LTC 153-2020 Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of April 27 - May 1, 2020MIAMI BEACH
TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission
FROM, Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk ~
D A TE: April 20, 2020
SU BJEC T: Weekly Meeting Notices for the Week of April 27 - May 1, 2020
Attached please find meetings noticed in Sunday's Neighbors section of The Miami Herald for the week
of April 27 - May 1, 2020 published on April 19, 2020. See Insertions on page (2) marked in blue for
changes, cancellations or additions.
The weekly meeting notice is also available to the public via the City's website at
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at
305.673. 7 411.
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community
Ap n l 27-May 1, 2020
M O NDAY, April 27
N o M eetings Scheduled
9 :0 0 o.m .
3:0 0 p.m .
4 :0 0 p.m .
4:3 0 p.m .
4.00 p.m.
10 :0 0 o.m .
TUESDAY, April 28
C om m itte e for Q ualily Education
in M iam i Beach
Sustainability Com m ittee
Youth Com m ission
Budget A dvisory Com m ittee
W EDNESDAY, April 29
M ayor's 41" Street Com m ittee
THURSDAY, April 30
N o M eetings Scheduled
FRIDAY, M ay 1
Finonce and Econom ic
Resilien cy C om mi ttee
Telephonic Conference
1.877.4 11.9748
Access ID: 7824022
Zoom M eeting
1.646.558.8656 ar
1 .312 .626.6799
Access ID: 84284355845#
Telephonic Conference
1.877.4 11.9748
Access ID: 7824022
Zoom M eeting
1.888.475.4499 or
Access ID: 84474505511#
Telephonic Conference
Access ID: 324285163
Zoom M eeting
https://us0 2web
/i/8534 1 18 1136
1.312 .626.6799 or
Access ID: 85341181136#
For any and/or all ol the above meelings, one or more members ol the Miami Beach
City C om mi ssion , an d or Cily board/committee members may be in allendance and
palicipale in discussions.
• Aus le: +BT ABlat. ad 62, A[&L Lee.'2?_ H±.2Ne -nu ct«cs 385 & R u deg.e FG. l
· c mi ssion. Covnitee el le M t
No, 000449491501
listing of all formal competitive solicitations issued by the City of Miami Beach, Florido is available at
https.//wwsw _mi am beachll. gov/ aNy hall / procurement/city contracts/. Io access any formal
com pet itive sol icitat io n iss ued by the Cily, or lo receive any addendum iss ued o a lormal competitive
solicitation, you may also visit beach. Public meet ing notices can be found
on the Procurement Calendar ot httos.//www_ miamibex.chll gov /' ciNy haul / procurement/ cal endet/..
We ore comitted to provding excellent public service and solely to all who live, wok and play in our vbran, topical, historical
com munity
Members of the public may preent audio/visool AV} mat eria ls relating to gendo lems cl televise d meetings held in the Commission
Chorbe by utilizi ng the City's AV equi pm ent, prov ided that mat er ial s are submitted to the Deportment of Marketing and Communications
by 8.30 AM., one [l} business day pr ior to the meeting. Advance obmital of a preenlotion will allow the Commun icat ions Depo rtm ent
to plan for the use of the oppropriale A equipment. AV materials moy be submitted via emoil at gsnisgiunaibegchbl.gzu, or
han d delivered in a jump dive, CDO o DVD o. AMention:. Deportment ol Marketing and Comm unication ,, 1701 Meridian Avenue, Hihh
Floor, Miami Beach, H 33139. Presentations, videos or links mu include a label noling the name or group, conloct person, doylime
tele phone number, email addr ess, description/ title ol the pr ese ntation and Agenda hem Title os w ell as the Agenda hem numbe r.
Acce ptable formats lot electronic sub mission are pdh, ppl, pp, pp», pp wmv, avi and .mow. [N ot e that.pdl is the preferred formot
lor PowePoint presentations.]
City Hal l is looted at 170 Convention Center Dive, and the Mi am i Bea ch Convention Center is loc oted at 190 1 Convention Center
Drive. Any moo ting m ay bo open ed ond continued, and under soch circumstances, ad ditiona l 'egol notice will not be provided. Io reques
th is ma terial in alter n ate for m at, ign langua ge interpreter {liv e-d ay notice req ui red ), in for m ation on oc oos s lor persons with disabilities, ct:ztmz:#7razz.rr%..5%5%
and determined to be an emergency meeling wi ll be posted cn the bullet in boa rds throughou t Ci ty Holl and will be available on the City's
website at. http://w eb.mi ami bochf.gel seityclerk /dfool.ex 7id±174
proceedings, and hat, for och pw po e, he or she may need lo enre hot a verbotim rec ord ol the proceedings is mode, which rec ord
incl ude s the testi mon y an d evide nce upon whi ch the appeal is to be based