AT 12:01 A.M. ON MARCH 18, 2020, AND SHALL BE EFFECTIVE THROUGH 11:59 P.M. ON MARCH 19, 2020, UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE MIAMI BEACH CITY COMMISSION BY DULY ENACTED RESOLUTION IN REGULAR OR SPECIAL SESSION. Any violation of these emergency measure(s) shall subject the individual, operator, business entity, or organization to arrest and criminal prosecution pursuant to Section 26-36 and Section 1-14 of the City Code. The Emergency Measures set forth herein supersede and replace all prior City of Miami Beach Emergency Measures ordered and promulgated since March 12, 2020. ATTEST: w P'A .. cy\ n, R a&l E. G#a~o. ciy Cl er i orales, Ci ty Manager 3/12/222 e 2sz) STATE OF FLORIDA C O U N T Y O F MIAMI-DADE I, R AF AE L E. G R AN AD O, CKy Cl er k of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the above and fore g oin g is a true and cor re ct copy of the original thereof on file in this office. W IT N E S S my ha n d a n d se a l of sa id C ity this dais,Pt .2oz-, ~.Granado C ity Clerk of the City of Miam i Beach, Florida 1111 111 11 1111111 1111 1111 111 111 11111 11 IIII IIII CCFN 2122F21723729 R BK 3185 Pss 1544-1547 (4Pas) RECORDED 03/17/2020 11:16:23 HARVE'Y RUVIMG CLERK OF COURT IA/I-DADE CUNT'Y, FLDRIA M IA M I-D A D E C O UN T Y E M E R G E N C Y O RD E R 03-20 WH EREAS, Section 252.38(3)(a), Florida Statutes, gives political subdivisions the authority to declare and enact a State of Local Emergency for a period of up to seven days, thereby waiving the procedures and formalities otherwise required of the political subdivision by law; and WHEREAS, on March 1, 2020, the Governor of Florida issued Executive Order Number 20-51, directing the State Health Officer and Surgeon General to declare a Public Health Emergency due to the discovery of COVID-19/novel Coronavirus in Florida; and WHEREAS, on March 9, 2020, the Governor of Florida issued Executive Order Number 20-52, declaring a State of Emergency for the state of Florida related to COVID-19/novel Coronavirus; and WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, the County Mayor declared a State of Emergency for all of Miami-Dade County; and WHE REAS, COVID-19/novel Coronavirus poses a health risk to Miami-Dade County residents, particularly elderly residents and those who are immunosuppressed or otherwise have high-risk medical conditions; and WHEREAS, minimization of contact is necessary to avoid risk of COVID-19 infection for the residents of the County; and WHEREAS, restaurants, bars, taverns, pubs, night clubs, banquet halls, cocktail lounges, cabarets, breweries, and cafeterias are potential gathering places for the spread of COVID-19/novel Coronavirus; and WHEREAS, movie theaters, concert houses, auditoriums, playhouses, bowling alleys, arcades, gymnasiums and fitness studios are potential gathering places for the spread of COVID-19/novel Coronavirus; and WHEREAS, the Federal government is recommending that persons do not participate in gatherings of more than ten people; and WHEREAS, section 8B-7(2)(f) of the Code of Miami-Dade County authorizes the County Mayor to order the closure of any commercial establishment; and Page 1 of 4 Miami-Dade County Declaration of Local State of Emergency WHE RE AS, section 8B-7(2)g) of the Code of Miami-Dade County authorizes the County Mayor to order the closure of any or all bars, taverns, and other business establishm ents where alcoholic beverages are predominantly sold or otherwise dispensed; and WH ERE AS, sections 8B-7(2)(e) and (o) authorize the Coun ty Mayor to limit the movement of persons inside Miami-Dade County in order to safeguard life and health, THERE FORE , as County Mayor of Miami-Dade County, I hereby order: 1. All restaurants, bars, taverns, pubs, night clubs, banquet halls, cocktail lounges, cabarets, breweries, cafeterias, and any other alcohol and/or food service business establishm ent with seating for more than eight people within the incorporated and unincorporated areas of Miami- Dade County shall close on-premises service of customers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, such establishm ents may operate their kitchens for the purpose of providing delivery services as authorized in paragraph 3 below, and employees, janitorial personnel, contractors, and delivery personn el shall be allowed access to such establishm ents. 2. This order shall not apply to grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, and convenience stores, except that those discrete portions of such establishm ents that provide alcohol and/or food service wi th seating for more than eight people shall abide by the restrictions in paragraph 1. 3. This order shall not apply to delivery services, pick-up, or take out services provided by any of the establishm ents listed in paragraph 1 or 2. 4. This order shall not apply to restaurants that are ancillary to essential services, including the airp orts, PortMiami, secure facilities, and hospitals. Other essential services may be determined by the County Mayor from time to time and filed with the Clerk of the Board. 