LTC 224-2020 Animal Welfare Committee MotionsMIAMI BEACH
TO : Mayor Dan Gelber and Members oft e City Co
FROM : Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager
DATE: June 23, 2020
SUBJECT : Animal Welfare Committee Motlo s
The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide the motions made during the June 16, 2020 Animal
Welfare Committee meeting (AWC).
Members in Attendance: Chair Linda Diamond, Sara De Los Reye s , Jaedra Wedel, Pedro Cofino, Dana
Members Absent: Mary Garcia, Brooke Owens
1. MOTION: Urging the Miami Beach Commission explore having the City push out a social
media strategy to obtain potential volunteers to help coordinate with the City's trap neuter
vaccinate return (TNVR) program. The volunteers will assist temporarily while the City
recovers economically from COVID-19 and is able to consider h iri ng a full-tim e TNVR
Program Coordinator.
Motlon made by: Member Sara De Los Reyes
Seconded by: Member Jaedra Wedel
Motion passed 5-0
2 . MOTION: Urging the City Commission explore modifying the City Code to allow Code
Compliance to issue fines/fees to anyone feeding cats during active TNVR events in
designated areas that already have a committed feeder or have "active TNVR zone" signs.
Motion made by: Member Jaedra Wedel
Seconded by: Member Dana Turken
Motion passed 5-0