LTC 182-2020 West Avenue Phase II Neighborhood Imrpovement Project Public OutreachM IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# 182-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of he City FROM Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: May 18, 2020 SUBJECT: West Avenue Phase II Neighbor od Improvement Project Public Outreach The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to provide the Mayor and City Commission with an update regarding the public outreach efforts conducted thus far for the West Avenue Phase II Neighborhood Improvement Project. The project team has conducted extensive public outreach including continuous communication with the West Avenue Neighborhood Association (WAvNA), electronic email updates, open office hours, neighborhood walk-throughs, property specific one-on-one meetings with the project team and more. In preparation for property specific meetings, the project team has prepared harmonization plans for 192 locations. The team has met and presented 16 properties with proposed plans and received feedback. Additionally, in 2018, the West Avenue Phase II Neighborhood Improvement Project was selected as one of four projects in South Florida to participate in the Resilience Accelerator program hosted by 100 Resilient Cities and the Center for Resilient Cities & Landscapes at Columbia University. The Resilience Accelerator team met with representatives from the West Avenue Neighborhood and the North of Fifth Neighborhood at the onset to garner feedback that was critical in informing the Accelerator outcome. After the program, the team met with community groups multiple times and provided updates to project stakeholders. Throughout the life of this project, the team has presented and discussed updates at multiple community and neighborhood meetings, including the West Avenue Neighborhood Association, North of Fifth Neighborhood Association, individual building associations and other meetings organized by the community. Commencing in December of 2019, the team has held open house meetings at the Office of Capital Improvement Projects every Friday, where anyone from the community was welcome to meet with the team for information or to provide feedback. To date we have had approximately seven in person meetings at the CIP offices and held three via Zoom. Attendees to these meetings are typically the board representatives. Most recently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Neighborhood Affairs Division has provided properties with an opportunity to meet via virtual means as well as responded to emails and phone calls as needed. On Wednesday, May 20, 2020, the city will host a virtual public meeting to discuss the proposed harmonization policies for the project. This meeting is being published in the Miami Herald, emailed to the contact list for West Avenue and shared on social media. Attached is a recap of all public outreach that has been held to date regarding the West Avenue harmonization and private property drainage policies. Attachment JLM/ATH W EST AVENUE OUTREACH Recap as of May7,20@ tests Title Type Date Location Notes West Avenue Ph2 FAQs Eblast 5/5/2020 Email West Avenue Ph2 LUSC Eblast 5/4/2020 Email West Avenue Ph2 Office Hours By Appt Eblast 1/21/2020 Email West Avenue Ph2 Office Hours Eblast 12/20/2019 Email West Avenue Ph2 Office Hours Eblast 11/27/2019 Email West Avenue Ph2 Project Update Eblast 11/18/2019 Email West Avenue Ph2 Office Hours E blast 11/6/2019 Email West Avenue Ph2 soft Digs Eblast 9/5/2019 Email West Ave Ph2 Project Update E blast 8/7/2019 Email West Avenue Ph2 Public Meeting Reminder Eb last 5/2/2019 Email West Avenue Ph2 Public Meeting Reminder Eblast 4/24/2019 Email West Avenue Ph2 Public Meeting Reminder Eblast 4/10/2019 Email West Ave Ph2 Project Update Eblast 2/26/2019 Email West Ave Ph2 Project Update Eblast 11/21/2018 Email West Avenue Ph2 Timeline Eblast 11/1/2018 Email South Florida Resiliency Workshops Eblast 7/23/2018 Email West Avenue Ph2 Public Meeting Eblast 11/13/2017 Email West Avenue Ph2 Public Meeting Eblast 11/3/2017 Email West Ave Ph2 Project Public Meeting Community Meeting 11/14/2017 Miami Beach Senior High, library approx. 90 people signed in West Ave Ph2 Project Public Meeting Community Meeting 5/2/2019 Mondrian Hotel approx. 