5. All movie theaters, concert houses, auditoriums, playhouses, bowling alleys, arcades, gymnasiums and fitness studios shall close. This order shall not apply to gymnasiums or fitness centers which are: (i) amenities of hotels and which have a capacity of 10 persons or less, (ií) are an amenity of a residential building, (iii ) are interior to any fire or police stations, or (iv) are located inside any single-occupant office building. 6. The provisions of this order shall serve as minimum standards. Municipalities may impose more stringent standards within their jurisdictions. 7. This order shall expire upon the expiration of the existing Miami-Dade County State of Local Emergency, except that if such State of Local Emergency is extended, this order shall also be deemed to extend for the duration of such extension. This order may be cancelled earlier by action of the County Mayor, 8. This order shall be effective as of 11 p.m., March 17, 2020. 9. This order shall be provided to all appropriate media consistent with the requirements of section 8B-7(2)(n) of the Code of Miami-Dade County. Page 2 of 4 M iam i-Dade County Declaration of Local State of Em ergency ::actedThis order cance~ls, =c•t&::aces Mi ami-D ade Coun ty Em ergenc y Order 2-20 Signe d: rte&" C O U N M A Y O De.3/3/o 1pe(":a° 'ji.es t.2 C ancelled: Signed: _ C O U N T Y M A Y O R Date: --- Tim e: -- W itness: ------------ Page 3 of 4 O R: E K 3 1 %5 6 F G 1 5 4 7 L.S T F A G E Miami-Dade County Declaration of Local State of Emergency Page 4 of 4 S T A T E O F F L O RI D A OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR EXE CUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 20-68 (Emergency Management - COVID-19) WHEREAS, Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-I9) is a severe acute respiratory illness that can spread among humans through respiratory transmission and presents with symptoms similar to those of influenza; and WHEREAS, on March I, 2020, I issued Executive Order number 20-51 directing the Florida Department of Health to issue a Public Health Emergency; and WHEREAS, on March 1, 2020, the State Surgeon General and State Health Officer declared a Public Health Emergency exists in the State of Florida as a result of CO VID- l 9; and WHEREAS. on March 9. 2020, 1 issued Executive Order 20-52 declaring a state of emergency for the entire State of Florida as a result of COY ID- I 9; and WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, President Donald J. Trump and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC") issued the I 5 Days to Slow the Spread guidance advising individuals to adopt far-reaching social distancing measures, such as working from home and avoiding gatherings of more than I O people; and WHEREAS, as Governor, I am responsible for meeting the dangers presented to this state and its people by this emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, I, RON DESANTIS, as Governor of Florida, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Article IV, Section (1)(a) of the Florida Constitution, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, and all other applicable laws, promulgate the following Executive Order to take immediate effect: l) A n y p e r s on in fe ct e d with COVID-I9 who has not had two consecutive negative test results separated by 24 hours: 2) Any person showing. presenting signs or symptoms of, or disclosing the presence of a respiratory infection, including cough, fever. shortness of breath or sore throat; 3) Any person who has been in contact with any person(s) known to be infected with COVID-19, wh o has not yet tested negative for COYJD-19 within the past 14 days; 4) Any person who traveled through any airport within the past I4 days; or 5) Any person who traveled on a cruise ship within the past I4 days. D. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation shall utilize ils authorities under Florida law to further implement and enforce the provisions of this Section and shall take additional measures with respect to bars, pubs and nightclubs as necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare. For purposes of this section, "restaurant" shall include any Food Service Establishment, licensed under Chapter 500, Florida Statutes, and Public Food Service Establishment, licensed under Chapter 509. Florida Statutes. Section 4. This Executive Order shall expire thirty days from this date unless extended. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Florida ixed, at Tallahassee, this I7th day of M ATTEST: w 2 3 City of Miami Beach Update on COVID-19, 3/17 Page 1 of 6 SHARE: Join Our Email List VIEW AS WEBPAGE CORONAVI RUS Resident Update @"P1° vii @ii i Tuesday, March 17, 2020 The City of Miami Beach is working diligently every day to implement unprecedented measures to mitigate the impact to residents, businesses and visitors from the threat of COVID-19. The coming weeks will bring a change to the face of your local government. City departments will be im plementing telephonic meetings, alternate day schedules, telecom m uting and other creative ways to ensure you continue to rece ive the services you need. Click here to view the latest emergency measures that have been enacted by the City of Miam i Beach as a result of the rising num ber of coronavirus cases nationwide. For