LTC 172-2020 Committe for Quality Education MotionsOF FIC E OF TH E C ITY MA N A G ER
TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of he City C
FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
DATE: May 8, 2020
SUBJECT: Committee for Quality Education Motions
The Committee for Quality Education would like you to be aware of the following motions regarding
a request to support the Miami Beach Senior High School Patio Beautification Project and food
distribution locations, approved at the April 28, 2020 committee meeting.
C: Executive Staff
Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning Development Officer
C ity of M iam i B each
C om m ittee fo r Q uality E ducation
M eeting of April 28, 2020
Members Present: Mary Keinath, Joshua Levy, Elisheva Rogoff, Judith Berson-Levinson,
Tiffany Heckler, Karen Edelstein, Rachel Weissman, Beverly Heller, Jamie Adams, Ivan
Alvarez, Karen Latham, Beth Edwards, and Betsy Mateu,
Members Absent: Jordan Leonard
Motion 1
Motion made by Beverly Heller
Motion seconded by Judith Berson-Levinson
The Miami Beach Committee for Quality Education rescinds the motion from the March 17,
2020 meeting, due to COVID-19 economic impacts, requesting support for the Miami Beach
Senior High School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) ask of $200,000 for their Miami
Beach Senior High School Patio Beautification Project.
The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above
Motion Passage: Votes 13-0
Motion 2
Motion made by Beverly Heller
Motion seconded by Judith Berson-Levinson
The Miami Beach Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and City Commission
support the Miami Beach Senior High School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) Patio
Beautification Project.
The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above
Motion Passage: Votes 13-0
Motion 3
Motion made by Beverly Heller
Motion seconded by Beth Edwards
The Miami Beach Committee for Quality Education requests the support of the Mayor and City
Commission to request support from Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) to allow the City
of Miami Beach to transport MDCPS Grab and Go meals to locations in the Miami Beach Fienberg
Fisher K-8 and Biscayne Beach Elementary neighborhoods.
The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above
Motion Passage: Votes 13-0
Motion 4
Motion made by Beth Edwards
Motion seconded by Beverly Heller
The Miami Beach Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and City Commission
through the City's Division of Emergency Management establish locations throughout Miami Beach
to coordinate volunteers to collect and distribute community donations to support families in need.
The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above
Motion Passage: Votes 13-0