LTC 220-2020 Motions from Police Citizen Relations Committee June 22, 2020OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 220-2020 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members FROM Jimmy L. Morales. City Manager p , DATE. June 23, 2020 SUBJECT: Motions from the Police Citizen Relations Committee June 22, 2020 Teams Phone Conference Meeting The purpose of this Letter to the Commission {L TC) is to inform the Mayor and the Commission of eight (8) motions made by the Police Citizen Relations Committee at their June 22, 2020 Teams Teleconference Meeting. Background: The Miami Beach Police Department (MP D") continually aspires to address crime and community concerns through innovation and positive partnerships with the community. To support the public safety goals of MBPD, it is the purpose of the Police/Citizens Relations Committee ("Committee") to, in part, endorse programs that will enhance the well-being of residents and visitors. The June 22, 2020 meeting of the Police Citizen Relations committee included a robust discussion regarding managing the COVID-19 pandemic, a proposal by Commissioner Meiner on the Police Citizen Volunteer initiative, presentation on police interactions with the public, and an update on police staffing and command staff assignments. The following motions were made: Motion_1- Condemning the murder of George Floyd A motion of the Police/Citizens Relations Committee (a) condemning the murder of George Floyd; (b) recognizing the deep anguish that this senseless death has caused throughout the country, and; (c) calling upon all citizens of the City of Miami Beach to engage in constructive, honest, and substantive dialogue to better understand where racism exists throughout our society and endeavor in efforts to peacefully abolish it and lawfully achieve justice. Motion 2 - Biannual citizens review of Internal Affairs investigative report A motion of the Police/Citizens Relations Committee requesting a report on investigations concluded by the Internal Affairs Unit. and their findings, on cases pertaining to misconduct, excessive use of force, discharge of a firearm, and abuse of power unless otherwise prohibited by law. The report shall be provided to the Police/Citizens Relations Committee for its review and acceptance by being placed on the committee agenda every six months, at minimum. The report shall enhance transparency and further engage the Police/Citizens Relations Committee as an avenue for citizens to independently provide advisory recommendations on departmental policies and procedures. Motion 3- Hiring Practices Motion of the Police/Citizens Relations Committee urging the City Of Miami Beach to establish as official policy the practice implemented by the Chief of Police prohibiting the hiring of any sw orn officer w ho has been the subject of a sustained finding or an adjudication of unauthorized or impro per fo rce as a result of action taken while serving as a sw orn police officer. Motion 4- Supporting the Miami Beach Police Department A m otion of the Police/C itizens Relations Com m ittee supporting the Miami Beach Police Departm ent in its dialogue w ith peaceful protesters; re cognizing that the Miami Beach Police Departm ent operates under a set a values that prioritize public safety and policing effort s w ith dignity, excellence, and integrity; further recognizing that Chief Rick Clements has fo stered citizen engagem ent, com m unity dialogue, and enhanced accessibility to build upon the com m unity's trust; reaffirm ing the Com mittee's support of com munity policing and its continued enhancem ent, and reaffirm ing the Committee's support to the full funding of the M BD P as a budget priority for the upcom ing 2020-2021 fiscal year. Motion 5- Recognizing June as LGBTQ Pride Month A m otion of the Police/C itizens Relations Com mittee: 1. Celebra ting the m onth of June as LG BTQ Pride M onth; 2. Supporting the rights, freedom s, and equal treatm ent of LGBTQ people and all people in our com m unity; 3. Com m ending the M BPD on its longstanding support of the LG BTQ community and all m inority gro ups; 4. Urging the Miam i Beach Police Department to re tire the Pride Flag flown at Headquarters and to instead display the incl usive Pride Flag with black and bro wn stripes to represent the inclusion of people from ethnic m inority backgro unds. Motion_6-recognizing June_19as_Juneteenth A m otion of the Police/Citizens Relations Com mittee: 1. Joi ning the M ayor and City Com m ission in celebrating Juneteenth to honor the history , perseverance, and achievem ents of African Am ericans; 2. To com m em orate Juneteenth as the end of slavery, the Police/Citizen Relations Com m ittee urges the City Com mission and Adm inistration to adopt Juneteenth as a city observ ed paid legal holiday and; 3. Encoura ging the entire Miam i Beach com m unity to celebrate Juneteenth by engaging in m eaningful dialogue to elarn about and peacefully overcome the inequities endured by m inorities Motion 7- Sister City Initiative with an underserved community A m otion of the Police/C itizens Relations Com mittee: 1. Com m ending the Village of Key Biscayne on its longstanding Sister City Initiative w ith Liberty City established w ith the fo llow ing objective: a. to pro vide better outcom es for children and fa m ilies in underserv ed com m unities; b. to pro vide opportunities fo r neighbors of different socio-econom ic levels to learn and care about each other; and c. to create a local model fo r com m unity & police dynamics that could be exported to other com munities nationw ide. 2. Expressing its desire to establish a local sister city relationship betw een the City of M iam i Beach and an underserv ed comm unity in M iam i-Dade County so that both com m unities m ay gro w , learn , and care about each other fo llowing a similar m ission, vision, and objective as the Sister C ity Initiative established by the Village of K ey Biscayne. More Info rm ation is available at www .sistercity.us. 3. Inviting the M ayor, City Com m ission, City Attorn ey, and City M anager to join and collaborate with the Police/Citizens Relations Com m ittee to establish and im plem ent the local sister city initiative. 4. Inviting Chief Press of the Key Biscayne Police Departm ent to a future m eeting of the Police/Citizens Relations Com m ittee to present on the Sister City Initiative initiated by the Key Biscayne Police Departm ent. Motion 8 - Congratulating Major David De La Espriella A motion of the Police/Citizens Relations Committee congratulating Major David De La Espriella on his appointment as President of the Miami-Dade County Association of Chiefs of Police and extending to him the Committee's support. The motions were proposed by Julian Linares and Seconded by Rafael Velazquez. The potion passed unanimously. Committee Members in Attendance (Teams Teleconference Meeting): Chairman Alex Fernandez, Vice-Chairman Adam Kravitz, Julian Linares, Rafael Velazquez, Daniel Aronson, Alexander Fryd, Moshe Rothman, Lizette Lopez, Angie Chirino, Bruce Reich, Seth Feuer, and Pamela Brumer Committee Members Absent: Matt Salam and Christine Klingspor. JLM:RMC:tr