additional information on the city's efforts, including all emergency measures being enfo rce d, please visit www.miamibeachfl.gov/coronavirus. Citywide Impacts A brief sum m ary of the city's measures include: Effective W ednesday, March 18, 2020 the fo llowing businesses shall be closed to the public until further notice : • All movie theaters, bowling alleys, arcades and live performance venues. • All gym nasium s and fitness ce nters, EXCEPT for gymnasium s or fitness centers which are located within hotels or residential multi-fam ily buildings. • All restaurants, bars, nightclubs, dance halls, halls for hire (including restaurants, bars, nightclubs, banquet halls, ballrooms, or sim ilar establishments operating within hotels), private clubs and sim ilar businesses shall be required to CLOSE for on- premises serv ice of customers until further notice . However, such establishm ents may operate their kitchens for the purpose of providing delivery, drive-through, pick- up or take-out services only, from 5 a.m. until midnight each day. Please note that the Governor of the State of Florida issued an Executive Order today, setting state-wide minimum standards with respect to the operation of bars, nightclubs and restaurants, effective at 5 p.m. today. A link to the Governor's Executive Order is included h e re . Notwithstanding the Governor's Order, City's establishments must also fully comply http s://m y em ail.con stantcon tact.corn /C ity -o f-M iarn i-B each -U pd ate-on -C O V ID -19 --3-17 .h ... 3/17 /2020 City of Miami Beach Update on COVID-19, 3/17 Page 2 of 6 with the measures issued by the City of Miami Beach, commencing at 12:01 a.mon March 18, 2020. • All other businesses citywide must close at 10 p.m. daily and may reopen at 5 a.m. the following day. • However, the following businesses are excluded from this mandate: pharmacies, grocery stores, convenience stores, private offices, banks, hotels, hospitals, medical service providers, medical supply stores, hardware stores, gasoline service stations and automotive supply/repair centers. • Any gathering of 10 or more people on any portion of the beach citywide is prohibited and will be dispersed. This measure is consistent with the direction from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). • A 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. curfew shall be in effect in the city's entertainment district each day. Please note this does not include business employees going to or from work. • Lummus park, all city parks and recreation buildings and indoor facilities, and the beaches between 5 and 15 streets are closed. • City owned parking garages and surface lots citywide will only be open to residents with proof of residency and access card holders. Any violation of the aforementioned emergency measures would subject the individual or business entity to criminal penalties. Resident Parking Rate Registration: COVID 19 Temporary Relief We understand the challenges brought on by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused some level of inconvenience for us all. In order to alleviate some of those challenges, residents may park and will be honored in all municipal parking lots. Miami Beach residents should register with the City for identification purposes when parked in municipal parking lots. This registration was initially developed for residents to receive a parking rate discount. However, for this temporary parking accommodation we are waiving some requirements to facilitate the registration process. Miami Beach residents simply need to send an email to: residentdiscount@miamibeachfl.gov and attach their vehicle registration and a valid proof of Miami Beach Residency ( PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE). One of the following items must be provided: monthly bill/statement with the resident's name and address. Current statement must have been mailed within the last 30 days. • Utility bill ( electric, phone, gas, cable) • Mobile phone carrier statement • Bank statement • Credit card statement (credit card number must be obstructed) • Vehicle insurance statement • Mortgage statement • Property tax statement (last one received) • IMPORTANT NOTE: Internet/electronic bills are not accepted as proof of residency. Registrations may take up to 48 hours to process. For more detailed information related to the Miami Beach Resident Parking Rate Program, please click here. Customer Service Center For City of Miami Beach specific questions, please call our city hotline at 305.604.CITY (2489), open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Although the Customer Service Center will be open from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m., we encourage you to use our online Customer Service Center if possible. Commission Meeting The upcoming Commission meeting being held tomorrow, March 18 will be televised on MBTV and streamed live on Facebook, but it will not have a Stanley Sutnick hour or public hearing. The Commission Chambers will be closed to the public. The only items on the https://myemail.constantcontact.com/City-of-Miami-Beach-Update-on-COVID-19--3-17 .h... 3/l 7 /2020 City of M iami Beach Update on