70 people signed in WAVNA HOA Meeting Community Meeting 6/27/2017 usually hosted at The Waverly's community room WAVNA HOA Meeting Community Meeting 9/4/2018 usually hosted at The Waverly's community room neighborhood walk thru Community Meeting 11/8/2018 pedestrian WAVNA HOA Meeting Community Meeting 4/9/2019 usually hosted at The Waverly's community room WAVNA HOA Meeting Community Meeting 4/26/2019 usually hosted at The Waverly's community room WAVNA HOA Meeting Community Meeting 9/10/2019 usually hosted at The Waverly's community room WAVNA HOA Meeting Community Meeting 10/1/2019 usually hosted at The Waverly's community room WAVNA Neighborhood Meeting Community Meeting 1/7/2020 Lincoln Rd. West End on Bay - Outdoor Meeting (proposed location of pump station) These are well attended, usually 40-50 people neighborhood walk thru Community Meeting 1/20/2020 pedestrian Regular check-in meetings with WAVNA Office Meetings 11/1/2019 CIP Regular check-in meetings with WAVNA Office Meetings 11/15/2019 CIP Regular check-in meetings with WAVNA Office Meetings 12/6/2019 CIP These meetings are regular - [almost every-other week) and Regular check-in meetings with WAVNA Office Meetings 12/13/2019 CIP Regular check-in meetings with WAVNA Office Meetings 1/15/2020 CIP are still on-going. Mostly held in CIP offices, a few in the field Regular check-in meetings with WAVNA Office Meetings 2/14/2020 CIP Usually with the board reps, usually approx 4 people: Tim Regular check-in meetings with WAVNA Office Meetings 2/28/2020 CIP Carr, Stephen Ginez, Shawn Patrick Bryant, Gregg Chislett and Regular check-in meetings with WAVNA Virtual Meeting 3/13/2020 Zoom Meeting sometimes Gayle Regular check-in meetings with WA/NA Virtual Meeting 4/'0/20 zoom Meeting Regular check-in meetings with WAVNA Virtual Meeting 5/1/2020 zoom Meeting Six different buildings took advantage of open office hours, some of them with repeat visits: Mondrian, Capri, 1450 Lincoln, 1310 15 Street, 1228 West Ave, Matthew (building Office Meetings Started November 2019 Mostly held in CIP offices, dates listed above unknown, bike path advocate) NOFNA HOA Meeting Community Meeting 9/12/2018 board member's office on Washington?? NOFNA HOA Meeting Community Meeting 3/26/2019 Mirador, 1100 West Ave NOFNA HOA Meeting Community Meeting 7/23/2019 Mondrian Hotel Commissioner Gongora attended West Ave pump station meeting Assoc. Meeting 11/19/2020 The Gaythering approx 35 people in attendance Resilience Accelerator public session all-day meeting, public session time, WAVNA and NOFNA Public Meeting 8/6/2018 MDC Wolfson provided input as part of the Resilience Accelerator program Resilience Accelerator public session all-day meeting, public session time, WAVNA and NOFNA Public Meeting 8/8/2018 MDC Wolfson provided input as part of the Resilience Accelerator program Harmonization Meeting Individual Building Harmonization Meeting 2/20/2020 Harry and Jeannette Federation Towers, 757 West Avenue Harm onization M eeting [indivi dual Buildin g Harm onization M eeting 11/18/2019/The South Bay Club, 800 W est Avenue H a rm on i z a ti o n M e e t ing [Indiv idual Buildin g Harm oniz ation M eeting [ 1/30/2020[Southgate Tow ers, 910 W est Aven ue H a rm on i z a ti o n M e e t in g [in di v id u al B u il di n g H a r m on iz a tio n M e e ti n g 7 /1 6 /1 9 ;/S o u t h ga t e T o w ers, 910 W est Aven ue H a rm on i z a ti o n M e e t in g [In di v id u al B u il din g H a r m o niz a ti o n M e e ti n g [ 5 /3 0 /2 0 1 9 [S o u th g a t e T o w e r s , 9 1 0 W e s t A v e n u e H a rm on i z a ti o n M e e t in g [In d ivi d u al B ui ld in g H a rm o n iz a t io n M e e t ing [ 4 /1 5 /2 0 1 9 /S o u th g a t e T o w e r s , 9 1 0 W e s t A v e n u e H a rm on iz a t io n M e e t in g [i n di vi d u a l B u il d in g H a r m o ni z a t ion M e e t in g [ 3 /6 /2 0 2 0 /B a y v ie w T e r r a c e C o n d o m in iu m s , 1 2 2 8 W e s t A v e n u e H a rm o n iz a ti on M e e ti n g [I n di vi d u a l B ui ldi n g H a rm o ni z a ti o n M e e ti n g [ 2 /7 /2 0 2 0 [B a y vi e w T e r r a c e C on d o m ini u m s , 1 2 2 8 W e s t A v e n u e H a rm on iz a t io n M e e ti n g [I n di vi d u a l B ui ld in g H a rm o nizati o n M e e t in g [ 1 /2 8 /2 0 1 9/B a y vi e w T e r r a c e C on d o m in iu m s , 1 2 2 8 W e s t A v e n u e H a rm on iz a t ion M e e ti ng [In di vi d u a l B ui ld in g H a rm o ni z a t io n M e e t ing [ 9 /1 7/2 0 1 9 /Lin c o ln Bay Towers, 1450 Lincoln Road Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [_7/2/2019\Lincoln Bay _Towers, 1450 Lincoln