LTC 183-2020 Miami Beach Efforts & Small Business Support Strategic CampaignM IA M I BEACH O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY M A N A G ER N O . LTC# 183-2020 LETTER TO C O M M ISSIO N TO : FRO M : DA TE: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members oft e City Co,mission Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager ...._____ ~ May 20, 2020 I SU BJECT : Miami Beach Efforts & Small Bus ness Support Strategic campaign The purpose of this Letter to the Commission (" L TC") is to inform the Mayor and Commission of the City's staff efforts to support small business during these unique times of COVID-19. The Economic Development department has partnered with PRISM creative group to create a strategic campaign that highlights the businesses in Miami Beach. Prism Creative Group promotes themselves as "Community Builders", focusing on re-branding spaces within Miami Beach by connecting small business growth, existing infrastructure, and public spaces with new and fresh programming, and by making culture accessible to residents and neighborhoods. A Miami Beach Small Business Support Campaign has been developed to understand how to support the business, promote and spotlight them to generate awareness, and drive sales to them. Below is a scope of work that has been implemented at the City of Miami Beach. Miami Beach Efforts & Small Business Support Strategic campaign • Creation of a survey for City of Miami Beach to disseminate to businesses to collect current operating information • Compiling that information and conducting any necessary follow-ups directly with businesses who submit • Editorial spotlighting the efforts and initiatives of The City of Miami Beach, spotlighted businesses, and a directory of currently operating Miami Beach Brick & Mortars who submit information (F&B, Wellness, Retail, etc) and how to support them on www.culturecrusaders.com • Social Post on Support Local FL to 18k+ followers combined • Social Post on Prism Creative Group to 53k+ followers • Social Post on Culture Crusaders to 24k+ followers • 4 dedicated lnstagram stories on Support Local FL spotlighting The City of Miami Beach initiatives/businesses • Inclusion in the Support Local Newsletter to 3.4.k+ subscribers • Spotlight inclusion in Prism newsletter to 53k+ subscribers • Spotlight inclusion in Culture Crusaders newsletter to 53k+ subscribers Prism Creative G ro up has also been pro m oting the cam paign thro ugh their m arketing channels. Businesses that have subm itted their info rm ation will be incl uded in an editorial write-up/directory that will be published on www .culturecrusaders.com and dissem inated digitally thro ughout South Florida. Please find below , the official flyer fo r the cam paign. Should you have any questions or com m ents, please contact A m y M eh u, Assi st ant Di rector of Econom ic Developm ent at 305-673-7577 or am ym ehu@ m iam ibeachfl.gov. e @ @ 1 ar B e a she-ea MIAMI BE A C H www.mbbiz.com @supportlocalfl #MiamiBeachlocal