COVID-19, 3/17 Page 3 of 6 agenda will be extending the City Manager's emergency powers and approving all Consent Agenda items that are not separated. The Land Use and Sustainability Committee meeting scheduled for tomorrow has been rescheduled tentatively for Tuesday, March 31. The Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee meeting scheduled for Friday, March 20 has been cancelled. Small Business Loan Governor Desantis has activated the Florida Small Business Emergency Loan Program with up to $50 million, which will be supplementing federal Small Business Administration (SBA) loans. The application period opens today and will run through May 8. For more information visit www.floridadisasterloan.org or call 866.737.7232. View some helpful tools and resources for businesses expected to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to read the latest e-blast to the business community. Impacted Events For a full list of impacted events, additional information on summer camps and more, please visit www.miamibeachfl.gov/coronavirus. The City of Miami Beach remains committed to ensuring the safety and public health of our residents, visitors and local businesses. As the information is changing rapidly pertaining to COVID-19, the administration is conducting daily interdepartmental calls to monitor the progression of novel coronavirus COVID-19 to ensure that we stay informed and prepared to respond if needed. We are also closely following the guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) as well as the School Board. Below is an ongoing summary of updates from the City of Miami Beach. Precautionary Measures by the City of Miami Beach We are continuing to ensure our spaces, including youth centers, beachfront restrooms and city facilities are being thoroughly cleaned. This includes the daily effort of wiping down every touch surface such as door handles, elevator push buttons, handrails and recreation equipment. Cleaning contractors are also providing additional training to staff to ensure proper cleaning techniques are utilized. Recreational Facilities The Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department will be implementing the following operational changes, effective Monday, March 16, 2020, through Sunday, March 29, 2020: • All recreation centers will be closed • All recreation programs will be cancelled (the Playtime Program for registered toddlers will be cancelled effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020) • All athletic programs, games, practices and events will be cancelled • All Parks and Recreation Department events will be cancelled • New venue rentals for park facilities will not be processed during the above period; existing indoor venue rentals will be cancelled • All field trips will be cancelled The Miami Beach Golf Club, Normandy Shores Golf Club, Flamingo Tennis Center, Miami Beach Tennis Center and Flamingo Park and Normandy Isle Park pools will remain open for non-programmed activities . The above changes are implemented in an abundance of caution as the health and safety of our residents and visitors is of the utmost importance. The operational changes and time periods described herein are subject to change at any moment. As such, you are encouraged to monitor the City's website, www.miamibeachfl.gov/coronavir us https://rnyernail.constantcontact.corn/City-of-Miarni-Beach-Update-on-COVID-19--3-17 .h... 3/17/2020 C ity of M iam i B each U pdate on C O V ID -19, 3/1 7 Page 4 of 6 Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 305.673. 7730. Also as a reminder, all registration for the City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department for Summer and Specialty Camp will be be FULLY ONLINE without the necessity to visit our facilities. Online Registration is mandatory In order to ensure that you are ready to register online, registration dates will be changed to the following: Summer Camp Registration Summer Camp Registration for MB Residents - April 6, 8:30 AM Summer Camp Registration for Non-Residents - May 4, 8:30 AM Specialty Camp Registration Specialty Camp Registration for MB Residents - April 20, 8:30 AM Specialty Camp Registration for NVon-Residents - May 4, 8:30 AM Please take this time to login to your account, make sure your information and your child's information is up to date and your financial aid information is updated, if applicable. Below you will find the most frequently asked questions about registration and this recent implementation. You can also email any questions to cmbsummer2020@ miamibeachfl.gov . We appreciate your understanding on this matter and are looking forward to a fun-filled summer. Building Department Closure The Building Department's North Beach office, located at 962 Normandy Drive, will be closed to the public until further notice, as a precautionary measure. Customers may visit the main office located at City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive. Services are being performed, however slightly modified. Drop-off for plans will be located on the of First Floor of City Hall only. We encourage you to use any online services or email your questions to bpi@miamibeachfl.gov Code Compliance