LTC 192-2020 Miami-Dade County Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project UpdateMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 192-2020 TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members o DATE: May 27, 2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION om mission SUBJECT: Miami-Dade County Beach Erosi n Control and Hurricane Protection Project Update I am pleased to announce that the beach renourishment project is anticipated to be completed a month and a half ahead of schedule. The trucking and fill operations are anticipated to be completed by Sunday, May 31, 2020. On Monday and Tuesday of next week, the contractor will complete the final grading of the beach area in the vicinity of 46th Street and the vicinity of 27th Street (map attached). These two areas will remain closed to beachgoers until the grading is complete and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) has finalized their inspection of the sand placement. Once the USAGE has approved these areas, the beach in these sections will open and the beach concessionaires can bring back their equipment to the beach. It is anticipated that the tilling and inspections will be complete by mid-next week. It should be noted that this schedule may change depending on the weather over the next few days. City staff is monitoring and will provide further updates if the schedule changes . .. g� -.;-:::: . .:.. :--�;;,;.,;- � r' ....:::.-c-<��-\\_. . - Active renourishment in the vicinity of 46 Street. Photograph taken May 8, 2020. This $15.9M project was fully funded by the federal gover nment. The contractor, Eastman Aggregate Enterprises, LLC, trucked in approximately 305,000 cubic yards of sand from central L TC- Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Project Update May 27, 2020 Page 2 of2 Florida to the erosional hotspots in the vicinity of 64" Street, 55" Street, 47 Street and 29 Street. + • + Completed renourishment at 55 Street. (May 8, 2020) If you have any questions related to the project please contact the Environment & Sustainability Director, Elizabeth Wheaton. Attachment: Project Area Maps JLM/ATH/ESW -a,, ·« { I ·-us ' -+s l I I -ss I I I r.., --- à (~~ ·_¥ ) -«44 -se ts t itet) Constructon Access (64th St.) Start Date: Jan. 2, 2020 End Date. Aprl 10, 2020 Contract Volume: 5,000 cu. yds. (Contract Amount) 101,035 cu yds (Actual Placed) cors»na $, sse su Start Date: March 2, 2020 End Date: June 5, 2020 Contract Volume: 72,000 cu. yds. (Contract Amount) 68,337 cu yds (Actual Placed) I I I I I ___ ) --, I I I I I 1 , I I I t., { I I Contract Volume: .,, : 84,000 cu. yds. (Contract Amount) I ·sss I ) krdn bean Pas (h. Set Construction Access (46th St.) Start Dale: T.B.D End Date: T.B.D é # t to I I Contract Volume: ar yds. (Contract Amount) -,, cosa i ano s0 Start Date: T.B.D End Dale: T.B.D SCALE: 1.800 Total Projected Volume: 305,000 cu. yds. LE G E N D : P R O G R E S S K E Y M A P B E A C H ER O SIO N C O N T R O L A N D H U R R IC A N E PR O T E C TI O N PR O JE C T B E A C H R E N O U R IS H M E N T, M IA M I BE A C H - H O T SPO T S 2019 M IA M I-D A D E C O U N T Y , FL O R ID A START/ END OF BEACH FILL PLACEMENT -------- FUTURE BEACH CONSTRUCTION LIMITS E ~ BEACH CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION &E9 COMPLETED TILLING/ BEACH CONSTRUCTION o DESIGNATED ACCESS IN USE OR UNDER CONSTRUCTION PR O JE C T T E A M : US Army Corp s ot Engineers Jacks-or le Dstct MIAMHl ADE . EImI M IAM I BEACH Last U pdated: 5-26-2020 ~ 3 %¥, J i t +-. R R .5 3 Approximate Limits of Beach Fill Template F-44= . ...J «j I:! ; R 45.5 -4a SCALE: 1:150 Estimated Volume 64h Street Placement 125,000 cu. yds. (Contract Amount) 100,904 cu yds (Actual Place0) CONSTRUCTION ACCESS 64th St. BEACH EROSION CONTROL AND HURRICANE PROTECTION PROJE