Road Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting ] 4/26/2019/uncoln Bay Towers, 1450 Lincoln Road Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting ] 2/26/2019/uncoln Bay Towers, 1450 Lincoln Road Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [ 11/20/2019/Sunshine Bay, 1441 Lincoln Court Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [ 11/16/2019/sunshine Bay, 1441 uncoln Court Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [ 4/24/2019]Sunshine Bay, 1441 Lincoln Court Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [ 10/19/2018/Sunshine Bay, 1441 Lincoln Court Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [ 7/17/2019]Lincoln West Gardens Condo, 1250 Lincoln Road Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting 10/16/2019]CitizenM Hotel, 1634 Alton Road Harmonization Meetings with Individual Properties - West [Harmonization Meeting /Individual Building Harmonization Meeting 2/6/2020/CitizenM Hotel, 1634 Alton Road I Harmonization Meeting Individual Building Harmonization Meeting 1/30/2020/1400 Lincoln Road Ave harm:n!zati:n meetings with indi.vidu:I property ammoniatuon_Meeting_ [IndivdualuildingHarmonzatun_Meeting_ 9/2s/2019]1401uncoload_ "8""" 3oards- Approx. 4o meetings have occurred Harmonization_Meeting_ [Individual Building Harmonization_Meeting_ _3/3/20191402uncolnoad_ """· There is oneoin coordination for more meetings aily . Note: Meetings luring COVID-19 crises are Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization_Meeting coordinating meeting time now]Bayview_Condo, 1345Lincoln R0ad happening virtually. Harmonization Meeting Individual Building Harmonization Meeting 11/6/2019/Gaythering, 1409 Lincoln Road Harmonization Meeting Individual Building Harmonization Meeting 5/1/2019/Gaythering, 1409 Lincoln Road Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [ 5/4/2017\Gaythering, 1409 Lincoln Road Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [_ 5/6/2020[Lincoln Palace Condo, 1658 Bay Road Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [_ 4/24/2020/Bayside Terrace Condo, 1670 Bay Road Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [coordinating meeting time now]1674 Bay Road Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [ coordinating meeting time now]1662 Lincoln Court Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting} 4/9/2020/1670 Lincoln Court Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [ 3/3/2020/1400 West Avenue Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [_ 9/25/2019/1400 West Avenue (Commissioner Samuelian attended) Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [_2/21/2020/1310 15 Street Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting] _2/26/2020[Mador 1000, 1000 West Avenue Harmonization Meeting [individual Building Harmonization Meeting[ 2/1/2019/Mirador 1000, 1000 West Avenue Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [_ 12/13/2019/Capri South Beach, 1470 16 Street Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [_ 4/26/2019/Capri South Beach, 1470 16 Street Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting ]_3/7/2019/131114 Street Harmonization Meeting individual Building Harmonization Meeting } 2/26/2019/1212 Lincoln Road Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting] 10/16/2019/1213 Lincoln Road Harmonization Meeting [Individual Building Harmonization Meeting [ 4/28/2017/1580 West Avenue Harmonization Meeting Resilience Accelerator Individual Building Harmonization Meeting phone call with Alice Palatnick, resident at 1400 West Ave to explain the project, pump 9/11/2019[station and parking impacts letter to Commission 31-May-18]web Posting [published on City website Resilience Acceslerator Update Letter to Commission 31-Aug-18/web Posting [published on City website Segmented Construction Letter to Commission 23-Jul-19]Web Posting [published on City website Discussion re: West Ave Ph2 Letter to Commission 13-Apr-20]web Posting [published on City website Community Meeting Resilience open houses, summer 2017 Community Meeting 6/10/2017/M8sH library Resilience open houses, summer 2017 Community Meeting 6/13/2017[North Shore Youth Center Resilience open houses, summer 2017 Community Meeting 6/21/2017\M8SH library Resilience open houses, summer 2017 Community Meeting 6/29/2017[Murano Grande community room (south of fifth) Jacobs / Resilience Conversation Community Meeting Sept. 2019/city Hall Jacobs / Resilience Conversation Community Meeting Jan-20[city Hall