Department Effective immediately, Code Compliance walk-ins are closed. Residents or businesses that need assistance should call Code Compliance at 305.673.7555. Film Permits Under the city's State of Emergency Declaration, all film and photography permits, requested or issued, have been declined or rescinded, effective immediately until further notice. Miami Beach Trolley In response to the circumstances related to the COVID-19, in addition to standard daily cleaning practices, the City of Miami Beach and its trolley operator, Limousines of South Florida (LSF), have partnered in increasing the frequency of cleaning to help protect passengers from the spread of coronavirus. In particular, "high touch" areas, including buttons, handholds, pull cords, and rails are being cleaned more frequently. As of, March 14, 2020, the City and LSF established dedicated stations with personnel sanitizing all trolley vehicles throughout the day. Moreover, every Miami Beach trolley vehicle is being deep-cleaned after every other route. • Based on availability, trolleys may be equipped with hand sanitizing gel or wipes. • When there is an unsanitary condition reported, it is standard practice for LSF to take the vehicle out of service immediately for cleaning and disinfecting. Seniors are encouraged to limit their trolley usage to adhere to the CDC's recommendations to practice social distancing. Business Assistance & Resources https://myemail.constantcontact.com/City-of-Miami-Beach-Update-on-COVID-19--3-17.h... 3/17/2020 C ity of M iam i Beach U pdate on C O V ID -19, 3/1 7 Page 5 of 6 View some helpful tools and resources for businesses expected to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Miami-Dade County Special Transportation Service (STS) For elderly and those with special needs, the County offers an alternative mode of transportation that offers door-to-door transportation service from the main entrance of pick-up to the main entrance of drop-off locations. Please note that you MUST be eligible for these services in order to utilize them. The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be used throughout Miami- Dade County ONLY for those that are eligible. Visit the County's website and learn more about the eligibility requirements. Miami-Dade County Polling Locations The Elections Department is providing hand sanitizer at all Early Voting and Election Day locations in Miami-Dade County. Additionally, there are bathrooms at every polling place for hand washing. At this tim e, elections will continue as scheduled per the State of Florida Division of Elections. On Election Day there will be a modification to the polling location at 200 Alton Road, Rebecca Towers. This location will continue to serve the voters who live in Rebecca Towers at this site and will relocate those voters who do not to another location - South Pointe Elementary School. Signage will be posted at Rebecca Towers informing voters of this change. Seniors and Special Needs Community All senior centers will be closed effective Monday, March 16 . Any seniors that are currently registered in a senior meals program will be served meals by their respective providers based on their specific plans. • Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Center delivered meals today (3/13) for one week and will resum e direct deliveries the following week based on their weekly schedule • Jewish Com m unity Service s will begin delivering directly to homes on Tuesday • UNID AD will supply a weeks supply of shelf stable meals on Monday outside of the center and thereafter they will begin delivering a week supply directly to homes based on the scheduled given when food is picked up on Monday. Many pharmacies are allowing for free deliveries of prescriptions. We recomm end stocking up on any needed prescriptions now. Click HERE fo r information on pharmacies in English and Spanish. It remains im portant that the elderly and vulnerable populations take proper precautions at this time. The city is working with our elderly housing and congregant meal sites to help dissem inate the most current and relevant health info rmation to our seniors. According to the CDC, the following people are at higher risk of getting very sick from this illness: • Older adults • People who have serious chronic medical conditions like: • Heart disease • Diabetes • Lung disease If you are at higher risk fo r serious illness from COVID-19 because of your age or because you have a serious long-term health problem , it is extra im portant for you to take actions to reduce your risk of getting sick with the disease such as: • Stock up on supplies • Take everyday precautions to keep space between yourself and others • When you go out in public, keep away from others who are sick, lim it close co ntact and wash your hands often. • Avoid crowds as much as possible https://myemail.constantcontact.com/City-of-Miami-Beach-Update-on-COVID-19--3-17.h... 3/17/2020 City of M iam i Beach Update on COVID-19, 3/1 7 Page 6 of 6 During a COVID-19 outbreak in your community, stay home as much as possible. Prevention Starts With You The CDC urges everyone to do their part to help during this emerging public health threat, this