LTC 196-2020 - COVID 19 Rent AssistanceM IAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MA NAGER NO. LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members Jimmy L. Morales, City Mana May 28, 2020 COVI D-19 Rent Assistance The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to announce launch of online pre-applications for rent assistance beginning on June 1, 2020 at 8:00am. The City has committed a variety of State and Federal funds to this effort including Community Development Block Grant - CV (CDBG-CV), HOME Investments Partnership (HOME), and State Housing Initiatives Program (SHIP) funds to meet the rent needs of City residents. The City will assist households earning no more than 80% Area Median Income (AMI) until funds are exhausted. Attached please find income charts for the respective fund sources as they do vary. Residents seeking rent assistance can apply online after verifying their eligibility for City funds. Applications will be accepted from June 1- June 5" at 11:59pm. On June 8", the City will hold a randomized lottery of applications received online. The lottery will establish the order of service for those seeking the City's limited rent funds. Subsequent to the lottery, applicants will be notified by the City (in the order of selection) of the date and time to report with the required documentation to formally process the rent request. The City will process rent requests until rent assistance funds are exhausted. Results of the drawing will be posted on the City's website. Applicants must provide hard copies of the following documents and meet income eligibility: o Identification o Florida-issued Driver's License or Identification Card The applicant must prove his identity. (valid and reflecting the address for which the applicant is seeking rent assistance) o Social Security card for applicant (listing name that matches government-issue identification provided o US Citizenship/Residency o U.S. birth certificate Federal funds require citizenship or o U.S. citizenship or residency (certificate, card or residency for receipt. passport) o Miami Beach Residency o Valid residential lease listing applicant(s) as party/lessee Only M iam i Beach residents can be o Current utility bill listing applicant(s) as customer (FPL, served with entitlement funds. TECO, cable, etc.) o Compliance prior to COVID-19 o Evidence of employment on March 1, 2020 (payroll emergency declaration records, direct deposit records, etc.) o Evidence of current rent as of March 1, 2020 (rent Applicants must have been current with receipt, cancelled check, etc.) rent and utility payments prior to March 1, o Evidence of current utility payments as of March 1,2020 2020 (cancelled checks, wire transfers, online statements, etc.) o Evidence of adverse financial impact o Loss of employment (WARN letter, unemployment by COVID-19 application, etc.) Applicant must demonstrate that he/she o Reduction in income (furlough letter from employer, has been adversely impacted financially payroll records, bank statements, etc.) as a direct result of COVID-19 3-Day/5-Day Notice of Eviction (must be dated with month of assistance indicated and indicate past due rent amounts exclusive of fees) o Past Due Statements (utilities) o Income Eligibility o Bank statements (March 1, 2020 to application date) Federal and State income guidelines o Payroll records (must include March 1, 2020 to serve primarily low-income residents application date) earning less than 80% Area Median o Benefits letter (Social Security Administration, pension, Income ($4,266 per month for a household of 1) and with limited assets. etc.) o 2019 tax return o Landlord Participation o Online vendor registration with City Landlord must consent to receiving o Completion of Landlord Participation Agreement payment from City to bring applicant(s) current on rent As a reminder, applicants for rent assistance must be US citizens or permanent residents and meet income eligibility requirements to qualify for rent assistance. If you have any questions please see me or Maria Ruiz, Director of Housing and Community Services. JLM/AH/MLR/AT 2020 CDBG & CD BG-CV Incom e Limits 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Extremely Low- Inco me $19,200 $21,950 $24,700 $27,400 $30,680 $35,160 $39,640 $44,120 Limi ts (30%) Very Low- $32,000 $36,600 $41,150 $45,700 $49,400 $53,050 $56,700 $60,350 Income (50%) Low-Income $51,200 $58,500 $65,800 $73,100 $78,950 $84,800 $90,650 $96,500 (80%) Effective April 1, 2020 2020 HOME Income Limits 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Extremely Low- Income $17,800 $20,350 $22,900 $25,400 $27,450 $29,500 $31,500 $33,550 Limits (30%) Very Low- $29,650 $33,900 $38,150 $42,350 $45,750 $49,150 $52,550 $55,950 Income Low-Income $35,580 $40,680 $45,780 $50,820 $54,900 $58,980 $63,060 $67,140 (60%) Effective June 28, 2019 2020 SHIP Income Limits1 Percentage Income Limit by Number of Persons in Household Rent Limit by Num ber of Bedrooms in Unit County [Metro) Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 o 1 2 3 4 5 Martin County 30% 14.502 17242 21.720 26.200 30.530 35.160 33.640 44.120 Reer to HUD 355 335 543 711 379 1.047 Pot Sant Lucie VSA 50 24,350 27.800 31,300 34,750 37,550 40,350 43,100 45,900 48.650 51.430 608 651 782 903 1,008 1,112 &0% 35.900 44,450 50.000 55.550 60.000 64,450 68.900 73.350 77.340 82238 372 1.041 1.25¢ 1444 1.611 1.773 Median. 67.500 120% 58,440 66.720 75.120 83,400 90,120 96,840 103,440 110,160 116.760 123,432 1,461 1.564 1.878 2.169 2,421 2.670 140% 68.180 77.8342 37.540 97.300 105.140 112.90 120.680 128.520 136.220 144.0%4 1704 1.825 2.191 2.530 2.824 3.115 Miami Dade County 30% 19200 21.350 24.700 27.400 30.680 35.160 39.640 44.120 Reier to HUD 3 14 617 726 379 1,047 Mam-Miami Bch -Kendall HMFA 50 32.000 36,600 41,150 45,700 49,400 53,050 56.700 60,350 63,980 67.636 800 857 1.028 1,188 1,326 1,463 Miami-Ft Lauderdae-West Pam 3c &0% 51200 58.500 65.300 73.100 72.350 34.300 90.650 96.500 102 368 108.218 1280 1371 1545 1.900 2.120 2339 Median. 59.100 120% 76.800 87.840 98.760 109,680 118,560 127.320 136.080 144,840 153.552 162,326 1.920 2.058 2,469 2,853 3.183 3,511 140% 39.600 102.430 115.220 127.960 138.320 148.540 158.70 168.920 179.'44 189.381 2240 2401 2.380 3,328 3,713 4,096 1- Please note that the SHIP program requires compliance to income as well as rent limits.