LTC 145-2020 RUE VENDOME PUBLIC PLAZA MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANACFP LTC # 145-2020 ETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of t e City Co mission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: March 26 ,2020 SUBJECT: RUE VENDOME PUBLIC PLAZA The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to update the Mayor and City Commission on the status of the project to construct a public plaza at Rue Vendome, adjacent to the Normandy Fountain, in North Beach, specifically the removal of trees from the project site. On March 3, 2020, the City broke ground on the construction that will permanently close (to vehicular traffic), that portion of Rue Vendome between 71 Street and Normandy Drive, to create a public plaza which will extend to the area around the Normandy Fountain. Ten (10) existing Washingtonia palms and four(4)existing Live Oak trees shall be removed to facilitate the creation of the larger open area for congregation(Attachment A). The CIP team has worked closely with the project's arborist, the City's Urban Forester, the Parks and Recreation Department and the Green Space Division, to develop a strategy to minimize trees needing to be removed. Unfortunately, (4) Live Oak trees are not good candidates for relocation because they have a compromised root structure and their health is declining due to lack of nutrients. The (10) Washingtonia palms are non-native, invasive species and are also not candidates for relocation. City of Miami Beach permit number UF2019-0472 was approved for the removal of the trees and palms. All mitigation requirements will be met with the installation of trees as a part of this construction project(Attachment B). Five (5) Live Oak and Eleven (11) Crepe Myrtle trees shall be provided to mitigate the loss of the four Live Oaks, increasing the tree canopy,and shade within the new space. Thirty-four (34) Lady Palms and Twelve (12) Montgomery Palms are being added to create more shade within the space. Nine (9) existing Medjool Palms shall remain, with one (1) additional Medjool, located at the southwest corner of the fountain, being relocated on site. Additionally, numerous shrubs and ground cover are scheduled for installation in the area around the fountain. The trees scheduled to be removed, have been tagged as required by City Ordinance No. 2019- 4308,1,10-16-19 since February 12, 2020, and the removal is scheduled to start on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. Should you have any questions, please contact David Martinez at 305-673-7071. Attachment A: Existing Tree Disposition Plan Attachment B: Plaza Rendering JLM /DM A ATTACHMENT"A" a 1 aN . » 1 I m p N I I II I I II u I 3 1 a a a XOMI° n 1 I I .,N�F \ :Q --�w. 'Jr.- 9x of . p„„. u I 16 I 15 I I aaw.axla`an-'x� I 1 ..�"" "�" se 18 19 I ow SNS /. ' _---- -- 4 . 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