includes: • Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth • Avoid close contact with people who are sick • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe • Take personal responsibility. If you are sick with a fever, cough or viral symptoms, please stay away from others, including the work environment and crowded area There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19, you can learn more about prevention and treatment by visiting the CDC website . Frequently Asked Question Per the CDC Can someone spread the virus without being sick? People are thought to be the most contagious when they are most symptomatic (the sickest). Some spread might be possible before people show symptoms; there have been reports of this occurring with this new coronavirus, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads. For more information visit the CDC webpage . Stay Informed For updated information on the city's efforts, please visit: www.MiamiBeachFl.gov/coronavirus. We will also be posting updated messages via email , Nextdoor , Facebook or Twitter. 0o@ MIAMIBEACHFL.GOV https://myemail.constantcontact.com/City-of-Miami-Beach-Update-on-COVID-19--3-17 .h... 3/l 7 /2020 Updates & Resources for Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 Pagelof3 SHARE: Join Our Email List VIEW AS WEBPAGE CORONAVI RUS COVID-19 Business Update MIAMI BEACH Business Update for those Facing the Impact of COVID-19 Tuesday, March 17, 2020 The City of Miami Beach is committed to working with our community businesses and stakeholders to keep everyone informed as this situation continues to unfold. Please find below the latest information on mandates/guidelines as well as businesses resources. LATEST UPDATES As Florida continues to experience rising numbers of coronavirus cases, the City of Miami Beach- together with Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami - is mandating a closure of non-essential businesses on March 18, 2020 until further notice. Click here to read the revised Declaration of Emergency Measures effective March 18, 2020. A brief summary of the city's measures include: Effective Wednesday, March 18, 2020 the following businesses shall be closed to the public until further notice: • All movie theaters, bowling alleys, arcades and live performance venues. • All gymnasiums and fitness centers, EXCEPT for gymnasiums or fitness centers which are located within hotels or residential multi-family buildings. • All restaurants, bars, nightclubs, dance halls, halls for hire (including restaurants, bars, nightclubs, banquet halls, ballrooms, or similar establishments operating within hotels), private clubs and similar businesses shall be required to CLOSE for on- premises service of customers until further notice. However, such establishments may operate their kitchens for the purpose of providing delivery, drive-through, pick- up or take-out services only, from 5 a.m. until midnight each day. Please note that the Governor of the State of Florida issued an Executive Order today, setting state-wide minimum standards with respect to the operation of bars, nightclubs and restaurants, effective at 5 p.m. today. A link to the Governor's Executive Order is included here . Notwithstanding the Governor's Order, City's establishments must also fully comply https://myemail.constantcontact.com/U pdates---Resources-for-Businesses-Impacted-by-C... 3/17/2020 Updates & Resources for Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 Page 2 of 3 with the measures issued by the City of Miami Beach, commencing at 12:01 a.mon March 18, 2020. • All other businesses citywide must close at 10 p.m. daily and may reopen at 5 a.m. the following day. • However, the following businesses are excluded from this mandate: pharmacies, grocery stores, convenience stores, private offices, banks, hotels, hospitals, medical service providers, medical supply stores, hardware stores, gasoline service stations and automotive supply/repair centers. • Any gathering of 10 or more people on any portion of the beach citywide is prohibited and will be dispersed. This measure is consistent with the direction from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). • A 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. curfew shall be in effect in the city's entertainment district each day. Please note this does not include business employees going to or from work. • Lummus park, all city parks and recreation buildings and indoor facilities, and the beaches between 5 and 15 streets are closed. • City owned parking garages and surface lots citywide will only be open to residents with proof of residency and access card holders. Any violation of the aforementioned emergency measures would subject the individual or business entity to criminal penalties. RESOURCES Emergency Business Damage Assessment Survey Governor Ron Desantis announced the activation of the Business Damage Assessment Survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 on Florida's local business operations. The survey, managed by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), will evaluate businesses affected by COVID-19 and the impacts the virus has had on the local economy