LTC 191-2020 Committee for Quality Education MotionsM IA M I BEACH
TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of
FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Mana ger l 4
DATE: M a y 27, 2020
SUBJECT: Committee for Quality Education Motions
The Committee for Quality Education would like you to be aware of the following motions regarding
STEAM Plus virtual sessions, existing educational enhancements, fund 177 Education Compact
refe re n d u m fun d s , a n d te a c h e r virtual support, approved at the May 26, 2020 committee meeting.
C: E x e c utiv e S ta ff
D r. Le s lie R o se n fe ld , C h ie f Le a rn in g D evelopment Officer
M T /L O R
City of Miami Beach
Committee for Quality Education
Meeting of May 26, 2020
Members Present: Mary Keinath, Joshua Levy , Elisheva Rogoff, Judith Berson-Levinson,
Tiffany Heckler, Karen Edelstein, Rachel Weissman, Beverly Heller, Jamie Adams, and Beth
E d w a rds
M e m b e rs A b se n t: Jo rda n Le o n a rd, Ivan Alvarez, Karen Latham, and Betsy Mateu
Motion 1
Motion made by Elisheva Rogoff
M o tio n se c o n d e d by B e v erly Heller
The Miami Beach Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and City Commission
sustain STEAM Plus initiative live virtual sessions (if applicable) and not pre-recorded sessions.
The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above
req u e st.
M o tio n P a ssage: Votes 10-0
Motion 2
Motion made by Beverly Heller
M o tio n se co n d e d by B e th E d w a rds
T h e M ia m i B each Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and City Commission
sustain all existing educational enhancements in FY 2021 to ensure Miami Beach youth pre-K to
12 receive the best public educational opportunities.
The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above
Motion Passage: Votes 10-0
Motion 3
Motion made by Beth Edwards
Motion seconded by Beverly Heller
The Miami Beach Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and City Commission
ensure the Referendum Re: Use of Rent Payments received by the City of Miami Beach from
Convention Center Hotel Lease approved by 79.5% of Miami Beach voters on November 6, 2018
earmarked for education be allocated only to Fund 177 Education Compact and be used solely for
Miami Beach public educational initiatives. (Referendum: If voters approve City's Convention
Center Hotel lease with MB Mixed Use Investment, LLC, shall the City adopt an ordinance
dedicating the Hotel's guaranteed rent payments received by the City, to enhance funding, in equal
portions annually, for: Stormwater projects (in lieu of rate increases), traffic reduction measures,
and education, with any ame ndmen t of such ordinan ce subject to superm ajority (5/7/) City
Commission approval?)
The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above
Motion Passage: Votes 10-0
M o tio n 4
Motion made by Beverly Heller
Motion seconded by Beth Edwards
The Miami Beach Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and City Commission
explore the need for technology support for Miami Beach public school teachers through support
from college students to ensure effective virtual classroom sessions by reallocating no more than
20% of reading and math interventionists existing funding.
Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above request.
Motion Passage: Votes 10-0