LTC 147-2020 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of April 13 - 17, 2020M IA M I BEACH
TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission
FRO M : Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk
DATE: April 6, 2020
SUBJECT: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of April 13- 17, 2020
Attached please find meetings noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week
of April 13-17, 2020 published on April 5, 2020.
The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at
305.673. 7 411.
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community
April 13- 17, 2020
MONDAY, April 13
No Meetings Scheduled
TUESDAY, April 14
10:00 a.m. Miomi Beach Employees'
Retirement Pension Boord
4:30 p.m. Porks and Recreational Facilities
Advisory Boord
10.00 a.m. Special Taxing District Budget Microsoft Team Meeting
Meeting/Biscayne Point Diol ln: (786) 636-1480
ID: 324681063
11:00 a.m. Special Taxing District Budget Microsoft Team Meeting
Meeting/Allison Island Diol In: (786) 636-1480
ID: 715151110
THURSDAY, April 16
8:30 a.m. City Pension Fund for Fire & Telephonic Conference
Police Officer's in Miomi Beach Diol In: (888) 636-3807
Passcode: 3562870
1:00 p.m. Lincoln Rood BID/Boord of Telephonic Conference
Director's Diol In: (712) 770-4856
Access Code: 107364
4:30 p.m. G.O. Bond Oversight Go to Meeting
Committee Diol In: (872) 240-33 l l
Access ID; 997358309
10:00 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
FRIDAY, April 17
Finance and Economic
Resiliency Committee
Special Taxing District Budget
Meeting/Biscayne Beach
Zoom Meeting
Diol ln: (646) 558-8656
ID: 965 487 583
Password: 342294
Microsoft T earn Meeting
Diol In: (786) 636-1480
ID: 290745120
Zoom Meeting
Diol In Phone# TBD; Will be
posted on Website
Microsoft T earn Meeting
Diol ln: (786) 636-1480
ID: 800562392
Special Taxing District Budget Microsoft Team Meeting
Meeting/Normandy Shore Boord Diol In: (786) 636-1480
ID: 364288779
Hor any and/or all oh the above meetings, one or more members of tho Miami Beach
City Com missi on , and or City boa rd/com mittee member s may be in attendance and
participate in discussions.
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No. 0004494910-01
A listing ol all formal compet itive soliciolions issued by the City ol Miami Beach, Eorido is available al
https: //wwew. miamubcochll, gov /city hall /procurement/city contracts.. To access any formal
com pe titive solicitation issu ed by the City, or lo rece ive any adden dum issued to a formal competitive
solicitation, you moy also visit wwew._bids Public meeting notices can be found
on the Proc uremen t Colcndor ot hps:.//www_miamibcachfl, gov /city hall / procurement/ calcndct/
We are committed to provduung excellent public service and alety to all who le, wort and play in our vibrant, tropoeal, historical
Members ol the public may prent oodio/visual AV} materials relating to Agenda hems oat levied meetings held in the Commission
Chamber by uolzing the City's AV equipment, provided that mot alls are sobmited to the Deportment of Moriaetng and Communications
by 830AM, one {l)business day prior to the meeting. Advance sobmital of a pre«enation will allow the Communications Deportment
to plan tr the ue ol the approprate A equipment, AV matenals may be submitted via email at ç, or
hand delivered in o jump drive, Dor DVO to Attention. Department ol Marketing and Communications, l/0 Meridian Awenoe, Hihh
Hloor, Miami beach , H 33139 Penthons, videos or links must inclede a label noting the nom or group, conto! person, doytime
telephone number, email address, description.,/tie ol the presentation and geredo hem Itle as well as tho Agenda hem number
Acceptable formats tor electronic submission are.pdt, ppt, ppt, pp», ppo, wm w, aw and .mov. [Note thot pdl is the preferred format
lor Poo Point prestations.]
City Hal is locoed oat l7OO Convention Center Drive, and the Miami Boch Convention Center is locoted at 1901 Convention Center
Drive Any meting may be opened and continued, and under soch circumstances, additional legal notice will not be provided To request
thus motenal in aherate format, ign languoge interpreter [hive day notice required],, informaton on occess tor persons with disabilities
and/or any occommodotono review ory document or pamipo n any Coty pored proceed"9 al 305 604 2489 and elect I :te±7:22572±475:±/:7:%%
webs at http://web.miam.ibea«ch ft.gev/sits /erk./ 1776
tr;z22 22=574:7 £:775.25
proceedings, and tho, lor soch porpoe, he or he may need to ensure that a wbotim record of the proceedings is mode, which record
in.eludes tho is.timory and evidence upon which the oppeal is to be bod