so actions to implement appropriate relief programs can begin. The Business Damage Assessment Survey can be taken online here . Results from this survey will be shared with state agencies and local partners. Completing this survey could help unlock State and Federal funding. For inquiries or assistance with the survey, businesses can contact Emergency Support Function 18 at ESF18@em.myflorida.com . U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Guidance The SBA will work directly with state Governors to provide targeted, low-interest loans to small businesses and non-profits that have been severely impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The SBA's Economic Injury Disaster Loan program provides small businesses with working capital loans of up to $2 million that can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing. Find more information on the SBA's Economic Injury Disaster Loans here . State of Florida Emergency Bridge Loan Program The State of Florida Emergency Bridge Loan Program has been activated. The application period begins today, March 17 and will run through May 8, 2020. The program will provide short-term, interest-free loans to small businesses that experienced economic injury from COVID-19. Qualified applicants must be a for-profit, privately held small business that maintains a place of business in the state of Florida, must be established prior to March 9, 2020 and must employ 2 to 100 employees. This loan program will provide up to $50,000 per eligible small business. Loans of up to $100,000 may be made in special cases as warranted by the need of the eligible small business. Complete details on this program and how to apply are available here . Resilience in a Box To give businesses a better chance at survival post-disaster, the U.S. Chamber Foundation offers a free toolkit called Resilience in a Box, in partnership with The UPS Foundation. This collection of resources educates business leaders on disaster preparedness and helps put them on a path to resilience. Read more on the Good360 blog . Mom and Pop Small Business Grants https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Updates---Resources-for-Businesses-Impacted-by-C... 3/17/2020 Updates & Resources for Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 Page 3 of 3 For more information on small business grant opportunities available through County Commissioner Eileen Higgins or Commissioner Sally Heyman's offices, click here . BUSINESS PREPAREDNESS TOOLS WEBINAR: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Information & Resources Scheduled: Thursday, March 19, 2020 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. The Florida SBDC at FIU, in association with Pino Global Entrepreneurship Center, are hosting a webinar to provide key information and resources that small business owners need to know to weather the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes Federal/State resources, best practices to continue operations and generate revenue, and information to protect customers, employees and yourself from the virus. For more information, click here . WEBINAR: SBA South Florida Economic Injury Disaster Loan Scheduled: Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and then again, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. The South Florida District of the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Florida Small Business Development will host two webinars to help small businesses navigate the economic recovery process from the effects of COVID-19. Both webinars will cover how to apply, where to get help applying for the SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan, and answer questions. For more information, click here . Business Pandemic Planning Checklist To assist with the potential financial impact on your business, please visit the following link for information to help maintain the continuity of your operations: Business Pandemic Planning Checklist. Short Time Compensation Program (Florida Department of Economic Opportunity) The Short Time Compensation Program is a voluntary employer program designed to help employers maintain their staff by reducing the weekly working hours during temporary slowdowns instead of temporarily laying off employees. If an employer establishes a Short Time Compensation Plan and an employee meets the qualifications to file a re-employment assistance claim in the state of Florida, the employee will receive a partial re-employment check to supplement their reduced paycheck. EMPLOYEES & EMPLOYERS: For more information on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Short Time Compensation Program please click here . EMPLOYERS: To apply for the Short Time Compensation Program (required for employees to submit a re-employment claim), please click here . It is important to keep your business and employees safe and to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We encourage you to monitor the city's page on coronavirus for the latest information, as the situation is rapidly changing 00@0 VISIT MIAMIBEACHFL.GOV https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Updates---Resources-for-Businesses-Impacted-by-C... 3/17/2020