CT BEACH RENOURISHM ENT, MIAMI BEACH - HOTSPOTS 2019 MIAMI-DADE COUN TY, FLORIDA LEGEND: START/ END OF BEACH FILL PLACEMENT -------- FUTURE BEACH CONSTRUCTION LIMITS M a BEACH CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION 8° m COMPLETED TILLING/ BEACH CONSTRUCTION C) DESIGNATED ACCESS IN USE OR UNDER CONSTRUCTION PROJE CT TEAM: US Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville Dest/I MIAMfDADE. EIm MIAMI BEACH The pedestrians on the beach will be direct to use the Miami Beach Boardwalk at the noted areas under construction during hours of work. Last Updated: 5-26-2020 4 COnsucton Access (55h St.) Start Date March 2 2020 End Date Jure 5. 2020 -4gs Approximate Limits of Beach Fill Template SCALE: 1:100 Estimated Volume 55th Street Placement 72,000 cu. yds. 68,337 cu yds (Actual Placed) CONSTRUCTION ACCESS 55th ST. BEACH EROSION CONTROL AND HURRICANE PROTECTION PROJECT BEACH RENOURISHMENT, MIAMI BEACH - HOTSPOTS 2019 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGEND: START/ END OF BEACH FILL PLACEMENT -------- FUTURE BEACH CONSTRUCTION LIMITS Me I BEACH CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION 8° ~ COMPLETED TILLING/ BEACH CONSTRUCTION o DESIGNATED ACCESS IN USE OR UNDER CONSTRUCTION PROJECT TEAM: 3 US Army Corps of Engineers Jacsorvolie Destct MIAMHlADE. Em MIAMI BEACH The pedestrians on the beach will be direct to use the Miami Beach Boardwalk at the noted areas under construction during hours of work. Last Updated: 5-26-2020 \ 5 5 > ±\, ' • r---a , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ ~Moro<o=<•Um,., } Beach Fil Template i i [> , } =5 u i i E 1 I I I I I I I I { !±¢ { i { i? i 1 1¿¥ 1 I'I l I t ü I I I I ,,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I I I I I / I I / I I I I ' i I I I I I I I I I I I I i I ;y M- » ' • __ l ,, , , ., + À • FONTANNES(EU M U M BEACH .. , SC AL E: 1:100 Estimated Volume 46th Street Placement 84,000 cu. yds. CO N ST R U C TIO N AC C ESS 46th St. BE A C H ER O SIO N C O N T R O L A N D H U R R IC A N E PR O T EC T IO N PR O JE C T B E A C H R E N O U R ISHM E N T , M IA M I BEA C H - H O T SPO T S 2019 M IA M I-D A D E C O U N TY, FLO R ID A LEGEND: START/ END OF BEACH FILL PLACEMENT -------- FUTURE BEACH CONSTRUCTION LIMITS i BEACH CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION 88° ':'I COMPLETED BEACH CONSTRUCTION C) DESIGNATED ACCESS IN USE OR UNDER CONSTRUCTION PR O JE C T T E A M : FR t.±J US Army Corps ot Engineers Jacsor le Destct MIAMHl llDE. ELI MIAMI BEACH + NOTE: k The pedestrians on the beach will be direct to use the Miami Beach Boardwalk at the noted areas under construction during hours of work. The Tilling shall be completed after completion of the 27th street Hotspot. Last Updated: 5-26-2020 « I cnt , 1', ti s7Rev wt- > ~- ·- _3; ~~~'-'ilt .l /y..__ 0 h». } OO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 1 D / /\"-e \S , / each t t 2 / # / .e SCAL E: 1:150 Estimated Volume 27th Street Placement: 24,000 cu. yds. C O N STR UC TIO N AC C ESS 27th Street BE A C H ER O SIO N C O N T R O L A N D H U R R IC A N E PR O T E C T IO N PR O JE C T B E A C H R E N O U R IS HM E N T , M IA M I BE A C H - H O T SPO TS 2019 M IA M I-D A D E C O U N T Y , FLO R ID A LEGEND: START/ END OF BEACH FILL PLACEMENT -------- FUTURE BEACH CONSTRUCTION LIMITS t. BEACH CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION $88° COMPLETED BEACH CONSTRUCTION o DESIGNATED ACCESS IN USE OR UNDER CONSTRUCTION PR O J E C T T E A M : US Arm y Corp s of Engineers Jack sorvale Destt MIAMHl ADE . ELE MIAMI BEACH + NOTE: k The pedestrians on the beach will be direct to use the Miami Beach Boardwalk at the noted areas under construction during hours of work. The Tilling shall be completed after completion of the 27th street H otspo t. Last Upd ated: 5-26-2020